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George Carlin on religion


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Some of you have probably seen some of George Carlin's rants on religion. I found this compilation of several of his routines all on one video and thought you'd enjoy it. Trigger warning: there are Lots of f-bombs in it. But there are some good laughs as well as some very serious and valid criticisms of religion. (And, I think, some validations for those of us who have left it behind.)




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18 hours ago, older said:

Some of you have probably seen some of George Carlin's rants on religion. I found this compilation of several of his routines all on one video and thought you'd enjoy it. Trigger warning: there are Lots of f-bombs in it. But there are some good laughs as well as some very serious and valid criticisms of religion. (And, I think, some validations for those of us who have left it behind.)





Yeah, George was one of very few comedians that I can remember that made countless jokes about religion, that IMO were always very funny.  One of my favorites was that he said that he was raised as a Catholic and believed in God until he reached the age of reason. Then he said that he started to become an atheist about the age of 4 (his age of reason), when at the same time he realized there was also no Santa or flying reindeer :)

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It never occurred to me to pray to Joe Pesci but I think I'll give it a try! 🤗

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