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Goodbye Jesus

Are the Taliban following biblical law?


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The Taliban have been condemned around the world as one of the most brutal and repressive regimes, inflicting a strict form of Shria law that has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands and the loss of most civil rights.  The thought occurs, how different is the theocratic government of the Taliban from the biblical Jewish and Christian groups?

The Taliban don't allow women to be uncovered, to teach, to work (barring providing other women healthcare) or to be out of their home unless escorted by a male relative.  This misogyny seems pretty extreme, but then when you compare it to the biblical teachings including women being covered, not teaching, having no authority, having no consent or choice and being valued less than men, there are a lot of parallels.


The Taliban kill gays, unbelievers or believers in other religions, as well as anyone they deem breaching public sensibility or committing blasphemy.  The bible tells us to kill gays, unbelievers, believers in other religions and lays out plenty of capital punishment crimes including victimless crimes and even thought crimes.  You could easily get to the same legal setting as the Taliban.


The Taliban have killed thousands once they took control, while Christian on Christian killing throughout Europe's history was constant.  The Taliban destroyed libraries, museums and thousands of ancient relics, while Christians destroyed Islamic temples, melted down holy symbols and destroyed anything "blasphemous".  Inquisitions and witch trials would not have been possible without the rulers being fully onboard with the church killing for any reason they deemed against God.  


Even just imagining Jesus and the 12 disciples, these would have been middle eastern looking men, bearded, speaking regional languages and wearing the same flowing robes that people from desert regions wear.  They would have looked exactly like the Islamic people today, and nothing like any European person would picture in their mind.


Christians are willing to die for their God as they are so convinced they are correct, the Taliban are exactly the same, absolutely convinced they are correct.  It's all taught behaviour, but I would suggest that that same taught behaviour was the norm 2000 years ago, and in appearance, laws and attitude I doubt we would see any great difference between those we now condemn as horrific, and those the bible holds up as God's chosen people, lead to greatness by His word.

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