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Goodbye Jesus

Freeday Just Doesn't Get It! Evolution!

Guest foolfromms

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Antlerman posted something i think on page 3 that really got me thinking. and will end a lot of bickering/long lenghty post, with it. i am going to make a statement, please tell me if you agree. you look at science and see evidence of ToE, and also feel that in due time "the truth is out there" (yes i am an x-files fan). I look at science and see evidence of a creator and feel in due time the bible will validate itself. We both have beliefs that will be proven after we are dead. its all in how you look at the evidence. when studing DNA back in microbiology, i remember thinking, wow, it works to perfectly for there not to be a creator. and there are many other examples of "working perfectly together in nature." you look at the perfectness of the ammino-acid chains as a result of evolution and natural selection.


now my next question would be, how has your belief affected your life? i will let you know how it affected my life if you want, but it would be more of a testimony. that is based on personal feelings. just so you know at one time in my life, i could have cared less for God.

I really need to clarify some of this so we're on the same page here. I would like to see that we can both look at the ToE and see that what it shows is credible and need not some religious apologists to try to debunk it in order to make their beliefs feel to themselves only, less threated. We should both be able to look at nature and recongize these processes are factual. Where we go from there, is where divergance may occur.


I look at the fact of Evolution and may say, all there is in natural and no intellegence is behind it. Purpose is what we choose to call what works. Another may look at the fact of Evolution and say, "I see a divine creator who started all this before the Big Bang, complete with all the laws of this universe that let the chips fall where they make with eventually became us." I marvel at the forces of nature as a spectacular occurance of natural processes that inspires my spirit. You see a mysterious force that somehow may have intended for these things to coalace through natural processes into what we are today. In these examples, neither you nor I are living in denial of the natural universe, and choosing to belief in a god or not has no connection to anything that science can talk to.


Footnote: I do have something I wish to address though about seeing design and purpose in nature. I don't have time right now, but will mention it later.


As far as being dead and then knowing the truth.... well this is a whole discussion in itself I look forward to delving into with you. I leave you with this thought: "truth" than cannot be tested is subjective and really comes down to what is meaningful to the individual. No two people on the planet share the same truth in any sort of absolute way. So the thought is this: If when we die as you say, we shall know the truth, then that truth shall be that no one knew the truth. There is only perception.

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