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Ghosts-what Do You Believe?


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I didnt write this before, but since we seem to be telling our experiences now here's mine:


I was walking with my uncle and cousins one afternoon down a road. I was walking behind everyone else, when suddenlt I felt a shove on my back. like a hand shove.


there was no one behind me, nothing I could find on my shirt and it was a long road with nowhere near to run and hide.


i was creeped out. then a few minutes later my uncle commented that many people said this strech of road was haunted because of the large number of car accidents that occured there.

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:phew: That was quite a load. Aw hell, let's settle this. Since the supernatural seems to be a constant occurance that follows you, why don't you set up a few nanny cams in the kitchen. Next time a book goes flying across the room, you'll have loads of apologies from the arrogant assholes who choose to find terrestrial explanations for strange experiences.

Oh no you didn't!!!


Don't you know it's a taboo to



shed skepticism upon


attempt to debunk

scoff at

or mock someones past experiences regarding anything supernatural? I've learned to just smile and nod in those cases, especially with the touchy types.


I heard that on Infidel Guy. :HaHa: Silly.


Ok I lied, I heard it on Infidel Guy too, you just jumpstarted my mem. It was the episode where he was talking about his lucid dreaming regarding alien abductions and ghosts and shit, right?

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Oh no you didn't!!![/size]


Don't you know it's a taboo to



shed skepticism upon


attempt to debunk

scoff at

or mock someones past experiences regarding anything supernatural? I've learned to just smile and nod in those cases, especially with the touchy types.


Asimov, I take it you wouldn't be interested in my story of how, at age 6, I was abducted by vampire aliens and they explained to me that I was "the destined one?" :HaHa:

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Don't you know it's a taboo to



shed skepticism upon


attempt to debunk

scoff at

or mock someones past experiences regarding anything supernatural?

It's one thing to be skeptical. It's something else entirely to be a self-righteous, snot-nosed, rude little bitch who puts down people simply for disagreeing (with an opinion espoused in an arrogant tone, no less. Wouldn't have been so riling if maybe, just maybe, a little mroe respect had been shown to the other side of the discussion) and doesn't offer anything of more substance than sneering little insults.


And mocking is rude. Best to save it for the Fundie trolls.


I've learned to just smile and nod in those cases, especially with the[/b] touchy types.

Hey, look, Asimov had a good idea.... :lmao:

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Meh. I only attribute my "supernatural" experiences to "ghosts" because it's the easiest thing to use for conversations sake. I mean, I guess I could say my "peculiar experiences that may or may not have been hallucinations, seizures, hypnogogic imagery, stress related or miniature earthquakes but probably were not dead people and definately were not gnomes". But I like saying ghosts better. It's not as if I'm demanding anyone believe in ghosts just because I say I've experienced weird shit.


Most of my "peculiar experiences ..." were when I was fully awake, completely sober and in the company of at least one other person. Personally I find it more likely that we actually did experience what happened than that we both were mysteriously struck mentally ill or had random shared hallucinations. I do not automatically give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are just being honest, but having had what minimal experience I have in the "peculiar", it has opened my mind to the possibility that some people aren't just pulling my leg. And therefore that there is some kind of real, tangible element to some of these experiences people have.


My whole 'haunted room' ordeal is wayyyy too long to type up. It went on for the entire time we lived in that house, about ... 12 years or so.


There was this one time that me and 2 of my friends were over at my neighboor's and we all went into her room to grab our things before leaving. Well, there in the middle of the floor was a towel. Standing up in the middle of the room, nothing else near it, as if something was underneath of it. Like a little kid, or some object holding it up (it kind of appeared as a thin, classic 'sheet ghost', but the towel was green/blue). Well we called her in there and she just shrugged and knocked it over, walked out of the room and never said a word about it. We examined the towel, nothing underneath of it. The towel was not stiff at all and was fairly thin and flimsy. There was absolutely no way that towel was standing there on it's own. None. And no there was no string from the ceiling either, my friend wasn't exactly that clever, anyway. It sounds silly but it was bizarre. Me and one of my other friends that was there still talk about how weird it was that she just ignored it, her house was always really strange and we'd always catch glimpses and hear things we couldn't quite explain but we never saw anything directly like that. We decided she probably had things like that happen all the time and just ignored them.


Me and the same friend have experienced a time slip driving down the highway a couple times. It's quite bizarre but kind of funny. We pass the same place twice occasionally, losing about 10 minutes. When you're in a hurry it's quite irritating. We never really give too much thought to it, but neither of us can explain it.


I've also seen a few shadow people, but both those times were right after I'd woken up, so people like to tell me it's SP. But I was not paralyzed, was moving around, was quite awake, vocalizing, and didn't go back to sleep afterwards. Plus other than those times, I've never experienced SP (and thank goodness :\)


I've also had incidents where we "asked the spirits" to respond to us by giving us a sign. These were the times I saw things thrown around, or heard voices. Once we asked and the light cover from the ceiling fan directly above us fell onto my head. Sure it could have been a coincidence. But those are quite the odds. That I asked right when it decided to fall, and I just so happened to be sitting underneath of it. Pretty good. I'm just glad I didn't crack my skull. I didn't ask anymore after that :P


Edit: Oh and yes I do think that 'asking for signs' makes one prone to experiencing synchronicity. I've asked for signs privately before and never had an audible or physical "answer" and can easily attribute the answers I percieved as wishful thinking or coincidence. But in a group there was always something that physically or audibly happened. So I'm just not sure, I don't know what I believe was actually going on.

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And mocking is rude. Best to save it for the Fundie trolls.


So is calling people names and being a bitch about it....but I don't see you complaining. :HaHa:


Hey, look, Asimov had a good idea.... :lmao:


It happens...it happens...

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There is no nice way to call someone a liar. LF, you are in a great position to provide proof for all of the snot eating bigots around here. Instead, the best you can do is unleash rage upon those who don't have any reason to believe accounts, and have never had an experience that could only be explained as supernatural. Seems stupid that for years you've had all these experiences, and never thought of providing proof. Of course, there are people who could live their lives without disclosing their accounts. But seeing as how you are the type to rip your hair out of your scalp over this, why not prove it? Invest in cameras and cash out when the next batch of zombie cats storm your apartment. Maybe the humanist in you would never go through with capitalizing on these supernatural experiences, in that case just spend the camera money on a 90 minute massage and pedicure. Save yourself girl, relax. Being angry all the time can fuck up your health.

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I am going to have to side with LF here, though. Asimov is a self-righteous asshole who only serves to prove to the American Fundie Christians that atheists really are snotty bastards. Whatever LF has to say may not have been exactly tactful, but neither has Asimov himself, for the entire time I have been here and observed him. In short, he had it coming.

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What do you all believe about ghosts?


I believe they exist only in the minds of those who believe they exist. I suspect 'ghosts' are simply primal fears evolution has come up with to keep us huddled together safely at night.

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  • 2 months later...
To be fair (and I was digging around, and found this thread hehe), LF could do all the recording she wanted, but guaranteed, even if she got something on film, someone would say it was a hoax, the film had been messed with, etc.

Exaclty. I'm not going to waste my time, recording every second of my life in hopes of catchign one of these random events in an attempt to try to prove something to people who are only going to call me a liar, no matter what I provide.


And, for the record, I'm capable of being quite level-headed and civil in a disagreement... so long as the other party isn't plugging their ears and screaming "LALALALALA! I CAN'T HEEEEAR YOU! YOU'RE MAKING IT UP!!! I HAVE FACTS AND YOU'RE JUST LYYYYYING!!!"


On a different note...


I've really come to like the show "Ghost Hunters" on Sci-Fi. The part I like most about it is that TAPS goes into "haunted" places to attempt to disprove supernatural/paranormal activity - and they usually do. But they do sometimes find things they genuinely cannot explain, as well (the St. Augustine Lighthouse episode was particularly interesting, as they caught some very bizarre things on film there)

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What would it take for everyone to believe ghost are real? Seems like photographs, video cameras, voice recordings, testimonials or anything else won't work. There is probably more evidence for ghost than their is for Jesus.


So what would it take for someone to believe ghost are fact in this world of digitial technology?

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There is no nice way to call someone a liar.

So... Just because I hold to the idea that there are things in this world that aren't yet understood (*gasp!*), I'm a liar.


Okay. From now on, I'm not going to believe in giant squid. I don't care what you tell me, or what photographs you show me, or anything. They're all probably just hoaxes, or have been tampered with... Giant squid just aren't real. I've never seen one, or touched one, or eaten one, so there's no way they can be real, and if you try to tell me that they are, you're a LIAR!


I'm also not going to believe in appendixes. I've never seen one of those, either. Or had to have an "appendectomy" to remove one. So obviously they don't exist, and all the doctors who say they do are quacks. Don't try to tell me that appendixes exist, or you're a LIAR!


Oh, yeah - and corbon monoxide is a hoax, too! It's just something made up by people to get you to buy incredibly expensive and useless ceiling decorations. Come on - something you can't see, smell, touch, hear, or taste?? There's no way! It doesn't exist unless it stimulates at least one of your senses! All those reports about "carbon monoxide poisoning"? Those are all just faked. Don't try to tell me otherwise, or you're a LIAR!


See how annoying that gets, and how fucking stupid it sounds? Good. Now fuck off.


And, guess what? There's no nice way of calling someone an arrogant, snot-nosed bitch, either. And, though I generally try to reserve that title for people I know, and who I know deserve it... Hey, if you can make a totally unfounded judgement call and call me (a... person that you've never met, and whom you don't really know) a liar... well, then, it's only fair that I get to call you an arrogant, snot-nosed bitch, too.


Being angry all the time can fuck up your health.

Oh, I'm not angry all the time. Just when condescending assholes call me a liar for refusing to kowtow to their personal beliefs.


...gee, where have I gotten that sentiment before...?


Taylork45 So what would it take for someone to believe ghost are fact in this world of digitial technology?

Dear, these people wouldn't believe in anything paranormal even if it came up and nuzzled them lovingly on the crotch. They'd find some way to dismiss it.

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What do you all believe about ghosts?


Things that people fought were "ghost lights" were revealed to be hoaxes. So I'm kind of iffy about believing in ghosts, I don't know and I don't really care. But if it were true then that'd be cool, although I wouldn't want to live with them. Didn't anyone see The Others?

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What do you all believe about ghosts?



They're no differnt than Jack n The Beanstalk.


Next question.



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I believe the following regarding ALL supernatural phenomena, including ghosts:


1) They do not exist

2) It is not productive to discuss this with someone who believes they have experienced something supernatural


This applies to healings, palm readings, tarot, zodiac, Ouija boards, spirits, hauntings, UFO's, telekinesis, God, Satan, etc.

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I believe the following regarding ALL supernatural phenomena, including ghosts:


1) They do not exist

2) It is not productive to discuss this with someone who believes they have experienced something supernatural


This applies to healings, palm readings, tarot, zodiac, Ouija boards, spirits, hauntings, UFO's, telekinesis, God, Satan, etc.

Good on you.


So stop trying to "discuss" this with someone of an opposing viewpoint. At least until you learn how to conduct yourself in a manner that doesn't make you look like a total ignorant ass.

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Yep! They're smokin' crack over here too. :Doh:

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Yep! They're smokin' crack over here too. :Doh:

Like I say in ottah thread... oly five dollah, get you so hiiigh, you nevah come down :wicked:

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Good on you.


So stop trying to "discuss" this with someone of an opposing viewpoint. At least until you learn how to conduct yourself in a manner that doesn't make you look like a total ignorant ass.


You're right, I should take my own advice!


But does that really justify the personal attack? Wow, such nice non-judgmental friendly people on this site.............makes me feel like I'm back in church.................

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Let's try to keep our skepticism (and responses to it) as civil as possible, please.

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Good on you.


So stop trying to "discuss" this with someone of an opposing viewpoint. At least until you learn how to conduct yourself in a manner that doesn't make you look like a total ignorant ass.


You're right, I should take my own advice!


But does that really justify the personal attack? Wow, such nice non-judgmental friendly people on this site.............makes me feel like I'm back in church.................

If you really want to feel like your at church you can give me 10% of your earnings!!!! :wicked:

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I understand if you've decided you want to bow out of this discussion, but to be fair, jumping in with a bunch of nonprovable empirical statements and acting all offended when someone disagrees with you and calls you to task on being rude, is fairplay.

You are mischaracterizing my posts.

It's been my experience on this board that people call others on their bullshit. If you come in all spouting attitude and superiority people are gonna say something. I've been called on bad behavior before too. Be a big boy about it and suck it up.

Now I am a spouter of bullshit and have been called on it, I see......

This is not a low self-esteem discussion board. If you're expecting to be able to put other people down without them asserting themselves...well.... :lmao:

and I have low self-esteem to boot! And i put other people down.


All of this because I dared to suggest that ghosts aren't real and that James Randi is not just like Kent Hovind. Wow. :Doh:


I gotta go find that ignore feature.....

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Exaclty. I'm not going to waste my time, recording every second of my life in hopes of catchign one of these random events in an attempt to try to prove something to people who are only going to call me a liar, no matter what I provide.

Shut, liar.


Just for those people who get all uppity about others denying their experiences:


1. I do not think that we are denying that those experiences happened as you say them, or as you perceived them.

2. It is not the event that is being denied, but the explanation, or seeming lack thereof.




Yep! They're smokin' crack over here too. :Doh:


Butt-crack...the best kind.

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So yea, to reiterate my point....I don't think that people are stupid for perceiving what they think is supernatural, I think people are stupid for conceptualizing their perception as supernatural...


ghosts? Honestly....what are we, ten years old?

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