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Hey I found this little gem on the Community Calendar of all places. Seems like a (slightly) relevant digression....



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10 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

Hey I found this little gem on the Community Calendar of all places. Seems like a (slightly) relevant digression....


"Christ of Trial"  I wonder if he is found guilty after the Hearing whether there will be a de-facto Crucifixion or not?


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13 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:


15 hours ago, pantheory said:

The main difference is that I believe in fornication, while Christians do not.

🤣 Never heard it put that way, but if you gotta have a belief system............................

Guess I'm a Believer too! 





If we are wrong and there is a heaven, I hope it will be a place of frequent orgasm.


I've never figured out why Christianity is so terrified of sex and the human body. The Romans celebrated it, and today there are sex theme parks in both Japan and Korea. Amsterdam is noted for its red light district and Thailand has a reputation for sex tourism. It's a natural, enjoyable, perfectly normal thing to do. But then, Christianity is a religion of negativity. 

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A couple of downsides to that is STDs and unwanted children being born.  No child should be born unwanted.  

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39 minutes ago, Weezer said:

A couple of downsides to that is STDs and unwanted children being born.  No child should be born unwanted.  

You are a party pooper 😒 

But I agree. 

Still.................................more upsides than downsides. IF sex were accepted as normal, we would be addressing these issues accordingly, IMO. 

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2 hours ago, Weezer said:

A couple of downsides to that is STDs and unwanted children being born.  No child should be born unwanted.  

I only have to worry about one of those! :D But I do agree with that last statement.

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3 hours ago, older said:

If we are wrong and there is a heaven, I hope it will be a place of frequent orgasm.

Idk... sounds like Heaven at first, but if it's frequent enough it'd make trying to have a conversation, or doing pretty much anything, a little awkward if we can't  control it 🙃 

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4 hours ago, Weezer said:

A couple of downsides to that is STDs and unwanted children being born.  No child should be born unwanted.  

Unwanted children are also sexually transmitted.

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15 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

Unwanted children are also sexually transmitted.


Reminds me of an old, old (off-topic) joke about the British Army.



A corporal in the Royal Signals Corps was going on manoeuvres with his battalion, just when his wife was about to have a baby. 


Since all radio communication had to be 'official business' he came to a clandestine arrangement with a friend at HQ. 


When his wife gave birth he would receive the following message. 


'New radio part has arrived'.



He replied like this.


'Please specify if new part is transmitter or receiver.' 



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1 hour ago, walterpthefirst said:


Reminds me of an old, old (off-topic) joke about the British Army.



A corporal in the Royal Signals Corps was going on manoeuvres with his battalion, just when his wife was about to have a baby. 


Since all radio communication had to be 'official business' he came to a clandestine arrangement with a friend at HQ. 


When his wife gave birth he would receive the following message. 


'New radio part has arrived'.



He replied like this.


'Please specify if new part is transmitter or receiver.' 



It made me think of the old one-liner:


Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?


Can't remember the source, though, or I'd give credit. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:28 PM, moxieflux66 said:

I had a coworker who was a social outsider who told me as much. She told me very clearly the reason she went to church is because they HAVE to take you! They have to take everybody. At least until they find fault in one of the many ways we know they will, like questioning the bible. I find that dishonest and cruel. 



Maybe they don't want to take you but feel it is/ was in your best interest. I went to a number of Christian churches, and invited to many others after I was an atheist. I sometimes went to evaluate human behavior and to learn more about the beliefs of different Christian religions. I never could detect bad motives of the Christians I met, as to my understands of them. They were always nice to me. Remember, they believe in heaven and are trying to help us get there.


Yes, it's all a joke, but not to them. They don't get the joke :) Many are not well  "attuned" to certain types of humor. One could look at life itself as a kind of joke 🤡 , having difficulty to stop laughing on occasion, while others having the same experiences could be down in the dumps of despair. But of course it's better to have the last laugh, since he who laughs last laughs the hardest, as the saying goes.

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On 7/21/2024 at 1:20 PM, moxieflux66 said:


 IF sex were accepted as normal, we would be addressing these issues accordingly, IMO. 


49 years ago when in graduate school, there were a few swingers in the class, and they made the same argument.  A group of us did some research on the matter including looking at different countries where it was more acceptable.  I don't remember everything about it after all those years, but remember us deciding that overall, in the long run in society, it had more downside than upside.  If participants in "swinging" or "polyamory" were highly educated about the need for STD protection and birth control, and were emotionally secure people, and totally honest with each other, it seemed to go fairly well.  The problem is, in society not many people meet all those qualifications.  If I remember correctly, jealousy eventually emerging was one of the things that was a problem.   Dishonesty also.  And at times in the heat of things STD protection and birth control was at times bi-passed.  And that can lead to health and legal problems, and unplanned pregnancy.


People often joke about unplanned pregnancies, but I could write a book about the personal, family and societal problems that can develop from them.   And a few of those stories are tragic.

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If not treating sex like it's normal isn't the answer, Weezer, then is the xtian way better? Pretend you can control it with religion and social rules, even laws that can put you in jail for having sex? 

I don't think I understand what you're saying. 

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2 hours ago, Weezer said:

The problem is, in society not many people meet all those qualifications.  If I remember correctly, jealousy eventually emerging was one of the things that was a problem.   Dishonesty also.  And at times in the heat of things STD protection and birth control was at times bi-passed.  And that can lead to health and legal problems, and unplanned pregnancy.


I think much of this is culturally based. I recall hearing about a Native American tribe in the upper Midwest where they believed that it took more than one man to get a woman pregnant. A visitor hearing this, asked, "But how do you know who the father is?" The native replied, "We all love all of the children."

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5 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:


I don't think I understand what you're saying


I apologize.  My mind misread what you were saying about sex being normal.  I got it in my mind you were advocating polyamory, and/or swinging.  I think I need to take a "vacation"from posting until they find out why my blood pressure is dropping so low at times.  It is becoming obvious that my thinking is being distorted at times.  I stopped driving a few days ago, after having an episode of suddenly not knowing where I was or where I was going.  It took a few minutes to get reoriented.  And later had a very brief fainting spell.  


I checked my BP a few minutes ago and it is normal, Ha! at least for now.  I reread what I wrote about swinging earlier and it is as I remember the findings.


5 hours ago, older said:


I think much of this is culturally based. I recall hearing about a Native American tribe in the upper Midwest where they believed that it took more than one man to get a woman pregnant. A visitor hearing this, asked, "But how do you know who the father is?" The native replied, "We all love all of the children."


Yes, that is true of some tribes, and the kids are accepted and loved, and seem to come out "okay".  Especially if you talk to the men.  What they don't tell you is that many tribes have a huge domestic violence problem.  The women are learning it doesn't take several men to get her pregnant, and she doesn't have to take abuse.  That kind of living doesn't work in our larger societies today.

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7 hours ago, Weezer said:

I apologize.  My mind misread what you were saying about sex being normal.  I got it in my mind you were advocating polyamory, and/or swinging.  I think I need to take a "vacation"from posting until they find out why my blood pressure is dropping so low at times.  It is becoming obvious that my thinking is being distorted at times.  I stopped driving a few days ago, after having an episode of suddenly not knowing where I was or where I was going.  It took a few minutes to get reoriented.  And later had a very brief fainting spell.  


I checked my BP a few minutes ago and it is normal, Ha! at least for now.  I reread what I wrote about swinging earlier and it is as I remember the findings.

Oh my god! I hope they find all that out. Hope you're doing okay now, at the very least.

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8 hours ago, Weezer said:

I apologize.  My mind misread what you were saying about sex being norma

Yes, Weezer. I sent the swinging couple here to try to try to get more folks for my swinger's group of old folks! Those two were a bit young for our tastes and her big boobs kept getting in the way so we had to send them packing (so to speak). 




Anybody else up for a good time? 😉


That said, I am worried about you. Please be good to yourself and be well. ❤️

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