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Why My Parents Would Sacrifice Me...


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Bible Horror Stories #2: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-12 NIV) Do Parents Obey God TOO Much? This video explores the disturbing story of Abraham & Isaac in Genesis 22. We analyze the passage, uncover the potential trauma it can cause, and discuss the dangers of blind faith. Is questioning God okay? Share your thoughts!


Why My Parents Would Sacrifice Me...

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1 hour ago, HazeltheHeretic said:

Bible Horror Stories #2: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-12 NIV) Do Parents Obey God TOO Much? This video explores the disturbing story of Abraham & Isaac in Genesis 22. We analyze the passage, uncover the potential trauma it can cause, and discuss the dangers of blind faith. Is questioning God okay? Share your thoughts!


Why My Parents Would Sacrifice Me...


Most parents love their children dearly. But Christianity, like many religions, have something called tough love, which religious folk believe children sometimes need to keep them from being spoiled and unruly. Like in the old testament, spare the rod, spoil the child. Don't think many parents would follow though with the Abraham Isaak story murder, even if they really heard God talking to them in person, IMO.


I think you could have good relations with your parents in the future if you wanted to do so, as long as you don't blame them for anything that hurt you in the past.


best wishes

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The gravity of sin always made me wonder why God wouldn't turn the other cheek like he commands us to do. He's the one offended, not some celestial law to which he is subject. And his fascination with blood and the smell of burnt meat is so clearly like an old tribal deity promising magic in return for blood. 


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11 hours ago, HazeltheHeretic said:


Is questioning God okay? Share your thoughts!


In my opinion questioning god is not only okay, it is necessary for human wellbeing.   The god in the Abraham and Isaac story is a sadistic narcissist, and Abraham is a completely brain washed, extremely naive dodo.

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