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Goodbye Jesus

The Other Side of the Debate


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I used to say that people lie. Someone pointed out to me that inaccuracies may be a better way to say it. Anyways, I was lied to by people who lied to themselves. Maybe many generations of lying going on….or intentional inaccuracies. Take your pick. 

What’s this lie that I’m referring to?

The other side is completely wrong.

As it turns out the agnostics and atheists have valid arguments. I suspect they have for a long time. I don’t like it when someone hides truth from me. Especially while proclaiming their way is the only truth. 

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Why is it that when a child has an imaginary friend we think it's cute but not 'normal' per se, but when an adult has an imaginary friend (he calls God) it's spiritual?🤔

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3 hours ago, Crithin8 said:

 I was lied to by people who lied to themselves. Maybe many generations of lying going on….or intentional inaccuracies. Take your pick. 


I think most of us here can identify with your frustration, and agree the faith is full of "inaccuracies", but I don't think most believers are giving out inaccuracies intentionally, or are lying.   They honestly believe the information is true.   They and hundreds of generations before them have been decieved.  It has gone on so long that it has come to be considered the "truth".  Yes, it is VERY frustrating to those who have seen through the inaccuracies.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/27/2024 at 2:56 PM, Crithin8 said:

I used to say that people lie. Someone pointed out to me that inaccuracies may be a better way to say it. Anyways, I was lied to by people who lied to themselves. Maybe many generations of lying going on….or intentional inaccuracies. Take your pick. 

What’s this lie that I’m referring to?

The other side is completely wrong.

As it turns out the agnostics and atheists have valid arguments. I suspect they have for a long time. I don’t like it when someone hides truth from me. Especially while proclaiming their way is the only truth. 


I grew up as a WASP: White, Anglo-Saxon-Protestant. The adults in my family never told us kids that the other side were liars or bad guys -- just FOOLS. Catholics: Foolish for praying to the virgin marry, foolish for making the sign of the cross and praying to idols, foolish for praying to the so-called saints, women needing a head cover in church, etc. Jews: requiring those "stupid" yamakas in synagogues, moslems and all their rituals, etc. Mormons and their "stupid" extra book of the bible, JW's for their door to door proselytizing and strictly literal beliefs, etc. We quietly laughed at the beliefs of all other religions. They were not bad guys or liars to us, just misguided foolish people. Arguing, or our certainty, was never really a part of our belief system.


Although my mother never said it to my face, upon finding out that I became an atheist, in her eyes I also became an educated fool, thinking that college turned me into a foolish atheist. As an atheist I see no point in arguing either. In my eyes religious people are simply "foolish people" with their silly, misguided beliefs and rituals. So I guess "foolish" has always been an important word in my continued belief system :)

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5 hours ago, pantheory said:

misguided foolish people. Arguing, or our certainty, was never really a part of our belief system.


I just found an interesting quote from Bertrand Russell:

"Those who are stupid are so full of certainty and those who are wise are so unsure."

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19 hours ago, older said:


I just found an interesting quote from Bertrand Russell:

"Those who are stupid are so full of certainty and those who are wise are so unsure."


Yes, really great quote  🍻  But unfortunately it also means that I'm somewhat unwise since I'm fairly sure that all religions are pure BS,  🤡

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On 9/9/2024 at 12:24 PM, pantheory said:

But unfortunately it also means that I'm somewhat unwise since I'm fairly sure that all religions are pure BS

Not at all. Being "fairly sure" means that you are not sure. Therefore you are wise.

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10 hours ago, older said:

Not at all. Being "fairly sure" means that you are not sure. Therefore you are wise.


It may seem that way to you but I'm fairly sure that I'm unwise since decades ago I bet my immortal soul for a six pack of beer, the devil never showed up to take my bet or deliver the beer because he probably knew that I didn't believe in God or him, otherwise I would not have settled for less than a case of beer, right ? :)

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