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A Rant: Door to door Jesus peddling


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When I was (briefly) a Girl Scout as a kid, I used to dread the time of year we had to sell cookies. I was not good at it, hated it all and flat out underperformed, while my sister, money-grubber that she is, almost always made a lot of money at it. Going door to door was her specialty and she could talk a begger out of his last dime.


This set her up beautifully for becoming a xtian. After all, peddling cookies isn't so different than peddling Jesus door to door, the end result being more bodies and offerings in the pretty silver plate on Sunday morning.


I don't remember being required to witness door to door as an Air Force brat attending the local air base chapel. But sometimes we were exposed to it from other church groups everywhere we went. If I did any of that, my child brain has thoroughly erased it from my memory as second only to the end-of-sermon cattle call to get saved. Which also happened less often with Air Force chaplains.


Over the years I never had a chance to attend Catholic mass but I always admired the fact they never sent their congregants out to recruit for this cheap excuse for spreading the good 'news' (2000 years later it's not news). I also imagined their sermons were shorter and less guilt laden (isn't that saved for confessional?).


But I digress....


Now I get people coming to my house to recruit me (or in the damn convenience store!). The town I've been in consists of MAYBE 2300 people and at one time had 16 churches. They've told me “This is a Mormon town”, but their temple, unlike most I've seen, is not in a prominent part of town. They DO, however, send their folks out to recruit, always recognizable in their white shirts, ties, Bibles and pamphlets, etc.


I once asked the pastor of a church trying to recruit me (while heavily drinking alcohol and who knows what else?) why I should attend his church instead of one of the other 16 in town and he flat out didn't have an answer. I think he even gave me some kudos about it.


The other group that does this out here in the Wild West is the Jehova's Witnesses (yet another home grown all American religion). I find it funny that what I consider the fringy side of xtianity does a lot of money gathering (fundraising for the church?) is quietly sitting on billions of dollars we in the masses don't know about.


Sure wish they'd get taxed...sigh. 😡


Anybody else get door-to-door Jesus peddlers?



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The area where we live has a lot of Catholics, and door to door religious stuff is not tolerated well.  In the 12 years we have lived here the mormons came by once, and the Jehovah witness once.  Each of them got a copy of my essay, RELIGIOUS TRUTH: A GRADUAL AWAKENING in exchange for their handouts.  The JWs actually mailed back some more of thier literature, and that was the end of that.

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1 hour ago, moxieflux66 said:

When I was (briefly) a Girl Scout as a kid, I used to dread the time of year we had to sell cookies. I was not good at it, hated it all and flat out underperformed, while my sister, money-grubber that she is, almost always made a lot of money at it. Going door to door was her specialty and she could talk a begger out of his last dime.


This set her up beautifully for becoming a xtian. After all, peddling cookies isn't so different than peddling Jesus door to door, the end result being more bodies and offerings in the pretty silver plate on Sunday morning.


I feel like this describes my mom if she were to have her own career (most likely in marketing/real estate). She is very persuasive during her Bible study housewife group during discussions... Or trying to tell me how to live my life or participate in activities that she wants me to do/not to do. Her lack of boundaries from trying to persuade doing church-related things she wanted me to do have made me reduce contact with her in the past few months.


Also, I would have gladly bought a box of thin mints, samosas, and lemon-ups from you without hesitation!


1 hour ago, moxieflux66 said:

Now I get people coming to my house to recruit me (or in the damn convenience store!). The town I've been in consists of MAYBE 2300 people and at one time had 16 churches. They've told me “This is a Mormon town”, but their temple, unlike most I've seen, is not in a prominent part of town. They DO, however, send their folks out to recruit, always recognizable in their white shirts, ties, Bibles and pamphlets, etc.


Anybody else get door-to-door Jesus peddlers?


The current town I live in has decreased door-to-door Jesus peddlers significantly in the past 20 years. This is due to more ethnic diversity of Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist and other non-Christian based households moving into the neighborhoods (which church members most likely intentionally not want them in their orgs for prejudiced reasons..). But before the shift in demographics, it was common for teen peers and young families to go door-knocking in neighborhoods near my family's church.. or during church summer school making students go out in the park and walk up to people at their benches 😖


Nowadays, new school peddlers are a bunch of church clubs on college campuses during club recruitment week. They disguise themselves as inviting spaces for any college student to explore and meet new people. Free meals and game night for broke students are their lure of choice.

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39 minutes ago, Weezer said:

Each of them got a copy of my essay, RELIGIOUS TRUTH: A GRADUAL AWAKENING in exchange for their handouts.  The JWs actually mailed back some more of thier literature, and that was the end of that.


That is epic! Good strategy! Sounds like maybe they didn't have a rebuttal for your essay? 😉


16 minutes ago, AnonSan said:

I feel like this describes my mom if she were to have her own career (most likely in marketing/real estate). She is very persuasive during her Bible study housewife group during discussions... Or trying to tell me how to live my life or participate in activities that she wants me to do/not to do. Her lack of boundaries from trying to persuade doing church-related things she wanted me to do have made me reduce contact with her in the past few months.



Maybe most xtians are actually wannabe marketers. Interesting to think of what might have happened to your mom, MY mom, and a host of other xtians who couldn't quite cut it in the real world...that's too bad. :begood:


But hey! Marketers for Jesus must be a great profession! NOT! 

18 minutes ago, AnonSan said:

Also, I would have gladly bought a box of thin mints, samosas, and lemon-ups from you without hesitation!


🤣 ❤️ Thank you!! 


20 minutes ago, AnonSan said:

The current town I live in has decreased door-to-door Jesus peddlers significantly in the past 20 years. This is due to more ethnic diversity of Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist and other non-Christian based households moving into the neighborhoods (which church members most likely intentionally not want them in their orgs for prejudiced reasons..). But before the shift in demographics, it was common for teen peers and young families to go door-knocking in neighborhoods near my family's church.. or during church summer school making students go out in the park and walk up to people at their benches 😖


Move over, xtian monopoly! The Rest of the World is at your doorstep!! 


21 minutes ago, AnonSan said:

Nowadays, new school peddlers are a bunch of church clubs on college campuses during club recruitment week. They disguise themselves as inviting spaces for any college student to explore and meet new people. Free meals and game night for broke students are their lure of choice.


Yep. Dishonesty is their preferred M.O. 🙄

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55 minutes ago, moxieflux66 said:

Maybe most xtians are actually wannabe marketers. Interesting to think of what might have happened to your mom, MY mom, and a host of other xtians who couldn't quite cut it in the real world...that's too bad. :begood:


But hey! Marketers for Jesus must be a great profession! NOT! 


Speaking of which, no wonder why MLM multi-level markets exist. Their (faith-based) business model attracts many Christian housewives as they have a church network it means to convert their social power -> income via climbing the social hierarchy and added peer pressure. Also, provides a "socially acceptable" loophole for certain Christian sects that discourage mothers to work outside of their home and getting extra income on the side.

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6 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

Anybody else get door-to-door Jesus peddlers?

I haven’t. Done it twice before. Once along with the group to get people to get saved. I didn’t like that much. Second time was giving a card inviting people to church. That was okay because at the time the church was laid back and almost fun. Then the pastor flipped the switch to I have an agenda get on board. That was not for me. I agree on the sales tactics to up the number count being just a tactic. 

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5 hours ago, AnonSan said:


Speaking of which, no wonder why MLM multi-level markets exist. Their (faith-based) business model attracts many Christian housewives as they have a church network it means to convert their social power -> income via climbing the social hierarchy and added peer pressure. Also, provides a "socially acceptable" loophole for certain Christian sects that discourage mothers to work outside of their home and getting extra income on the side.


So that's how all those uber wealthy pastors in giant cathedrals with private jets do it! Wonder if they have mob connections too. 🤔

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6 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:


Move over, xtian monopoly! The Rest of the World is at your doorstep!! 


And right wing Christian caucasians are in a panic!

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Out here in a rural area in 44 years I think there have only been three or four in all that time. There are so many fences and gates, and the distances involved are such that I think they don't come because of the ratio of time involved to doors opened.


I have thought about answering the door while wearing a Satan costume and holding a chain saw, and then inviting them in for some of the baby we just barbecued. 


I'm also waiting for a chance to ask one of the four questions I have for Christians, which I posted here:



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3 hours ago, older said:

Out here in a rural area in 44 years I think there have only been three or four in all that time. There are so many fences and gates, and the distances involved are such that I think they don't come because of the ratio of time involved to doors opened.


I've seen a few brazen xtians step right through gates, stride right up to a door and knock like they're about to do you the biggest favor you ever got. The drive for them was 45 minutes one way, up a steep mountain and into a village with maybe 6 residents living there. Even when it became dangerous, via "I've got a gun and I'll shoot you if you trespass" signs, they believe YOU REALLY NEED THIS and would bother you anyway. 


I've seen a pair of them knock on the front door, and when the residents didn't answer, go through the back gate, up a flight of stairs and look through the back window, knocking again! I went out and yelled at them for the neighbors, who were hiding to avoid them. They thanked me later. 


3 hours ago, older said:

I have thought about answering the door while wearing a Satan costume and holding a chain saw, and then inviting them in for some of the baby we just barbecued. 


I think you should wear your Batman suit. And ride that elephant. And THEN invite them in for barbequed baby! 😁

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Growing in in upstate NY, there was a large JW community so we would get a lot of those. Even here down south there are quite a few, and many of them will park themselves in the local walking trail with their literature every Saturday am. Thankfully they don’t bother anyone, they rely on people engaging them first.


The church my husband currently attends ( and still encourages me to also despite my change in beliefs) had an older gentleman that tried to convince people to walk around downtown and invite random people to church. No thank you, wasn’t doing that. 

One of the many reasons I started questioning my faith was realizing that I never , even as a believer, felt the urge to go and proselytize despite most other church goers being barely able to contain themselves. 🤷‍♀️

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5 hours ago, Dsred19 said:

Thankfully they don’t bother anyone, they rely on people engaging them first.


Well, they could teach other xtians a thing or two then! 😉


5 hours ago, Dsred19 said:

The church my husband currently attends ( and still encourages me to also despite my change in beliefs) had an older gentleman that tried to convince people to walk around downtown and invite random people to church. No thank you, wasn’t doing that. 


Agreed. I hope your husband doesn't start getting that old line about being 'Unequally yoked'.  If the church decides that about you guys there might be some headaches for you. 


5 hours ago, Dsred19 said:

One of the many reasons I started questioning my faith was realizing that I never , even as a believer, felt the urge to go and proselytize despite most other church goers being barely able to contain themselves. 🤷‍♀️


Me either. Once in a while I would hear a sermon about how living the example of Jesus, rather than trying to talk someone into it is the far superior approach. If Jesus can truly change your life, it's damn obvious, and you don't have to say anything! Or browbeat people with a Bible. 

It's a lot more compelling and convincing that if your life reflects the Joy of Jesus, people WILL want to know how you do it. And will come to you to ask. 

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6 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

Once in a while I would hear a sermon about how living the example of Jesus, rather than trying to talk someone into it is the far superior approach.


If only they would do that. There are things about Christianity that are good, although they are universal things that are also found elsewhere. But the hypocrisy that pervades the whole cult is one of the biggest turn-offs.

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19 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:



Me either. Once in a while I would hear a sermon about how living the example of Jesus, rather than trying to talk someone into it is the far superior approach. If Jesus can truly change your life, it's damn obvious, and you don't have to say anything! Or browbeat people with a Bible. 

It's a lot more compelling and convincing that if your life reflects the Joy of Jesus, people WILL want to know how you do it. And will come to you to ask. 

This is actually yet another reason why I don’t believe anymore. For the most part, I don’t think getting “ saved” really changes anyone. People change because they decide to, or use religion as an excuse for their own bigotry or immorality. ( someone isn’t an adulterer or a predator, they are just “ ensnared by sin” 🙄)

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12 hours ago, Dsred19 said:

  someone isn’t an adulterer or a predator, they are just “ ensnared by sin” 🙄


Hey, the devil made me do it!!  😁

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I think one of the things that we can do is to use the Bible against them. So the plan with door-to-door solicitors would be to ask them if they are proud to be a Christian and are proud of their God. They’ll surely say yes.


Then I'd say pride is one of the seven deadly sins, and pride is considered the most serious of the seven deadly sins, so knocking on people's doors to tell them about your religion is prideful and seriously sinful behavior, so you need to go back to your church and get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness for the grievous sin you are committing.

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I once live 2 miles about sea level in a cabin that didn't even get cell reception. Some how, those bike peddlers found me lol 


I let them in too! Just because I was so impressed with their tenacity to find me in the middle of nowhere. 





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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/22/2024 at 10:38 PM, jedi said:

I once live 2 miles about sea level in a cabin that didn't even get cell reception. Some how, those bike peddlers found me lol 


I let them in too! Just because I was so impressed with their tenacity to find me in the middle of nowhere. 





Probably because I would have let them in too. 😉

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