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Goodbye Jesus

The Bible


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I'm doing this review on this really awful book I've read in these past few years called the "Bible". I've never seen anything like it... and I mean it in the most insulting way possible. The plot is incredibly inconsistent, makes no logical sense, and I have to rely on so many different interpretations to try and make sense of it all. The characters come and go in the story and I found a lot of their individual arcs to be left incomplete in a variety of areas. I have to say, I'm quite disappointed and I don't understand it's overwhelming popularity worldwide, although "popular" doesn't always mean good, quality material. Also  the translators did such a horrible job. The many different versions left so many more questions than answers. I'm disappointed that I still haven't gotten a clear answer as to what the plot of this all is. I've seen a more cohesive plotline done in gay porn. Absolutely ashamed at this lackluster book and it's blemish on literature-- you can't even call it that because calling it "literature" is just insulting.


The fandom is just another part of this awful trainwreck. The fan AMVs they make and the conventions they hold are often below average and are not something I'd like to attend. These con leaders called "priests" and "pastors" should be left  nowhere near a small child. I've seen too much scandalous activity and toxicity that I can't stomach any of it any longer. I was also disappointed in the homophobia and other issues in the fandom. I'd only attend another con for the food because at least you can do one thing right. I was also promised in this book that gay would get stoned to death, but I never saw any weed present. All I got were angry glares and people calling me things like "f****t" and "sodomite" . How rude! I'm never attending your conventions; nor am I going to read your book ever again.


Final rating: 0 stars. They don't deserve any. 



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