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Austin Austin and Evolution


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Just now, walterpthefirst said:


Ah, but even in your certainty you would be afraid.



Your assertion that everyone is afraid of dying remains just that, an unfounded assertion.


Unless, of course, you could prove it by using logic?

Afraid of what?


We will disagree.

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Just now, walterpthefirst said:


The suicide bombers who gladly die for Allah don't seem to be afraid of dying.

They're afraid of dying, but convinced that a large group of virgins is worth it... and such is teh only way a muslim may b sure they and they're family will go to janna, muslim heaven.

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1 minute ago, AustinAustin said:

They're afraid of dying, but convinced that a large group of virgins is worth it... and such is teh only way a muslim may b sure they and they're family will go to janna, muslim heaven.


You don't know that they are afraid of dying any more than they know that you are afraid of it too.


Your assertion means nothing.


Unless you can prove it with logic, perhaps?

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25 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

What questions?

Wow really? Please go back a read my replies because obviously you haven't fucking read them if you don't know what questions. 


All the questions I've pointed out thus far that came up in my biblical studies that did not match what we have found in reality. 


The earth's age



The moon

The tower of babel

Flood of Noah

How there is absolutely no evidence exodus ever even happened. 


Read what I've written to you already. 

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1 minute ago, DarkBishop said:

Wow really? Please go back a read my replies because obviously you haven't fucking read them if you don't know what questions. 


All the questions I've pointed out thus far that came up in my biblical studies that did not match what we have found in reality. 


The earth's age



The moon

The tower of babel

Flood of Noah

How there is absolutely no evidence exodus ever even happened. 


Read what I've written to you already. 

The moon?

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5 minutes ago, DarkBishop said:

Wow really? Please go back a read my replies because obviously you haven't fucking read them if you don't know what questions. 


All the questions I've pointed out thus far that came up in my biblical studies that did not match what we have found in reality. 


The earth's age



The moon

The tower of babel

Flood of Noah

How there is absolutely no evidence exodus ever even happened. 


Read what I've written to you already. 

These things do not have to be an issue between you and God... Only if you allow it to be.

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7 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

Afraid of what?


We will disagree.


This is now getting silly, Austin.


You know full well what we were discussing and there was no need for you to pose that question.


Nor can you know in advance that we will disagree.


33 minutes ago you agreed with me about the danger of adding to god's word and 30 minutes ago you agreed with what the RedneckProfessor wrote.


So your claim that we will disagree is contradicted by your own words.


I'm not prepared to continue this in this silliness.


If you want to meet me in the thread I prepared you, please do not bring this silliness with you.


I'm gone.



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12 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

The moon?


7 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

These things do not have to be an issue between you and God... Only if you allow it to be.


Please read this whole reply this time. 



Alright @AustinAustin I guess I'll stop my question and answer session as your spiraling out of control, getting increasingly hostile, making accusations, and throwing out old school biblical damnation. So your time may be short if you can't get it together. So I'd like to make a few points. 

    1. Evolution can't be by the biblical God's hand because the Bible does not reflect a evolutionary creation. 

    Yet. We have the fossil record, we have the carbon dating, along with carbon dating we have the layers of sediment that fossils are found in. Both of which date the earth to far far older than the earth is dated in the Bible. 

    The Bible dates the earth at just over 7000 years according to the genealogies going back to Adam and eve in the old and new testament.

    2. We know there are other planets. I don't think you would argue against that. 

    The Bible does not reflect a creation that includes other planets. It just doesn't. But they are there aren't they? Not only are there 8 more planets in our solar system. But millions of other planets in other solar systems. Not mentioned in the bible

    3. The earth is a big ball of dirt. Not flat

    The Bible does depict a flat earth creation. But we know the earth is not flat. At the time the Bible was written. Pretty much everyone believed the earth was flat. It was a human perception. That's what they believed so that's what they wrote into the Bible. 

    4. There were whole other worlds before us.

    The earth was a completely different environment during the time of the dinosours. Completely different than the biblical standard of creation. The biblical creation depicts the world we know. The world of today. The animals of today and then. 

    But before that. Before biblical creation there was the world of the dinosaurs. A chaotic tropical world with giant lizards. Massive flying lizards even. Yet none of that is in the Bible. But we know it happened. An all knowing God would have known we would find the fossils. An all knowing God would have made sure these details were in his version of creation. 

    5. The tower of Babel. 

    This still ties into evolution. The story depicts God. All knowing, all powerful, God. actually showing a bit of fear that humans are building a tall tower. He fears their unity so much that he confuses their languages. Completely halting their attempt to reach heaven. 
    First. Humans evolved in different areas of the world completely separate from other people. That is truly how languages came to be different. Each area would have developed their own form of communication.  
    If you continue to prescribe to the biblical version of language development you have to wonder why God was so upset by them trying to build a tower to heaven, that he confused their languages. Yet the same God that changes not and is the same yesterday, today, and forever has let us go to the moon. Send satellites all over the solar system, put robots on Mars, send the voyagers completely out of our solar system. With no punishment for doing these things. 
    Why? If it's the same God that wouldn't let them build a tower. Why would he let us do what we have done? 


    6. The human fossil record. 

    The Bible depicts a two person creation that populated the whole earth. An impossibility. It is impossible for two people to populate the earth. Especially with God's laws. There would have to be some brother on sister incest for sure. Then the bloodline would get weak. Birth defects would arise and the species would die. Science has proven this isn't possible. 
    But the fossil record shows a whole species that evolved into what we now call humans. Multiple members that would have been able to procreate without inbreeding. This is something we can literally go look at with out own eyes. It's there. No question about it. Evolution is real and true. 

    7. Why do we have birth defects anyway?

    Ok this isn't even a question. It's just true. Downs syndrome, muscular sclerosis, vactebral syndrome, and other names to Infinity that I'm not familiar with. 
    You would think that if creation were true as opposed to evolution that after an all knowing, all loving, all powerful, God laid his hand on a lump of clay. That as he molded that clay into the perfect human being that he would see the shear torment these certain defects would cause his children, who he loves SOooooo SOooooo much. Would say. I dont want my dear child to suffer that. 
    And he would shape that clay in such away that it would have the most joyous life possible.. 

    Wouldn't you think?

    I mean I would. I would never want my child to suffer like that. Yet I had a child that still suffers from a birth defect. I know first hand the torture he has had to endure at times. No father that had all power and all knowledge would allow that. I know first hand as a GODDAMN FATHER! that I would not have put this illnesses in my kids. 

    Yet our all loving father God is powerless to prevent those illnesses in babies. 

    We could go on and on just picking apart creation. Just creation!!! And see that it is all made up. 
   The facts that we can literally see with our own eyes and touch with our own hands shows us this. We can buy a telescope and see the craters on the surface of the moon. (Never mentioned biblically). See the ring of rings of Saturn. (NMB) We can go to museums and see the fossils. (NMB) We can stand in caverns that were carved over billions of years and see every layer of soil settled through time. 
    Ya see I saved this for last. Everything I just said is going to stick with you because you know it's true. Your gonna think, and think, and try to explain away, and ignore. But your still gonna know that I'm right because you know what most I've said makes sense. 
    I know because I was there. The first time I saw the craters of the moon I knew the biblical timeline was not true. Then that brought back all that knowledge I had from middle and high-school in science. And I started to question. 
    If you come back here in four years or so, feeling like I felt when I realized it was all a lie. I hope you know ya have friends here. Even tho you've kinda been an asshole at times. 


    Dark Bishop






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2 minutes ago, walterpthefirst said:


This is now getting silly, Austin.


You know full well what we were discussing and there was no need for you to pose that question.


Nor can you know in advance that we will disagree.


33 minutes ago you agreed with me about the danger of adding to god's word and 30 minutes ago you agreed with what the RedneckProfessor wrote.


So your claim that we will disagree is contradicted by your own words.


I'm not prepared to continue this in this silliness.


If you want to meet me in the thread I prepared you, please do not bring this silliness with you.


I'm gone.



No, it's just a miscommunication, that's all.

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14 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

These things do not have to be an issue between you and God... Only if you allow it to be.


Yes they do have to be an issue. Because those things go are real. And the only thing telling me that God was real was those chemicals in my brain flooding me with emotions that made me think it was God. Thats what isn't real. Everything you "feel" of God is chemicals in your brain. 


The evidence against God is tangible. Real. Physical. And tells the true story. Not a myth.

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2 minutes ago, DarkBishop said:



Please read this while reply this time. 



Alright @AustinAustin I guess I'll stop my question and answer session as your spiraling out of control, getting increasingly hostile, making accusations, and throwing out old school biblical damnation. So your time may be short if you can't get it together. So I'd like to make a few points. 

    1. Evolution can't be by the biblical God's hand because the Bible does not reflect a evolutionary creation. 

    Yet. We have the fossil record, we have the carbon dating, along with carbon dating we have the layers of sediment that fossils are found in. Both of which date the earth to far far older than the earth is dated in the Bible. 

    The Bible dates the earth at just over 7000 years according to the genealogies going back to Adam and eve in the old and new testament.

    2. We know there are other planets. I don't think you would argue against that. 

    The Bible does not reflect a creation that includes other planets. It just doesn't. But they are there aren't they? Not only are there 8 more planets in our solar system. But millions of other planets in other solar systems. Not mentioned in the bible

    3. The earth is a big ball of dirt. Not flat

    The Bible does depict a flat earth creation. But we know the earth is not flat. At the time the Bible was written. Pretty much everyone believed the earth was flat. It was a human perception. That's what they believed so that's what they wrote into the Bible. 

    4. There were whole other worlds before us.

    The earth was a completely different environment during the time of the dinosours. Completely different than the biblical standard of creation. The biblical creation depicts the world we know. The world of today. The animals of today and then. 

    But before that. Before biblical creation there was the world of the dinosaurs. A chaotic tropical world with giant lizards. Massive flying lizards even. Yet none of that is in the Bible. But we know it happened. An all knowing God would have known we would find the fossils. An all knowing God would have made sure these details were in his version of creation. 

    5. The tower of Babel. 

    This still ties into evolution. The story depicts God. All knowing, all powerful, God. actually showing a bit of fear that humans are building a tall tower. He fears their unity so much that he confuses their languages. Completely halting their attempt to reach heaven. 
    First. Humans evolved in different areas of the world completely separate from other people. That is truly how languages came to be different. Each area would have developed their own form of communication.  
    If you continue to prescribe to the biblical version of language development you have to wonder why God was so upset by them trying to build a tower to heaven, that he confused their languages. Yet the same God that changes not and is the same yesterday, today, and forever has let us go to the moon. Send satellites all over the solar system, put robots on Mars, send the voyagers completely out of our solar system. With no punishment for doing these things. 
    Why? If it's the same God that wouldn't let them build a tower. Why would he let us do what we have done? 


    6. The human fossil record. 

    The Bible depicts a two person creation that populated the whole earth. An impossibility. It is impossible for two people to populate the earth. Especially with God's laws. There would have to be some brother on sister incest for sure. Then the bloodline would get weak. Birth defects would arise and the species would die. Science has proven this isn't possible. 
    But the fossil record shows a whole species that evolved into what we now call humans. Multiple members that would have been able to procreate without inbreeding. This is something we can literally go look at with out own eyes. It's there. No question about it. Evolution is real and true. 

    7. Why do we have birth defects anyway?

    Ok this isn't even a question. It's just true. Downs syndrome, muscular sclerosis, vactebral syndrome, and other names to Infinity that I'm not familiar with. 
    You would think that if creation were true as opposed to evolution that after an all knowing, all loving, all powerful, God laid his hand on a lump of clay. That as he molded that clay into the perfect human being that he would see the shear torment these certain defects would cause his children, who he loves SOooooo SOooooo much. Would say. I dont want my dear child to suffer that. 
    And he would shape that clay in such away that it would have the most joyous life possible.. 

    Wouldn't you think?

    I mean I would. I would never want my child to suffer like that. Yet I had a child that still suffers from a birth defect. I know first hand the torture he has had to endure at times. No father that had all power and all knowledge would allow that. I know first hand as a GODDAMN FATHER! that I would not have put this illnesses in my kids. 

    Yet our all loving father God is powerless to prevent those illnesses in babies. 

    We could go on and on just picking apart creation. Just creation!!! And see that it is all made up. 
   The facts that we can literally see with our own eyes and touch with our own hands shows us this. We can buy a telescope and see the craters on the surface of the moon. (Never mentioned biblically). See the ring of rings of Saturn. (NMB) We can go to museums and see the fossils. (NMB) We can stand in caverns that were carved over billions of years and see every layer of soil settled through time. 
    Ya see I saved this for last. Everything I just said is going to stick with you because you know it's true. Your gonna think, and think, and try to explain away, and ignore. But your still gonna know that I'm right because you know what most I've said makes sense. 
    I know because I was there. The first time I saw the craters of the moon I knew the biblical timeline was not true. Then that brought back all that knowledge I had from middle and high-school in science. And I started to question. 
    If you come back here in four years or so, feeling like I felt when I realized it was all a lie. I hope you know ya have friends here. Even tho you've kinda been an asshole at times. 


    Dark Bishop






An evolutoinary creatoin? Either abiogenesis is true, or else God created all and set evolutoin in motion. Abiognesis cannot be true. Carbon dating may be wrong - no one has witnessed that amount of time and testified carbon dating to be accurate. You are having faith in carbon dating. The bible doesn't state the age of the Earth... you are extrapolating. God is not wrong, respectfully, your method is.


Other planets aren't mentoined? That is opinion. The bible doesn't mention the apstles using the bathroom either... 


The bible does not reflect a flat Earth.


Again with my apostles example.


Again the tower of babel and yoiru explanatoin, that is your opinion...


Evolution claims a two person origin as well -the entire species didn't evolve at once.


We have birth defects because when Adam and Eve sinned, their rebelloin against God allowed sin into our world. Sickness death, and everythign else you see now began with that... We did that to ourselves. I'm truly sorry... Suffering is part of life, please don't let yoru child go to Hell one day because of your unbelief and bad example.






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3 minutes ago, DarkBishop said:


Yes they do have to be an issue. Because those things go are real. And the only thing telling me that God was real was those chemicals in my brain flooding me with emotions that made me think it was God. Thats what isn't real. Everything you "feel" of God is chemicals in your brain. 


The evidence against God is tangible. Real. Physical. And tells the true story. Not a myth.

In the book of Job it is mentoind that the world is in outerspace, thousands of years before being confirmed in modern times. Only God could tell the people that. 

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3 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

In the book of Job it is mentoind that the world is in outerspace, thousands of years before being confirmed in modern times. Only God could tell the people that. 

38 Pilate said to Him [scornfully], “What is truth?” John 18 AMP


Evidence, even numbers, can be made to appear to give certain facts which are untrue...

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3 hours ago, AustinAustin said:

If you can't prove that you exist, then asking for proof of another is the height of hypocrisy. 


You can't prove you exist, and therefore you can't disqualify the existence of another for lack of proof.


Do you exist? You do, right? In the same way, God also Exists.


We do exist, we just can't prove it in that way.


Again, the logic example is, is, proof of GOd's Existence.


We are all guilty of sin. If you've looked at another in lust you commit adultery in your heart, if you hate, you have murdered. The only way to Salvation is through Jesus Christ as God and Savior.


I dont exist, so no hell for me.

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2 hours ago, AustinAustin said:

Could you believe that your mother never existed? It's the same with God.


Feelings lie, GOd says the heart is sick... 


God says you're a moron. 

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40 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:

An evolutoinary creatoin? Either abiogenesis is true, or else God created all and set evolutoin in motion. Abiognesis cannot be true. Carbon dating may be wrong - no one has witnessed that amount of time and testified carbon dating to be accurate.



Folks, note the false dichotomy.  Note the mere assertion that "abiogenesis cannot be true".  Note that Poster AustinAustin doesn't know that carbon dating only applies to material that is less than about 50,000 years old, is not used at all in abiogenesis research, and is apparently oblivious to radiometric dating in general.  This ignorance is further evidence of Poster AustinAustin's willful ignorance.


40 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:


Evolution claims a two person origin as well -the entire species didn't evolve at once.



Folks, note the total lack of understanding of the Biological Theory of Evolution, as well as the standard definition of biological evolution.  For example, he doesn't know that asexual reproduction was the only means of generating offspring for most of Earth's history or that it is still in use today.  More evidence of willful ignorance, or an outright lie.


40 minutes ago, AustinAustin said:


We have birth defects because when Adam and Eve sinned, their rebelloin against God allowed sin into our world. Sickness death, and everythign else you see now began with that... We did that to ourselves. I'm truly sorry... Suffering is part of life, please don't let yoru child go to Hell one day because of your unbelief and bad example.


Folk, note how Poster AustinAustin is unaware of the germ theory of disease, genetics and medical science in general.  His brain is so vacuous and empty, except for the religious indoctrination that was shoveled into his brain as as child and/or young adult, that all he is capable of is bleating that indoctrination.  A rather empty and shallow existence.

He is addicted to certain mythology, actually rather poor mythology, and pretends it is true.

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  • Super Moderator

@DarkBishop, do you still want me to shut the thread down or has it gotten satisfactorily back on track enough to continue?  If you're wanting to continue, we will ask the other members to give y'all some space; but, no touching yourself, okay, Sport?

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5 hours ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

Ah, but you don't even exist, florduh.  Why should we believe someone who doesn't even exist?

Who is it that shouldn't believe me?

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37 minutes ago, florduh said:

Who is it that shouldn't believe me?

Not "I".

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1 hour ago, AustinAustin said:

In the book of Job it is mentoind that the world is in outerspace, thousands of years before being confirmed in modern times. Only God could tell the people that. 


Sounds like a modern apologetic take on the book of job. I doubt that was what the writer was referring to. Speaking of the book of job. 


Can you believe an all loving God would allow jobs children to be killed, his wife to turn against him, his land pillaged and burned. Just to test his faith. 


If that's how God tests faith. Then he can go fuck himself. 

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@DarkBishop, does this mean you wish to continue the thread?

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It looks like we are finally getting back on topic some. I guess we can see where it goes. I saw where you were reaching for your ban hammer awhile ago. Figured you were getting frustrated lol. 


I just don't know if I can stop talking about seeing and touching myself to prove my existence lmao!!!! 

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1 hour ago, TheRedneckProfessor said:

@DarkBishop, does this mean you wish to continue the thread?

Yes. He finally responded to my lengthy post and I'll make a reply at some point. At work right now so it'll be awhile 

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  • Super Moderator

Okay, guys.  Let's stand back and give @DarkBishop and @AustinAustin some room to have their conversation.  We'll start a peanut gallery thread if y'all need one.

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5 hours ago, AustinAustin said:

The bible doesn't state the age of the Earth... you are extrapolating. God is not wrong, respectfully, your method is.

I'm at work so I'm going to have to take your response in pieces. You contest that the Bible does not state the age of the Earth. This tells me you have never read the Bible all the way through. It does in fact date the earth. By the genealogies offered in Genesis 5 and 11. You attest that the Bible is the word of God and that the word of God is true. Therfore you are held to the weaknesses of this word. I'm going to need you to click a link for me. Please. It is to a young earth Christian website. You need to learn a thing or two about the Bible. 


Young earth, is actually a very old concept. Christians are trying to get away from it now that we know the earth is far older than the Bible states. 


This is an excerpt from the website: And this was one of the first things I went to a pastor about when I began to question the biblical account. I will give my testimony as to why I began to question the age of the Earth after this excerpt even tho I already mentioned it. I'll give more detail.




Claims are made that the Biblical genealogies cannot be used to determine the age of the Earth with any degree of certainty, since those genealogies contain gaps. Such claims are groundless. The Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 do not and cannot contain any gaps. The information contained in those genealogies allows one to calculate the approximate age of the Earth to be from 6,000 to 7,500 years (depending on the type of the Holy Text used: Masoretic or LXX)."




This link will give you the full article which you can read. It is a Christian website. This is your people and their teachings. But it is a literal interpretation of the biblical geneolgies. It was meant to be literally taken. 


When my boys were about 10 and 11 I bought them a telescope. It was a cheap telescope so the only thing we could really see was the surface of the moon. I had never seen it. I had seen pictures sure. But never through a lense with my own eyes. It took me forever it seemed like. But finally I was able to focus in on the moon surface. All the craters from billions of years of asteroid impacts came into view. It was way more ragged than all the pictures I'd seen. It looked like a war zone. You could see that at some point the earth and moon were bombarded by these impacts. 


I knew then that the Biblical timeline of creation was either wrong. Or I had not Interpretted it right. This gave me trouble spiritually. I even talked to my fellow pastor about it. But he couldn't tell me much but to have faith. Eventually a verse was brought to the forefront of my mind. 


2 Pet 3:8  "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing: that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."


This kept me going in the faith for a few more years. I was already a Bishop by this point. I actually liked the thought of God taking his time and like a painter with a brush molding earth for us over billions of years. The problem with this was that the genealogies that the creation date is based on was based on people's lives. So I would have then had to believe that there were people on earth 4.5 billion years ago. And that they lived for billions of years. I imagine you can see how that begins to get very unbelievable. So it was either blindly believe by faith that the earth was between 6 and 7.5 thousand years. Or concede that there was an error in the Bible. I guess you can guess that I didn't go with believing the Bible was Inerrant from then on.


So it took me a long time before I started questioning the inerrancy of the Bible. I believed that the Bible was completely Inerrant and that other churches had interpretted wrong. I was basically you Austin. 



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