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Goodbye Jesus

Jesus Surely Would Die.


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In genesis we read.


but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.


Now it clearly says good will cause you to die, yet Jesus was good. So surely he would die.

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Adam should have died that day.


fundies say to god a thousand yearss is like a day. Thats a problem because there is no basis for it.


progressives say it is an allegory. That is a problem because if it didnt actually happen, there isnt actually original sin.

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Adam should have died that day.


fundies say to god a thousand yearss is like a day. Thats a problem because there is no basis for it.


progressives say it is an allegory. That is a problem because if it didnt actually happen, there isnt actually original sin.

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I want to know why A&E didn't eat from the other tree, "Eternal Life" maybe because they didn't have knowledge yet. Maybe the fruit looked like shit. But at least God was kind enough to remove them from the garden so they wouldn't eat from that tree and live forever in sin. I'm not a believer, but these things always bothered me when I was. And I don't think God was kind. At all. I don't think he is real so not sure why I'm even going on about justifying or denying a mythological persons actions! I suppose it's part of the deconversion process. Ugh.

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I want to know why A&E didn't eat from the other tree, "Eternal Life" maybe because they didn't have knowledge yet. Maybe the fruit looked like shit. But at least God was kind enough to remove them from the garden so they wouldn't eat from that tree and live forever in sin. I'm not a believer, but these things always bothered me when I was. And I don't think God was kind. At all. I don't think he is real so not sure why I'm even going on about justifying or denying a mythological persons actions! I suppose it's part of the deconversion process. Ugh.


The Tree of Life wasn't even mentioned in the Bible until after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge.


Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:


They should have eaten from the Tree of Life first. Rookie mistake.


Bible quote from the Skeptics Annotated Bible

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God preventing humans from eating from the tree of life was simply God being a douchbag.


God had the power to make our experience wonderful and God denied us this simply because


God didn't want us to have a wonderful experience.  What a douchbag.

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God wanted to be the big bully in the school yard. In no way, shape, or form did God want us on his level. He gave us free will to "stir the pot" and laugh at us every time we screw up. That is his entertainment, we are his entertainment, while he watches us behind "the forth wall". What an asshole.

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The OP has disappeared.  A flurry of 50 posts within three days and then....nothing.

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