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Goodbye Jesus

Mary's status downgraded


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Ok Guys,


For all of you who have endured penance, saying the rosary and attending Marian

devotion. A group of Anglican and Catholic clergy have decided that Mary was NOT a saviour and is in fact a:


handmaiden and sinless, but not the source of eternal salvation
(sexist bastards)




Some of us could have saved time in our former lives, if we'd have known this in advance (26 years in my case).


Funny how the rock solid dogma of the Catholic Church can suddenly be changed by a few men, and now claimed to be Gods word. Perhaps their dwindling flock numbers might have something to do with it.


This speaks volumes about mans influence on "irrefutable beliefs". They are not the word of God...just a bunch of men deciding what the rest of us believe.








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The unfortunate part about this, is that they are by proxy removing all female influence from the church. Marian devotion was added to convert the Goddess revering Pagans. But now, by removing Mary as a "saintly" figure, they are making it more difficult for Catholic women to find a divine female of Godlike calibre to look up to.


Mary is oft referred to as "the Mother of God". She should be equally revered as the Deity that knocked her up to spawn Jesus.

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So does this have any bearing on the value of the ‘Virgin Mary grilled cheese’ ?



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Ugh!! :glare:




My 5 siblings and I were forced to pray the rosary every night without fail until we moved out of the house. We even had to kneel on the living room floor when it was our turn to say a decade. We also had to give mini-sermons on the "mystery" we had to pray. It sucked royally. There were also 10-15 bonus prayers before and after. We also had to say the rosary on any car trip. I learned to fall asleep as soon as the car started moving.


I don't think this declaration is going to make my parents junk their statue of the Most Blessed Virgin, votive candle, and bucket of rosaries.

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Ugh!! :glare:




My 5 siblings and I were forced to pray the rosary every night without fail until we moved out of the house.  We even had to kneel on the living room floor when it was our turn to say a decade.  We also had to give mini-sermons on the "mystery" we had to pray.  It sucked royally.  There were also 10-15 bonus prayers before and after.  We also had to say the rosary on any car trip.  I learned to fall asleep as soon as the car started moving.


I don't think this declaration is going to make my parents junk their statue of the Most Blessed Virgin, votive candle, and bucket of rosaries.


Yowch Clearview,


My parents only took us to Church to please my more orthodox grandparents.

It was the people I hung out with in my teens and early 20's that were extreme. I was a loner growing up, so a sense of belonging and being "accepted" meant immersing oneself deeper and deeper into this mystical rubbish. To be honest, I still don't understand it.


Agreed, saying repetitive Hail Mary's was almost coma inducing. How can it mean anything when you are saying it over and over?


Hail Mary blah blah blah blah...

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I suppose this'll make my roommate happy; he goes off on Catholics for putting devotion to Mary higher than Jesus (at least to his Lutheran view). Now I guess he'll need some other reason to bitch.

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What I want to know is what pagan would be stupid enough to think that Mary can serve as a replacement of the Goddess? Isn't this the same woman who was called a whore?


Keep in mind I'm not condemning her profession... I'm condemning the narrow-minded bigots who do.



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What I want to know is what pagan would be stupid enough to think that Mary can serve as a replacement of the Goddess? Isn't this the same woman who was called a whore?


Keep in mind I'm not condemning her profession... I'm condemning the narrow-minded bigots who do.




You're thinking of Mary Magdalene. It's not the same Mary.

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You're thinking of Mary Magdalene. It's not the same Mary.




Need more rest... this flu is making me zooey.



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