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This is late in getting posted, but here it is. I have been sitting back and letting these concepts "sink in".  At a huge Thanksgiving gathereing I mentioned this to a brother-in-law who is interested in extraterrestials.  Some others overheard us and started listening in.  There was a lot of eye rolling and one of my wife's sisters said "I think I will stick with the Biblical version".   My BIL and I both have been declared looney!  This is basically what I told them.


There are ancient Sumerian cuneiform writings, much older than the Bible that appear to have influenced the Hebrew writer(s) of Genesis.  I stumbled onto this when looking for information on the possibility of ancient extraterrestials on the Kindle app.  I read the book,  EDEN: the sumerian version of Genisis, written by Anton Parks.  Then I looked for something to verify that it wasn't a spoof and found a 1963 publication at the University of Chicago,  THE SUMERIANS:  their history, culture and character, by Samuel Noah Kramer.  A lot has been written on the subject since then.


Several writers have latched onto these concepts and some have gone off on fantasy trips, but I see some possibilities here.  It is more logical than the magic of the Genesis creation story!  There are several books on the subject, but one that seems valid regarding the translation of the original language in Genesis is, ESCAPING FROM EDEN, by Paul Wallis who is an ex-minister of the Anglican church. He also wrote 2 sequals.  What all the writers seem to agree on, is that there was some genetic engineering that went on in the "Garden of Eden", which seems to have been the whole cradle of civilization between the Tigris and Euphrative rivers, and where the phrase, "let us make man in our own image" came from.  And also is an answer to where the "gods" came from that married the "daughters of men"?


Did evolution on earth get a boost?  Are we actually decendents of genetic engineering and mixed-breeding with the "gods"??   Don't laugh and discount the idea until you have studied it!  There is a lot of hype going on with the concept, but the more I study it, the more I see the possibility.  Remember. If there are ETs flying around out there, and there is a long history of reports, and mounting evidence that they exist, they are far more advanced than we are, and could have intervened in our evolution.  And influenced those who established our religions.  There are even some scripture that seems to imply "something out there".  Especially if you read some of the stuff that was not included in the Biblical canon, like the EPIC OF GILGAMESH.


I'm not saying this happened, but dang it, the more I think about it, the more I see the possibility.

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That's crazy talk!! (just kidding)


Sounds interesting. Got a video on it? 

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My wife read a lot from Joseph Farrell and others that postulate a lot. It is interesting to ponder. There are some things we just don't know and so many things that were lost in fires and wars. 


It is interesting that so many of the bible stories are linked to older myths. I'm watching one now about how the professor thinks that the book of Mark has several parallels to the Odyssey and similar Greek myths. 


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4 hours ago, midniterider said:

That's crazy talk!! (just kidding)


Sounds interesting. Got a video on it? 


No videos yet.  I prefer to read and just have not got into videos.  


After re-reading what I wrote above I realize I did not summarize it very well.  It is pretty complicated.  I will see if I can find a video that summarizes the concept.  One problem is that not all the translators agree on the interpretation of the cuneiform writing which is very difficult to read.  It is more like symbols carved into clay and then hardened into clay tablets.  Very few people can read it.  Google cuneiform writing to see what it is like.  It is considered the earliest "writing" by humans and was only recognized as "writing" in the late 19th(?) century. Earlier it was considered more or less, as decoration.  It has not been publicized, probably because it does not agree with the bible.  And there is not wide access to it.  It is bulky clay tablets and most are stored in museums and universities.


3 hours ago, Fuego said:


It is interesting that so many of the bible stories are linked to older myths. I'm watching one now about how the professor thinks that the book of Mark has several parallels to the Odyssey and similar Greek myths. 


The more I study the history of religions, the more I realize there is not much in the Bible that is new.  It is almost like a bunch of religious stories from the ages have been borrowed and revised.  Virgin births and floods are pretty common.  The Sumerian writings have a story of a flood, but it sounds more like a huge tsunami than a world wide flood.


I was surprised to read a few months ago that until the late 19th century many people thought the Bible was the oldest book in the world.  I just read tonight that another version of the "Exodus"  was more like 300 people, not 2,000,000 as indicated in the bible.  And the land they went to, if I remember right, was ruled by Egypt.  

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Correction to my original post.  Scientist have concluded that the "flood" in Mesopothamia was local flooding from storms and the Tigris and Euphrative rivers overflowing, probably several times. Not from a tsunamia, or a world wide flood.  


The cuneiform writing was used for 3,000 years and there are several versions of the Sumerian creation story.  I think the Babylonians were the last ones to use that style of writing.


The idea that ETs were involved evidently come from writings about "celestial chariots", and people and gods ascending and decending from heaven, etc.  And those terms are used in writings other than the bible. They assume that is the way earthly humans would have described space ships and travel with their limited knowledge at that time.  And they would have seen ETs as "gods".   


I don't know how to do a link, but here are 3 sources that will give you an idea of the Sumerian situation. 


Video, Youtube.  Eridu Genesis/the Sumerian Epic of Creation.


URL,  world-myth.com/mesopotamian/sumerian-creation-myth


Wikipedia,  Sumerian Creation Myth


Studying ancient religions and history really erodes the claim that the Bible is original and inerrant.

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3 hours ago, Weezer said:

Correction to my original post.  Scientist have concluded that the "flood" in Mesopothamia was local flooding from storms and the Tigris and Euphrative rivers overflowing, probably several times. Not from a tsunamia, or a world wide flood.  

     They flooded regularly much like the Nile.  In Egypt, this was how they would enrich the soil on a regular basis so I imagine it offered the same thing further east.  However, like today, sometimes the flooding would be above and beyond which could be catastrophic.  The ark story here is one that is cube that floats downriver during one of these extra-ordinary events.


3 hours ago, Weezer said:

The cuneiform writing was used for 3,000 years and there are several versions of the Sumerian creation story.  I think the Babylonians were the last ones to use that style of writing.

     The tricky part of cuneiform is that it encodes a language and is not a language in and of itself.  Think of it like the Latin alphabet.  We're encoding the English language using it here but elsewhere we might use it to actually encode Latin using these exact same characters.  So it would be the same letters but a totally different language and maybe even impossible to actually read correctly if at all.  And considering all the languages that can use these Latin characters it might be very tough to sort it all out without some contextual hints.  Anyhow, that's cuneiform.


3 hours ago, Weezer said:

The idea that ETs were involved evidently come from writings about "celestial chariots", and people and gods ascending and decending from heaven, etc.  And those terms are used in writings other than the bible. They assume that is the way earthly humans would have described space ships and travel with their limited knowledge at that time.  And they would have seen ETs as "gods".   

     This goes back to the old "Chariots of the gods" stuff.  When was that published?  The late 60's or early 70's?  I'm sure there are some bits and pieces that go back further than that since we have things like Scientology and whatnot with tangentially related ideas from a few decades before.  So the mixing of science fiction and religion in the late 19th/early 20th century may well be the source of all this.  The book When Prophecy Fails is from the 50's and is essentially the origins of our modern understanding of cognitive dissidence.  Relating to this topic, in it there are a little group of folks that listen to a gal that claims to channel aliens that are going to destroy the Earth and claims one of those aliens is Jesus.  In a power struggle another claims to be God the Father.  Strictly speaking it's not aliens mating with earthlings but it does lend itself to these were formative ideas out in the "wild" that gods and aliens were and are one and the same.  Some of the people of this group had been in involved, to varying degrees, with groups involved with aliens and Scientology.


3 hours ago, Weezer said:

I don't know how to do a link, but here are 3 sources that will give you an idea of the Sumerian situation. 


Video, Youtube.  Eridu Genesis/the Sumerian Epic of Creation.


URL,  world-myth.com/mesopotamian/sumerian-creation-myth


Wikipedia,  Sumerian Creation Myth


Studying ancient religions and history really erodes the claim that the Bible is original and inerrant.

     True, but it lends zero credence to ancient aliens.


     EDIT:  I found what I was looking for.  It wasn't the 'Chariot of the gods?' series like I thought above.  It was Sitchen and his ancient aliens books.  Take a quick peek at the wiki page here.  You can also see more if you click through to Sitchen's entry as well.




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Thanks mwc for those comments.  I looked at some of Sitchen's stuff (and others) but decided they were off into fantasy land.  Especially regarding the planet Nibiru and searching for gold to save the planet.  I'm not saying the gods were aliens.  I'm just trying to be logical and am looking at all the possibilities, and it seems like those early writings indicate there may have been beings that were somehow different from "normal" people and were seen as gods.  I think there are threads of "truth" (or reality) in many of the early myths, and one of my hobbies is trying to find them and link them together.


I'm trying to look at the huge picture of existance (and it's history) and not shutting my mind to any possibilities.  Also, I see some of this information as being more logical than the magic in the bible.  😁

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     Okay.  Well, for full disclosure, I do believe that it seems like, with all the billions of galaxies and stars and untold numbers of planets, that it seems more than probable that aliens must exist (or have existed somewhere along the timeline).  However, I do not think that aliens have visited this planet at any time.


     Moving on from that, I would have to wonder that if the sky is where aliens come from in ancient stories then what purpose does the underworld serve in these same sorts of stories?  I mean if humans were doing their best to describe some phenomenon they could truly comprehend, which is beings coming down from the sky in advanced machines, then what were they describing, in that same vein, with the underworld?


     For example, I could make a case that the underworld was simply a metaphor for being made a slave by our mythical aliens and forced to work in various places never to be seen again.  So the alien theory remains intact.  But, I'm also supposed to understand that these same people were actually witnessing these events when they wrote them so the burial practices that they did at these same times make no sense.  There's no reason to create a grave and offer libations for someone who is alive but away in slavery.  There's no reason to create any further burial practices around any of this but they did.  It seems illogical for a people who knew about actual slavery and how it functioned whether aliens were involved or not since they didn't mock bury others who were enslaved.


     This is just one of the types of things that comes to mind when I go down the road of ancient aliens.  The people may not have had all the words that we do for everything today but they didn't seem to have a sudden change from their current course of development either.  Much like how the Great Flood of Genesis should have happened roughly when the Great Pyramids were being constructed but no one seemed to tell the Egyptians (or anyone else on Earth for that matter).  Things continued before this event, through and after this event as-if it never happened.  Same with aliens.  They had no impact on any society.  I'd accept this only with Starfleet since that's how they're supposed to impact pre-warp societies. :)




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I see your point and will chew on it for a while.  Thanks!

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13 hours ago, mwc said:


Things continued before this event, through and after this event as-if it never happened.  Same with aliens.  They had no impact on any society. 


Are you thinking in absolutes?  That things are either all true or all false?


After "chewing on it" for a while these thoughts came to mind.  If you were reading a book that had chapters written by different people, and one chapter seems well thought out and seems valid compared with general knowledge, but another chapter by another author seems like it was written by someone who was halicunating and was ridicilous, would you discount the whole book, not believe the information in any of the book, and throw it out because it wasn't consistantly accurate?


And a personal story.  I have known two people all my life (cousins) who are schizophrenic.  If you saw them on the street and talked to them just a few minutes, you would probably think they were "normal".  They both are attractive people and have above average inteligence.  We grew up just a few miles apart and there are times when we have talked for a long time about experiences we had in common, and about current events, etc, and they have been rational.  If a car drives by they can describe the car, and which way it is traveing.  Then they can get off into a crazy delusion they have, and are convinced it is real.  I know them well enough to know it is a delusion.


So, is it possible there is some reality in the ancient stories, and some delusion?  Just like my cousins being rational most of the time, but having a delusional "compartment".


I am looking at the whole big picture (or puzzle) of existence, leaving my mind open to possibiities, and seeing which pieces of the puzzle fit.  And I am convinced there are threads of reality in many of the old myths.  😁  Sometimes very thin threads, but threads.

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4 hours ago, Weezer said:

Are you thinking in absolutes?  That things are either all true or all false?


After "chewing on it" for a while these thoughts came to mind.  If you were reading a book that had chapters written by different people, and one chapter seems well thought out and seems valid compared with general knowledge, but another chapter by another author seems like it was written by someone who was halicunating and was ridicilous, would you discount the whole book, not believe the information in any of the book, and throw it out because it wasn't consistantly accurate?


And a personal story.  I have known two people all my life (cousins) who are schizophrenic.  If you saw them on the street and talked to them just a few minutes, you would probably think they were "normal".  They both are attractive people and have above average inteligence.  We grew up just a few miles apart and there are times when we have talked for a long time about experiences we had in common, and about current events, etc, and they have been rational.  If a car drives by they can describe the car, and which way it is traveing.  Then they can get off into a crazy delusion they have, and are convinced it is real.  I know them well enough to know it is a delusion.


So, is it possible there is some reality in the ancient stories, and some delusion?  Just like my cousins being rational most of the time, but having a delusional "compartment".


I am looking at the whole big picture (or puzzle) of existence, leaving my mind open to possibiities, and seeing which pieces of the puzzle fit.  And I am convinced there are threads of reality in many of the old myths.  😁  Sometimes very thin threads, but threads.

     When I said they had no impact on any society I meant it as I tried to show with the flood story.  A global flood would interrupt the flow of society.  And not just a single society but all societies.  The problem is when you have a look at a the point prior to the flood and the point after the flood you can find no interruption.  You can even find the point when the flood should have been happening and things weren't changed then either.  So you have a flow from points A to B to C.  No impact from the flood.


     So applying this to aliens we should be able to look at the points prior to aliens, then aliens then post aliens and find some impact made by aliens.  An interruption to the flow.  But it doesn't happen.  Humans move rather easily through all these points all on their own.  We can remove point B (the aliens) and things don't change because humans are already on that trajectory.  The aliens at point B don't come along and alter any trajectory for any society.  They make no impact.




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19 hours ago, mwc said:


  The aliens at point B don't come along and alter any trajectory for any society.  They make no impact.


You don't believe they could have given a slight boost to the evolution of humans through genetic engineering and/or cross breeding?  Perhaps in the process of obtaining slave labor?  And I have read in many references that there seemed to be a surge in tool improvement about that time.  And in complex irrigation canals, indoor "plumbing", etc.  And then the accomplishments of the nearby Egyptians.  That was a jump from bronze age tools.


I agree with you about the world wide flood, but think it is possible there was some very severe local flooding that through the years got exaggerated into being a "whole world" flood.  Or to the people at that time it was the whole world as they knew it.  A thread of truth to the story.  In my lifetime I have witnessed things, and decades later heard people tell their view which was exaggerated from what I remembered.  And if they passed it on to their kids, it could get exaggerated into a "myth".  That is why I do not regard the whole bible (especially the NT) as a lie.  Or B.S. as some people call it.  It has threads of "truth".


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5 hours ago, Weezer said:

You don't believe they could have given a slight boost to the evolution of humans through genetic engineering and/or cross breeding?  Perhaps in the process of obtaining slave labor?  And I have read in many references that there seemed to be a surge in tool improvement about that time.  And in complex irrigation canals, indoor "plumbing", etc.  And then the accomplishments of the nearby Egyptians.  That was a jump from bronze age tools.

     No, what would be the reason to believe this?  I believe humans are fully capable in and of themselves.  There's no need to insert any sort of "boost," slight or otherwise, for us to be able to come up with these things.  We've demonstrated our ability to problem solve and create for thousands of years unless we should also remove those accomplishments from us and attribute them elsewhere as well?


     Anyhow, looking at the wiki for the history of water supply and sanitation, to pick just one item, we can see what I mean by making no impact.


     From the pre-history section we have:


During the Neolithic era, humans dug the first permanent water wells, from where vessels could be filled and carried by hand. Wells dug around 6500 BC have been found in the Jezreel Valley.[2] The size of human settlements was largely dependent on nearby available water.


A primitive indoor, tree bark lined, two-channel, stone, fresh and wastewater system appears to have featured in the houses of Skara Brae, and the Barnhouse Settlement, from around 3000 BCE, along with a cell-like enclave in a number of houses, of Skara Brae, that it has been suggested may have functioned as an early indoor latrine.[3][4][5][6][7]

     Then a couple from the Bronze and Iron ages:



The Mesopotamians introduced the world to clay sewer pipes around 4000 BCE, with the earliest examples found in the Temple of Bel at Nippur and at Eshnunna,[13] utilised to remove wastewater from sites, and capture rainwater, in wells. The city of Uruk also demonstrates the first examples of brick constructed latrines, from 3200 BCE.[14][15] Clay pipes were later used in the Hittite city of Hattusa.[16] They had easily detachable and replaceable segments, and allowed for cleaning.

Ancient Egypt

The c. 2400 BCE, Pyramid of Sahure, and adjoining temple complex at Abusir, was discovered to have a network of copper drainage pipes.[17]

     Skipping over to China:


Archaeological evidence and old Chinese documents reveal that the prehistoric and ancient Chinese had the aptitude and skills for digging deep water wells for drinking water as early as 6000 to 7000 years ago.[citation needed] A well excavated at the Hemedu excavation site was believed to have been built during the Neolithic era.

     Then Indus Valley:


The Indus Valley civilization in Asia shows early evidence of public water supply and sanitation. The system the Indus developed and managed included a number of advanced features. An exceptional example is the Indus city of Lothal (c. 2350–1810 BCE).


     My boring point is that we can see people evolving this system over time and in different places (that is to say an on-going and overlapping progress).  Looking back we can see where they were started and where they were heading.  The trajectory is there.  So if there was some sort of intervention when and where was it?  It's easy to hedge and say it happened little by little, lots of times over a long period but we can remove that sort of intervention and that's exactly how humans would have done it on their own effectively nullifying the impact we're supposed to see.



5 hours ago, Weezer said:

I agree with you about the world wide flood, but think it is possible there was some very severe local flooding that through the years got exaggerated into being a "whole world" flood.  Or to the people at that time it was the whole world as they knew it.  A thread of truth to the story.  In my lifetime I have witnessed things, and decades later heard people tell their view which was exaggerated from what I remembered.  And if they passed it on to their kids, it could get exaggerated into a "myth".  That is why I do not regard the whole bible (especially the NT) as a lie.  Or B.S. as some people call it.  It has threads of "truth".


     So how does someone determine these "threads?"  It seems important.  I chose this particular bible story because if the given timeline is correct and the story, as given, is also correct then the story cannot actually be true.  I already pointed out it's because this flood wasn't actually noticed by anyone else in the world.  We can choose to accept it is not true or we can choose to make it true by rewriting the story into one that could possibly be true.


     As I said, I personally believe that aliens exist (which is simply a matter of faith as far as that goes), but I cannot, in good conscience, place them on Earth (or any specific place or time for that matter).  There's just no evidence for that.




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8 hours ago, mwc said:


but I cannot, in good conscience, place them on Earth (or any specific place or time for that matter).  There's just no evidence for that.


So we just write off the thousands of reports from all around the world from all walks of people??  I don't think all of them were lying, dreaming, or delusional, but if that is what you have decided, so be it.  After studying it for years I have decided differently.

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8 hours ago, mwc said:


     So how does someone determine these "threads?" 


Each person has to determine them for themselves.  I am simply stating possibilities.  I am not into splitting hairs to pass the time, so I guess we have nothing else to discuss on these topics.

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So we just write off the thousands of reports from all around the world from all walks of people??  I don't think all of them were lying, dreaming, or delusional, but if that is what you have decided, so be it.  After studying it for years I have decided differently.

     Briefly, I think the earlier example I offered on plumbing shows why I might "write off" reports from people.

     Given your last couple of messages it seems that you're getting offended.  Let me try something a bit different.


     I said that I believe in aliens.  So if someone asks me to prove that aliens exist what can I do?  Nothing.  I can only assert my belief and maybe add as to why I think that way but there's really nothing I can actually provide.  Saying that others also think that way is rather meaningless.  I take no comfort in it personally.  I could care less really.  All the people in the world could think that aliens exist but that gets us no closer to actual evidence of aliens.  So should I take offense when I fail to offer actual evidence when asked when I know that evidence doesn't actually exist in the first place?  I've been in this position.  It's not a hypothetical even though I've written it like one.


     Realistically, if aliens don't exist I couldn't care less.  I just find that less likely than the probability that they do exist.


     Anyhow, it seems that you've gotten rather invested in this idea.  Apparently it provides with an answer you need.  I personally figured you'd approach this subject in the same sort of way I do, as I mentioned above, and that mistake is on me but it appears you do not so I guess I'll leave it alone.




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As I go back and read what I wrote earlier, I see how you could think I was offended.  It was rather "short".  My wife was rushing me to finish and help her carry some things inside.


41 minutes ago, mwc said:


     Realistically, if aliens don't exist I couldn't care less.  I just find that less likely than the probability that they do exist.


And I find it likely they do exist after years of studying the subject.  Although it is no skin off my back whether they exist or not.  I have no intrest in trying to prove it.  I brought these possibilities up because for me it was interesting, and the idea of aliens presented a possible answer to the biblical statement about the sons of god marrying the daughters of men.  That has been kicked around in church circles for years, and I never heard an explanation that made sense to me.   


I'm just mentioning possibilities.  Was there anything further you wanted to discuss? 

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On 3/24/2023 at 2:49 PM, Weezer said:

This is late in getting posted, but here it is. I have been sitting back and letting these concepts "sink in".  At a huge Thanksgiving gathereing I mentioned this to a brother-in-law who is interested in extraterrestials.  Some others overheard us and started listening in.  There was a lot of eye rolling and one of my wife's sisters said "I think I will stick with the Biblical version".   My BIL and I both have been declared looney!  This is basically what I told them.


There are ancient Sumerian cuneiform writings, much older than the Bible that appear to have influenced the Hebrew writer(s) of Genesis.  I stumbled onto this when looking for information on the possibility of ancient extraterrestials on the Kindle app.  I read the book,  EDEN: the sumerian version of Genisis, written by Anton Parks.  Then I looked for something to verify that it wasn't a spoof and found a 1963 publication at the University of Chicago,  THE SUMERIANS:  their history, culture and character, by Samuel Noah Kramer.  A lot has been written on the subject since then.


Several writers have latched onto these concepts and some have gone off on fantasy trips, but I see some possibilities here.  It is more logical than the magic of the Genesis creation story!  There are several books on the subject, but one that seems valid regarding the translation of the original language in Genesis is, ESCAPING FROM EDEN, by Paul Wallis who is an ex-minister of the Anglican church. He also wrote 2 sequals.  What all the writers seem to agree on, is that there was some genetic engineering that went on in the "Garden of Eden", which seems to have been the whole cradle of civilization between the Tigris and Euphrative rivers, and where the phrase, "let us make man in our own image" came from.  And also is an answer to where the "gods" came from that married the "daughters of men"?


Did evolution on earth get a boost?  Are we actually decendents of genetic engineering and mixed-breeding with the "gods"??   Don't laugh and discount the idea until you have studied it!  There is a lot of hype going on with the concept, but the more I study it, the more I see the possibility.  Remember. If there are ETs flying around out there, and there is a long history of reports, and mounting evidence that they exist, they are far more advanced than we are, and could have intervened in our evolution.  And influenced those who established our religions.  There are even some scripture that seems to imply "something out there".  Especially if you read some of the stuff that was not included in the Biblical canon, like the EPIC OF GILGAMESH.


I'm not saying this happened, but dang it, the more I think about it, the more I see the possibility.


Following the principle of Occam's Razor usually results in the best answer. The simplest logical answer is more likely to be true than any more complicated answer. In this case I would say we are simply animals that evolved to our present state just like all the other animals. But we are the only animal that has the ability to contemplate our origins.

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How do you explain the huge complex structures done by Egyptians with such precise fitting huge stones?  All done with hand tools?? 


Those different stories of the "sons of God" marrying the daughters of men, and of giants, and people living for centuries, and celestil chariots, etc may just be myth, but it persisted for centuries.  Why??  But the pyrmids are hard evidence that something really majestic happened.  Can you imagine the trillions of man hours required to build those suckers and put them in place with hand tools?  Maybe there was something that happened that we just don't want to admit.  Do we not want to admit that there may be beings in the universe that are light years ahead of us in development??  And may have visited earth.  Again, I just saying I think it is possible.

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  • 1 year later...

Over a year later, and with more study, I still believe ETs may have intervened in our evolution.

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