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Goodbye Jesus

Sky Daddy


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Hello Faithless Jester here I was raised in the church told to believe that the sky daddy loved us yeah right what a load of dung. I do not believe in that fairytale anymore if God truly loved us then he wouldn't of created us to live in torment. I do believe in energy we are all energy but I think we have to be our own God. We are all here trying to figure it out. Let's just enjoy the ride even if it is a Rollercoaster. My rant is that I do not believe in sky daddy anymore he's just imagination. If you want to believe in something believe in yourself.

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8 hours ago, FaithlessJester said:

 If you want to believe in something believe in yourself.

👍 👍

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13 hours ago, FaithlessJester said:

Hello Faithless Jester here I was raised in the church told to believe that the sky daddy loved us yeah right what a load of dung. I do not believe in that fairytale anymore if God truly loved us then he wouldn't of created us to live in torment. I do believe in energy we are all energy but I think we have to be our own God. We are all here trying to figure it out. Let's just enjoy the ride even if it is a Rollercoaster. My rant is that I do not believe in sky daddy anymore he's just imagination. If you want to believe in something believe in yourself.


Welcome to our forum FaithlessJester. Glad to have you here sir. Looking forward to your future postings.


You say in your profile to the left of your posting that you believe in Jesus as a God.


But your thread is saying NO !! to a sky Daddy. What do you actually believe concerning a God of some kind?



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19 hours ago, FaithlessJester said:

If you want to believe in something believe in yourself.


Greetings FJ! I agree with this as well. A famous person said, "Learn to trust yourself more rather than trust life less". Sound advice indeed! 😉



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