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Out of about 30% of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated, only 4% identify as Atheist


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Here's more from pantheory, with his permission, from a PM we were having recently: 


Atheism is not a movement. Many thousands of years ago it was just skepticism about religion, no matter what the religion was. Now IMO there are 2 major versions of atheists. 1) Those that are rebellious against region, and 2) those that think religions are illogical or can be proven wrong by science. These might be called intellectual atheists.


The rebellious group are often young people, and the intellectual variety are more well-educated in general. I never thought atheism was a very interesting subject since I always thought it was easy to understand since the skepticism of mankind has always existed. Of course when a whole society believes in one thing and atheists believe in another, then one's disbelief must be kept secret to prevent persecution or arrest. Similarly, but the opposite, was when the practice of religion was outlawed in China and Russia after the second world war, those openly practicing religion could be arrested, or openly killed for doing so, as many were in both countries for openly practicing their religion.


It's not a movement. It's not a religion What do I call it? 🤔

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6 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:


It's not a movement. It's not a religion What do I call it? 🤔

     What do you call it if, for example, you don't like cheese? (chosen at random...pick anything)


     When it comes to atheism all you're saying is that I have no gods.  Then it seems you're expected to talk about what you do believe for some reason which falls outside the whole definition.  It's not about that.  You can go ahead and hold any number of philosophies.  It's just that none of those involve gods.


     So why mention cheese?  If you don't like cheese do you then provide a laundry list of foods you do like?  Maybe, if the people you're dealing with have some cheese issue but you should be able to see that this still won't satisfy them.  Liking all the food in the world, except cheese, means something is wrong with you according to some diehard cheese worshipper.  But the reality remains that you're just saying "no cheese for me."  There is no positive statement to be made here.


     So "no cheese for me" or "no gods for me" are the same sort of statement.  Positive statements fall outside this discussion.  I enjoy hiking doesn't belong here.  I think people should treat one another with respect doesn't either.  Whether you have or don't have gods or whether you like or don't like cheese doesn't mean a thing when it comes to hiking or respecting others.  


     My only guess is because gods are involved people conflate atheism with a religious belief system and expect it to carry a lot more water than it does.  Sure, philosophers will argue this to death but that's true for most things. ;)


     So what is atheism?  A personal statement of truth.  I have no gods.  I don't like cheese.  I understand these aren't identical but I hope it gets the point across.




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Well stated, MWC. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/15/2024 at 11:30 AM, midniterider said:


Atheism isn't a belief system per se ... but the 'new' atheists I see online more often than not are married to logic, science, and evidence. It's very common. It isn't simply a lack of belief in a god or gods. It's a secular philosophy and some of its members are as consumed with its dogma as much as any religious believer. 




As an atheist, I am totally but gladly unaware of the secular philosophy and dogma of atheism. The couple of atheists that I know never talk about atheism and neither do I.  I expect I would have no more enjoyment talking to an atheist than anyone else.

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Thanks to all of your for your comments! 

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