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Puzzled By Bigfoot


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Anybody know any good forums for discussing Bigfoot and UFOs? Sometimes I find that investigating the details helps me see that the cases are over-hyped. I don't like the CSICOP forum, because they seem to be pompous jerks who dismiss everything without investigation. On the other hand, most forums are swarming with believers who are equally annoying.


You could try this:



I've never actually used this forum, but it would be my preferred option for this sort of debate were I inclined to get involved.


At the very least, it should prove entertaining...

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Anybody know any good forums for discussing Bigfoot and UFOs? Sometimes I find that investigating the details helps me see that the cases are over-hyped. I don't like the CSICOP forum, because they seem to be pompous jerks who dismiss everything without investigation. On the other hand, most forums are swarming with believers who are equally annoying.


You could try this:



I've never actually used this forum, but it would be my preferred option for this sort of debate were I inclined to get involved.


At the very least, it should prove entertaining...




The "Fortean Times" magazine / website is awesome! I have not bought the magazine or consulted the forums in a while, though.

Fascinating stuff! Once again, you don't have to take any of it that seriously. People see -- or, at least, think that they see -- pretty 

odd things from time to time. "Mythology in action?"  I dunno! 

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That happened before I experienced psychosis, so I can't explain it away with psychology.


Perhaps it's more accurate to say that bizarre perception you had occurred before psychosis was actually diagnosed.


I thought the same thing when I read that sentence too.  

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That happened before I experienced psychosis, so I can't explain it away with psychology.

Perhaps it's more accurate to say that bizarre perception you had occurred before psychosis was actually diagnosed.


I thought the same thing when I read that sentence too.


Yeah, I think the typical depiction of psychosis is wrong. Probably everybody is psychotic just beneath the surface, but then it pokes its head up now and then - just like Nessie. wink.png In some people Nessie is swimming closer to the surface than others.

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Anybody know any good forums for discussing Bigfoot and UFOs? Sometimes I find that investigating the details helps me see that the cases are over-hyped. I don't like the CSICOP forum, because they seem to be pompous jerks who dismiss everything without investigation. On the other hand, most forums are swarming with believers who are equally annoying.


You could try this:



I've never actually used this forum, but it would be my preferred option for this sort of debate were I inclined to get involved.


At the very least, it should prove entertaining...


Thanks, I bookmarked that forum. I think the Fortean Times has some interesting theories. smile.png

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I've "seen" weird stuff, too. Including a "ghost" of a civil war general who tipped his hat at me and then disappeared while I was in a crowded place in the middle of a sunny afternoon. Haven't seen anything weird in years since I stopped believing in the possibility of ghosts, so I now think the weirdies of the past were projections of my own mind, sort of like dreams or hallucinations.




Anyway, probably I shouldn't have mentioned these thoughts, but sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who is suspicious that reality is not as it seems.


Naw, your okay. I have seen some strange things in my life that defy logic. _Cat


Thanks, and that's an interesting experience about the civil war general. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen these kinds of things. smile.png


What really makes me wonder are the cases with multiple witnesses observing something with high strangeness. Multiple witnesses observing a light in the sky is no big deal, but multiple witnesses observing a light in the sky that traces the edge of the moon - that's weird. (It happened too. I believe it was recorded in Blue Book, but I might be mistaken. The observers were astronomers at an outdoor party.)

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Since we are bringing up UFOs those are real by definition.  Seeing something is an easy skill.  A toddler


can see something.  Accurately identifying what you see is a very difficult skill especially when the observer


doesn't have the right background or training.  So often objects seen in the sky will not be identified.


I saw one myself in the 4th of July.  I could rule out a few things that it could not be.  It also wasn't a


hallucination because everyone at my party saw it.  However to assume that it was visitors from another 


planet would be extremely bizarre and unfounded.  My guess is that the unidentified object I saw was a


law enforcement drone.  That guess has a slight chance of being right unlike the little green men option.

The drones certainly complicate things today.

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Here's a good documentary on Bigfoot hunters


BBC Storyville - Shooting Bigfoot America's Monster Hunters (2014) - A BBC filmmaker travels to America to meet bigfoot hunters, discovers a world of incompetence, idiocy, deceit and danger.



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If bigfoot was real, some hunter wouldve plugged him with a 270 winchester by now. Or maybe it has happened only to realize it was some guy in a bigfoot costume. Then the body was dissappeared.

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Anybody know any good forums for discussing Bigfoot and UFOs? Sometimes I find that investigating the details helps me see that the cases are over-hyped. I don't like the CSICOP forum, because they seem to be pompous jerks who dismiss everything without investigation. On the other hand, most forums are swarming with believers who are equally annoying.


You could try this:



I've never actually used this forum, but it would be my preferred option for this sort of debate were I inclined to get involved.


At the very least, it should prove entertaining...


Thanks, I bookmarked that forum. I think the Fortean Times has some interesting theories. smile.png




Try reading the actual writings of Charles Fort. You might start with The Book of the Damned.


Fortean Texts

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Guest Furball


I've "seen" weird stuff, too. Including a "ghost" of a civil war general who tipped his hat at me and then disappeared while I was in a crowded place in the middle of a sunny afternoon. Haven't seen anything weird in years since I stopped believing in the possibility of ghosts, so I now think the weirdies of the past were projections of my own mind, sort of like dreams or hallucinations.




Anyway, probably I shouldn't have mentioned these thoughts, but sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who is suspicious that reality is not as it seems.


Naw, your okay. I have seen some strange things in my life that defy logic. _Cat


Thanks, and that's an interesting experience about the civil war general. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen these kinds of things. smile.png


What really makes me wonder are the cases with multiple witnesses observing something with high strangeness. Multiple witnesses observing a light in the sky is no big deal, but multiple witnesses observing a light in the sky that traces the edge of the moon - that's weird. (It happened too. I believe it was recorded in Blue Book, but I might be mistaken. The observers were astronomers at an outdoor party.)



I think what lends some credibility to the UFO community are the military and police reports. Any yahoo living in a trailer down south can say they were abducted or saw something in the sky, but a trained officer or commercial/fighter pilot does add some intrigue. _Cat

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

Anyway, probably I shouldn't have mentioned these thoughts, but sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who is suspicious that reality is not as it seems. Star Trek had an episode whose title comes to mind "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky".

Don't feel bad about being open and honest in here. You are not the only one who thinks this way. Philosophers and logicians do thought experiments ALL THE TIME about the nature of reality, and how we perceive it. It's very possible that things are not as they seem. But it doesn't mean supernatural shit is going on. It's great to think outside the box and ponder all of these abstract theories of reality and perception. At the same time, if your mind gets fucked from pondering it too much and you completely lose touch with reality, its not good. I think healthy amounts of skepticism sprinkled with tiny bits of abstract thought makes for good balance and a healthy mind. But that's just me.

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I just finished reading "Silent Invasion" by Stan Gordon about a wave of Bigfoot sightings in Pennsylvania in 1973. Having personally experienced hallucinations, I am now very skeptical of any reports with single witnesses, however some of these reports had multiple witnesses. Sometimes the witnesses were animals that were in a state of shock after the sightings, and animals don't participate in hoaxes. Of course the author could be distorting some of the reports to make the book more marketable.


What did the animals say they saw? Probably nothing. Animals don't talk much.

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Mom told me that ghosts and all that 'stuff' was bullshit while I was growing up, so I never really 'saw' any of those things. Then I became a Christian and my (ex) wife had 'seen and felt' weird things and of course there was that house where her brother had the paranormal experience.... And now I have a cat that 'sees' things flying around the room. At the old house we lived in there was that 'bad energy' area that we stayed away from... smile.png


That night of my ritual , my spell accidentally set off the smoke alarm....(or maybe it was a power bump...haha).


Probably these paranormal things were 100% imagination and embellished stories(egged on by the fears and imagination of family members feeding off each other) but they had their element of fun. And I cast protection spells to make it more fun. smile.png


Magical thinking 'can' be fun...as long as you dont take it too seriously and your foundation of thought and living is based on observed reality. I don't have hallucinations, thank goodness. Though if I could whip up some visual form right there on the spot that might be some wicked fun. smile.png

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I just finished reading "Silent Invasion" by Stan Gordon about a wave of Bigfoot sightings in Pennsylvania in 1973. Having personally experienced hallucinations, I am now very skeptical of any reports with single witnesses, however some of these reports had multiple witnesses. Sometimes the witnesses were animals that were in a state of shock after the sightings, and animals don't participate in hoaxes. Of course the author could be distorting some of the reports to make the book more marketable.


 Animals don't talk much.



They do in the bible. 10.gif



I know what the fox says....

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Anyway, probably I shouldn't have mentioned these thoughts, but sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who is suspicious that reality is not as it seems. Star Trek had an episode whose title comes to mind "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky".

Don't feel bad about being open and honest in here. You are not the only one who thinks this way. Philosophers and logicians do thought experiments ALL THE TIME about the nature of reality, and how we perceive it. It's very possible that things are not as they seem. But it doesn't mean supernatural shit is going on. It's great to think outside the box and ponder all of these abstract theories of reality and perception. At the same time, if your mind gets fucked from pondering it too much and you completely lose touch with reality, its not good. I think healthy amounts of skepticism sprinkled with tiny bits of abstract thought makes for good balance and a healthy mind. But that's just me.


Thanks smile.png Life is a bit like walking a tightrope. The rope is metaphysical naturalism. There is a huge volume of space all around the rope, but we must walk on the rope - it's all we have.

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Mom told me that ghosts and all that 'stuff' was bullshit while I was growing up, so I never really 'saw' any of those things. Then I became a Christian and my (ex) wife had 'seen and felt' weird things and of course there was that house where her brother had the paranormal experience.... And now I have a cat that 'sees' things flying around the room. At the old house we lived in there was that 'bad energy' area that we stayed away from... smile.png


That night of my ritual , my spell accidentally set off the smoke alarm....(or maybe it was a power bump...haha).


Probably these paranormal things were 100% imagination and embellished stories(egged on by the fears and imagination of family members feeding off each other) but they had their element of fun. And I cast protection spells to make it more fun. smile.png


Magical thinking 'can' be fun...as long as you dont take it too seriously and your foundation of thought and living is based on observed reality. I don't have hallucinations, thank goodness. Though if I could whip up some visual form right there on the spot that might be some wicked fun. smile.png

Yeah, I don't know what to think. I was watching a movie last night, and when I focused on the wine glass I caught a whiff of wine. That happens often when I see somebody smoking on a movie too. (Basically that is a form of self hypnosis I guess. I have never been hypnotized, but apparently people enter trances all the time every day without knowing it.)


That is interesting about the magic spell apparently setting off a smoke alarm. I prefer to not believe in those things, because it makes life more confusing. Atheism and metaphysical naturalism are nice and simple. smile.png

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Guest sylensikeelyoo


Mom told me that ghosts and all that 'stuff' was bullshit while I was growing up, so I never really 'saw' any of those things. Then I became a Christian and my (ex) wife had 'seen and felt' weird things and of course there was that house where her brother had the paranormal experience.... And now I have a cat that 'sees' things flying around the room. At the old house we lived in there was that 'bad energy' area that we stayed away from... :) That night of my ritual , my spell accidentally set off the smoke alarm....(or maybe it was a power bump...haha). Probably these paranormal things were 100% imagination and embellished stories(egged on by the fears and imagination of family members feeding off each other) but they had their element of fun. And I cast protection spells to make it more fun. :) Magical thinking 'can' be fun...as long as you dont take it too seriously and your foundation of thought and living is based on observed reality. I don't have hallucinations, thank goodness. Though if I could whip up some visual form right there on the spot that might be some wicked fun. :)

Yeah, I don't know what to think. I was watching a movie last night, and when I focused on the wine glass I caught a whiff of wine. That happens often when I see somebody smoking on a movie too. (Basically that is a form of self hypnosis I guess. I have never been hypnotized, but apparently people enter trances all the time every day without knowing it.)That is interesting about the magic spell apparently setting off a smoke alarm. I prefer to not believe in those things, because it makes life more confusing. Atheism and metaphysical naturalism are nice and simple. :)

The brain has this amazing ability to fool us. There have been many studies done on the power of suggestion and how easily our brain can be fooled. I am not surprised at all that you were able to "smell" the things you saw on the TV. A really good show to watch that takes a deeper look on these phenomena and is incredibly entertaining is Brain Games on National Geographic. On fact, I think Netflix has a season or two of this show available for streaming. I'd check it out if I were you. Lots of good stuff in there, and you will learn a lot. I also think it will help ease your mind about the supernatural and metaphysical nonsense.

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I met him in the town centre the other day...

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The brain has this amazing ability to fool us. There have been many studies done on the power of suggestion and how easily our brain can be fooled. I am not surprised at all that you were able to "smell" the things you saw on the TV. A really good show to watch that takes a deeper look on these phenomena and is incredibly entertaining is Brain Games on National Geographic. On fact, I think Netflix has a season or two of this show available for streaming. I'd check it out if I were you. Lots of good stuff in there, and you will learn a lot. I also think it will help ease your mind about the supernatural and metaphysical nonsense.

Thanks smile.png I have never seen that documentary but I think I have heard about it. A good book on hallucinations was called... "Hallucinations" (big surprise) by Oliver Sacks. It had some interesting stories. In one case a guy actually fell out the window into a bush while wrestling with a hallucination. An elderly lady had a steady romantic relationship with her hallucination and did not want to take the medicine to make it stop.



I could go on and on, but my cat is sleeping on my hand. smile.png

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