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Goodbye Jesus

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2 hours ago, older said:

Thanks for your comments. I went to a wedding there once and also didn't feel completely comfortable. To me it was church-but-not-church. My way of finding peace and renewal is through hiking. Once a week I go with a few friends up to the mountains or foothills and spend the day walking through nature. Savoring the sights and sounds of reality, away from the artifice of the city, is most rewarding. Running my hand over the bark of a fir tree, watching the carpenter ants chewing on a fallen log, smelling the pines, looking at the puffy clouds drifting through a deep blue sky, and feeling the breeze past my ears, is what makes me feel alive.

DITTO!  I grew up in a very rural area with woods, creeks, etc, and we have made almost yearly pilgrimages to the Rocky mountains, or the desert around Moab, Utah, or other remote areas of America since 1971.  Nature is my god.

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