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Hi recently ive seen several videos and have googled this and so far i have found nothing apposing the situation or explaining it but what do you guys think about 200 Muslims dreaming of Jesus on the same night. Muslims also reportedly dream of Jesus often. Has anyone found anything that debunks this or any explanations

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Why only 200?  Couldn't an omnipotent god allow everyone to dream of jesus?  Wouldn't an all-loving god want to?  Especially if the fate of our eternal souls hung in the balance?  


What a weak and pathetic excuse for a deity!  Only 200 dreamers; and they're not even the right religion!

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1.9 billion Muslims in the world and 200 dream of Jesus on the same night?


That's 0.00001052631% of Muslims - I'd say it's a statistical probability.


1,000 of them probably dreamed of their sisters - but don't bother mentioning that.

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What source do we have saying 200 actually did dream this way?  Who counted and where?  Was it out of the blue, or after images, movies, preachers or other media gave them the thoughts before bed?

Sounds like so many of the unsupported claims of apologists.  Another version of the 500 witnesses to the resurrected Jesus.  Who were they?  You don't need to know, just trust me!

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21 hours ago, KrustyKrabPizza said:

Hi recently ive seen several videos and have googled this and so far i have found nothing apposing the situation or explaining it but what do you guys think about 200 Muslims dreaming of Jesus on the same night. Muslims also reportedly dream of Jesus often. Has anyone found anything that debunks this or any explanations

What assertions, if any, are included with the videos? As members have asked, who took the videos and do they have an agenda, something to sell you that they want you to believe? Did they say these Muslims have converted to xtianity? 

What are they selling first off? Secondly I'd follow the money of the whole thing to find out the real motivation. 😉

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It should also be noted that this is alleged to have happened in Gaza during the war. So let's think about this. Gaza is being destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives, children are starving, bombs are falling constantly, and someone has the time and means to go around and check with the Muslim population to see how many of them have dreamed of Jesus, and keep track of the reports to determine that 200 of them had the same dream on the same day. Sure. 


Now it is possible because birds aren't real. They have been replaced by drones and some of those drones could have been shipped to Israel and used to surveil Muslims in Gaza. This is from the Audubon Society website so it has to be true:


The CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy after he refused to kill and replace billions of birds with drones. The U.S. government is sequestering a team of Boeing engineers in Area 51 for a secret military mission. Our tax dollars have been funneled into building the “Turkey X500,” a robot used to hunt large birds. ...

[T]he CIA took out 12 billion feathered fugitives because directors within the organization were “annoyed that birds had been dropping fecal matter on their car windows.” The targets were eradicated between 1959 and 1971 with specially altered B-52 bombers stocked with poison. They were then supplanted with avian-like robots that could be used to surveil Americans.  


And this is from The Guardian in an article about the guy who first sounded the alarm:

He said he was part of a movement that had been around for 50 years, and was originally started to save American birds, but had failed. The “deep state” had destroyed them all, and replaced them with surveillance drones. Every bird you see is actually a tiny feathered robot watching you.


This has to be true or the Audubon Society and The Guardian wouldn't have printed it. So the answer is that the CIA, in cooperation with George Soros, who secretly converted to Catholicism, and the Trilateral Commission, sent bird-drones to Israel to use in Gaza to detect the brain waves of Muslims when they were sleeping and discover their dreams, which would facilitate the destruction of Islam and create a one-world Christian government.

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I will try to address this when I stop laughing but haven't as of yet. 🤣


(a few minutes later)


Nope...still laughing....


Hey where can I get whatever it is you're smoking? 🤔

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1 hour ago, older said:

It should also be noted that this is alleged to have happened in Gaza during the war. So let's think about this. Gaza is being destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives, children are starving, bombs are falling constantly, and someone has the time and means to go around and check with the Muslim population to see how many of them have dreamed of Jesus, and keep track of the reports to determine that 200 of them had the same dream on the same day. Sure. 


Now it is possible because birds aren't real. They have been replaced by drones and some of those drones could have been shipped to Israel and used to surveil Muslims in Gaza. This is from the Audubon Society website so it has to be true:


The CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy after he refused to kill and replace billions of birds with drones. The U.S. government is sequestering a team of Boeing engineers in Area 51 for a secret military mission. Our tax dollars have been funneled into building the “Turkey X500,” a robot used to hunt large birds. ...

[T]he CIA took out 12 billion feathered fugitives because directors within the organization were “annoyed that birds had been dropping fecal matter on their car windows.” The targets were eradicated between 1959 and 1971 with specially altered B-52 bombers stocked with poison. They were then supplanted with avian-like robots that could be used to surveil Americans.  


And this is from The Guardian in an article about the guy who first sounded the alarm:

He said he was part of a movement that had been around for 50 years, and was originally started to save American birds, but had failed. The “deep state” had destroyed them all, and replaced them with surveillance drones. Every bird you see is actually a tiny feathered robot watching you.


This has to be true or the Audubon Society and The Guardian wouldn't have printed it. So the answer is that the CIA, in cooperation with George Soros, who secretly converted to Catholicism, and the Trilateral Commission, sent bird-drones to Israel to use in Gaza to detect the brain waves of Muslims when they were sleeping and discover their dreams, which would facilitate the destruction of Islam and create a one-world Christian government.

I knew it all along!!! I have heard this for years and observed many different species from several parts of the US. I have even witnessed what appears to be two drones mating (very realistic!) but the question is, how do duck drones keep from getting waterlogged when they land in the water? 🤔


Does that include big flying bugs too? I have seen some that actually hover and try to stare me down before flying off. If they're not government drones, they might be spying on me for the aliens (not aliens from my own home planet though...whew). 👽


As for that last bit, I am truly speechless so I will just end by saying that you missed your calling as a writer for Saturday Night Live. 😁



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13 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

Hey where can I get whatever it is you're smoking?




11 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

how do duck drones keep from getting waterlogged when they land in the water?


The CIA sprays the feathers with WD40 each morning.


11 hours ago, moxieflux66 said:

Does that include big flying bugs too?


No. Those are owned by Bill Gates and are used to deliver the microchips to the vaccine manufacturers.

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45 minutes ago, older said:





The CIA sprays the feathers with WD40 each morning.



No. Those are owned by Bill Gates and are used to deliver the microchips to the vaccine manufacturers.

I can't tell you how relieved I am to finally find an expert in this area! It's been plaguing me for years. So please keep going! I have many more questions...


Such as, does it take individual spraying of feathers or can it be done industrial style, like in a paint shop? Seems to me if this has to be done individually it might take the whole of the CIA to do that every day.....And what happens if it's raining too? Or the ducks have to fly through a hurricane? 

Then there's this....




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53 minutes ago, older said:

No. Those are owned by Bill Gates and are used to deliver the microchips to the vaccine manufacturers

Ok, that's it for me. Next time I go for a hike in the woods I'm taking my electric flyswatter. 😉

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  • 2 months later...

Keep in mind that Muslims also believe in Jesus, just only as a wise prophet, not god. The concept of Jesus isn’t foreign to them , doesn’t mean anything to me that 200 supposedly dreamed about him. As someone mentioned earlier in the context of a war zone and someone actually taking the time to count these instances , the circumstances of this are very suspect anyway. In addition, there are quite a few Christians in Gaza as well so again, it’s not a totally foreign idea in the region.

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On 5/13/2024 at 2:10 PM, KrustyKrabPizza said:

Hi recently ive seen several videos and have googled this and so far i have found nothing apposing the situation or explaining it but what do you guys think about 200 Muslims dreaming of Jesus on the same night. Muslims also reportedly dream of Jesus often. Has anyone found anything that debunks this or any explanations


Welcome KrustyCrabPizza  to our network and forum,


Mohammedans believe that Jesus was a prophet of God, the same as all the other prophets of the Old Testament. They also believe that Mohamed was also a prophet, but one sent to help and direct them, their own prophet -- like the old testament says that the Jews were his chosen people. 


Regardless, Mohammedans are very literal concerning the Koran, their bible. If a group heard a lecture about the prophet Jesus, some of them might have dreams of him that night, but I think 200 would be an exaggeration concerning dreaming that night unless there were maybe 50,000 Muslims at a lecture (a religious meeting talking of Jesus).  But stranger things have happened. Regardless, I believe that this is a probable exaggeration which has little meaning for Christianity.


But if we're talking about all the Muslims of the world, 200 would be a very small number, as mentioned above. But how or why could all the Muslims of the world be polled for their dreams of Jesus and give answers, and how many could remember such dreams. Maybe a couple thousand Muslims were polled, a couple answered yes about Jesus, and the 200 was extrapolated from that number concerning all the Muslims of the world.  Post your videos  or any other source for this information. If you post it here we could explain the probable error(s), or more-likely meaning of this assertion.


If you have future questions, look to the category called "Questions" and post them there. 


We'll be very-much looking forward to your future postings and questions here at X-Christ. :)

all the best.




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