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I figured it was about time to have a debate in the "Debating with Christians" section!




Does anyone here take daily baths or showers?


How does this relate to anyone in their "beliefs"?


At what precept of time did humans begin taking baths or showers if there is no God and the Bible is bogus?


If the "assumption" is that people read the Bible and started taking baths/showers, then Does anyone still take baths/showers? If so why?If the Bible says to do this daily, Is it wrong as a non-believer perform daily?


Does anyone here eat raw meat?


How does this relate to anyone in their "beliefs"?


At what precept of time did humans begin to "not" eat raw meats if there is no God and the bible is bogus?


If the "assumption" is that people read the Bible and then started "not" to eat raw meat, then Does anyone still eat meat this way?If so why?If the Bible says to "cook" and "prepare" meat a certain way before consumption, Is it wrong as a non-believer to prepare in this way?


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Oh I see. People only do these things because the bible was the first book to mention them eh?


Got a question for you? Do you know how aspirin was developed?


As far as I know, Wise Men and Women in Europe had been using willow bark to ease fevers and aches and pains for centuries, and various recipes were handed down and written down in certain books. From a study of this folk-lore, Bayer managed to synthesise aspirin.


According to the bible, Bayer ought to have taken no notice of these books because they contained magical rites and so on. He really should have burned them if a certain verse in Acts is anything to go by.


How's that grab you?


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I figured it was about time to have a debate in the "Debating with Christians" section!




Does anyone here take daily baths or showers?

What do you think?


How does this relate to anyone in their "beliefs"?

It doesn't


At what precept of time did humans begin taking baths or showers if there is no God and the Bible is bogus?

Are you serious?


If the "assumption" is that people read the Bible and started taking baths/showers, then Does anyone still take baths/showers? If so why?If the Bible says to do this daily, Is it wrong as a non-believer perform daily?



Does anyone here eat raw meat?

<<<looks around>>> Sometimes.


How does this relate to anyone in their "beliefs"?

It doesn't.


At what precept of time did humans begin to "not" eat raw meats if there is no God and the bible is bogus?

Are you serious?


If the "assumption" is that people read the Bible and then started "not" to eat raw meat, then Does anyone still eat meat this way?If so why?If the Bible says to "cook" and "prepare" meat a certain way before consumption, Is it wrong as a non-believer to prepare in this way?




I do have a quick question for you...


The bible gives a recipe for making poop-puffs from human feces. Since you are a believer in the bible, am I to assume that you eat these frequently? :Doh:

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1. At what precept of time did humans begin taking baths or showers if there is no God and the Bible is bogus?


2. At what precept of time did humans begin to "not" eat raw meats if there is no God and the bible is bogus?


Your points have no relation to christian doctrine other than your mentioning them in that context.


Personal hygiene is healthy and pleasant. If I just imagine to go some, say, three days without bath or shower, I want to puke. Furthermore, in bygone times where infections of any kind were much more of a danger, you'd have learned very fast that not caring for your personal hygiene is equal to an invitation pointed at by a huge flickering neon arrow "Here germy germy, here's your food!".


Same goes for raw meat. It's, first of all, not very healthy to eat only raw meat... let alone that it's much easier to eat the non-raw stuff. Ever thought about all those parasites et al you could easily ingest and contaminate yourself with when you eat raw meat? Cooking kills them, Watson.


You want a debate? Alrighty, explain why you (seem to) think it's perfectly impossible for human beings to figure out the above on their own, without any kind of "Divine guidance".

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I take daily showers because it's hygenic, and I don't eat raw meat because the only raw meat availible for eating is sushi, and I don't like asain food.


None of these relates to the bible in any way.

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Oh I see. People only do these things because the bible was the first book to mention them eh?


Got a question for you? Do you know how aspirin was developed?


As far as I know, Wise Men and Women in Europe had been using willow bark to ease fevers and aches and pains for centuries, and various recipes were handed down and written down in certain books. From a study of this folk-lore, Bayer managed to synthesise aspirin.


According to the bible, Bayer ought to have taken no notice of these books because they contained magical rites and so on. He really should have burned them if a certain verse in Acts is anything to go by.


How's that grab you? :twitch:



Not very well actually.

Can you answer any of the Questions, or just give more "poems".


I believe these are fair questions, I really want to know if there was that one person that came along and instituted these things as common very day events


What are you talking about regarding Acts? This wasnt derived from that reference.

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I do have a quick question for you...


The bible gives a recipe for making poop-puffs from human feces. Since you are a believer in the bible, am I to assume that you eat these frequently?  :Doh:





Seriously, all this is in the Books of Moses

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:lmao::lmao:   :lmao:   :lmao:   :lmao:



Seriously, all this is in the Books of Moses


Is this a question or a statement? :Hmm:


If you know your bible, I'm guessing that

it's a statement. If not, look up the word

'dung' in your concordance and check the

verses from there. You'll find the recipe.

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Your points have no relation to christian doctrine other than your mentioning them in that context.


Books of Moses


Personal hygiene is healthy and pleasant. If I just imagine to go some, say, three days without bath or shower, I want to puke. Furthermore, in bygone times where infections of any kind were much more of a danger, you'd have learned very fast that not caring for your personal hygiene is equal to an invitation pointed at by a huge flickering neon arrow "Here germy germy, here's your food!".


Thats the point.

This topic would bring many questions.

If the Bible is at least dated accurately, and if you believe the Bible is bogus, then when did humans start this cleansing process. Even if the "Church" started this, then why does a non-believer still partake in this?


Same goes for raw meat. It's, first of all, not very healthy to eat only raw meat... let alone that it's much easier to eat the non-raw stuff. Ever thought about all those parasites et al you could easily ingest and contaminate yourself with when you eat raw meat? Cooking kills them, Watson.


Same point again.Why partake in a " fiction" belief?


You want a debate? Alrighty, explain why you (seem to) think it's perfectly impossible for human beings to figure out the above on their own, without any kind of "Divine guidance".

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I believe these are fair questions, I really want to know if there was that one person that came along and instituted these things as common very day events


Nope. They were worked out over the course of time I'd say. If this doesn't work, OK we'll try THIS and so on.


Would you answer my question? If the bible were as you say, the be-all and end-all of everything, how was it that Native Americans knew how to live in the woods by doing things that weren't even mentioned in the bible? The colonists didn't know how to survive in that way, did they now?


Ironically, they learned these things from the Indians, not from the bible. Whence then did the Indians learn these things?


What are you talking about regarding Acts? This wasnt derived from that reference.


Do you remember what allegedly happened when Paul and his merry men reached a town called Ephesus in Asia Minor? Where books worth what was it, so many thousand pounds of silver were burned? I wonder how much valuable knowledge was lost on that day?


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1 - Public baths were a part of Greco-Roman culture... long before Christianity even showed up.

2 - Daily Baths are part of Islam, not Christianity. They are the people you crusaded against, remember? Don't start imitating them, they are not of God...(right?)

3 -

A disregard for the well-being of the physical body characterized orthodox Christian behaviour from the fall of the Roman Empire when Aqueduct systems, bathing houses and hygine were held in contempt and neglected. Prodestants and reformed Catholics attempted to outdo one another in their negligence of bodily hygine. As the Augustinian priest and chaplan to the King of Poland declaired:


Follow Our Lord's example and hate your body; if you love it, strive to lose it, says Holy Scripture, in order to save it; if you wish to made peace with it, always go armed, always wage war against it; treat it like a slave, or soon yourself shall be an unhappy slave.


It the Christian world the very word "carnal," which means simply "of or relating to the body," took on a meaning of sin and immorality.


So I do wash... it's the pagan in me.


Also, I've eaten raw meat. It's called Sushi and it's worth a try... and we started cooking meat when we discovered fire.



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Is this a question or a statement?  :Hmm:


If you know your bible, I'm guessing that

it's a statement. If not, look up the word

'dung' in your concordance and check the

verses from there. You'll find the recipe.


Where is this again. I dont remeber anyone baking "poop-puffs"

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Do you remember what allegedly happened when Paul and his merry men reached a town called Ephesus in Asia Minor? Where books worth what was it, so many thousand pounds of silver were burned? I wonder how much valuable knowledge was lost on that day?


Nevermind that... Library of Alexandria.


Look it up.



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Is this serious? The non eating of red meat is about the worst example you could have come up with. I believe it states, in relation to eating meat- you can do what you want but not to do what causes others to stumble. Anyway, the comments regarding not eating meat were not about meat in general but about those that ate meat placed on alters. Some felt it was disrespectful to eat these "sacrifices" and thus said don't eat the meat.


As for showering. I'm a Christian and my showering habits have nothing to do with my religious beliefs. I do it because I don't like stinky smells and people that don't shower regularly stink and therefore I don't want to dislike the way I smell. It is entirely SUPERFICIAL reasons as to why I shower with the frequency I shower.

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1 - Public baths were a part of Greco-Roman culture... long before Christianity even showed up.

2 - Daily Baths are part of Islam, not Christianity. They are the people you crusaded against, remember? Don't start imitating them, they are not of God...(right?)


When were the time frame of these events?Roughly?

It the Christian world the very word "carnal," which means simply "of or relating to the body," took on a meaning of sin and immorality.


Lost me there brother


So I do wash... it's the pagan in me.


When did this"pagan" tradition roughly come in to play?


Also, I've eaten raw meat. It's called Sushi and it's worth a try... and we started cooking meat when we discovered fire.


I was referring to the other "meat".


What time frame did "man" discover fire again? Roughly?Merlin

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Is this serious? The non eating of red meat is about the worst example you could have come up with. I believe it states, in relation to eating meat- you can do what you want but not to do what causes others to stumble. Anyway, the comments regarding not eating meat were not about meat in general but about those that ate meat placed on alters. Some felt it was disrespectful to eat these "sacrifices" and thus said don't eat the meat.


As for showering. I'm a Christian and my showering habits have nothing to do with my religious beliefs. I do it because I don't like stinky smells and people that don't shower regularly stink and therefore I don't want to dislike the way I smell. It is entirely SUPERFICIAL reasons as to why I shower with the frequency I shower.


Thanks for your comments.

Im actually referring to the basis that American culture today is based partially from the principles that are derived from the Books of Moses. Have you read Leviticus? Most of your "questions" are there concerning this topic, But since you actually are a "Christian" you believe in Jesus's teachings. In that, no worrys, your not going to hell for missing a bath or eating a steak a little raw.I was actually directing this topic to the non-believers of the whole religion, curious to see if anyone can give me time frames to when human beings concerned themselves with these things. Thanks again.

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Where is this again. I dont remeber anyone baking "poop-puffs"


Eze 4:11 Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of an hin: from time to time shalt thou drink.

Eze 4:12 And thou shalt eat it [as] barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.


If you find that a bit ummm, hard to swallow, you can always rinse it down with a nice tall glass of II Kings 18:27





Yes, let us put bible teaching back into the schools!

After all, they could use a good cleanin'-up, right? :Doh:

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YoYo (heh)-


I think you entirely missed my point dear.


People not eating meat (or raw meat) or people bathing regularly have absolutely nothing to do with the Bible.


I suggest you go on vacation. Go visit Greece or Italy. I saw those places as I find the ruins there to be especially amazing. Go to the "public baths" and figure out what they were. And then figure out that the cultures that these ruins belonged to weren't those of Christians. That was Merlin's point.


As for not eating raw meat- many do this for HEALTH reasons. Reasons that exist completely independant of the Bible.


My point is, you're honestly making a fool of yourself. Not one thing you are saying will be taken seriously by anyone, including myself. Your "arguments" aren't going to hold up against any one person here. I suggest you not waste any more time if you think it will lead somewhere. But for entertainment sake, have at it.

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First, learn forum formatting. Gutting the code like that makes it 10x harder to reply to you.


When were the time frame of these events?Roughly?


Point 1 happened about 200 BC, Islam formed at ~600 AD.


Lost me there brother


That's a pity.


When did this"pagan" tradition roughly come in to play?


AFAIK, it started with point 1, the roman baths. Could easily be wrong and it was earlier though.


I was referring to the other "meat".


Fine... been meaning to try ground beef and egg together... heard that combo is quite good.


What time frame did "man" discover fire again? Roughly


Uhhh... prehistoric times, about the stone age.


And what do you mean "Again?"



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Thanks for your comments.

Im actually referring to the basis that American culture today is based partially from the principles that are derived from the Books of Moses. Have you read Leviticus? Most of your "questions" are there concerning this topic, But since you actually are a "Christian" you believe in Jesus's teachings. In that, no worrys, your not going to hell for missing a bath or eating a steak a little raw.I was actually directing this topic to the non-believers of the whole religion, curious to see if anyone can give me time frames to when human beings concerned themselves with these things. Thanks again.


Leviticus also commands--COMMANDS--you to gather all wizards into the town square and stone them.


I'm a practicing Wiccan. When can I expect the Christian Mob?


And Thomas Jefferson was a Diest who had nothing but contempt for the Bible.



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YoYo (heh)-
I see that you caught that too. :HaHa:
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This thread is killing me!




I wish I could say the humor was a side effect of the Mighty Clue-By-Four, but I thind the credit goes to YoYo here...



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If you followed Leviticus, Red Lobster would be out, so would McDonald's cheeseburgers, shrimp, catfish, crabs, hamburger helper, ham, chitterlings, pig feet, pickled or otherwise.

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If you followed Leviticus, Red Lobster would be out, so would McDonald's cheeseburgers, shrimp, catfish, crabs, hamburger helper, ham, chitterlings, pig feet, pickled or otherwise.


Damn... I love shrimp... and burgers too!




I'm so damned.


When's that mob coming?



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