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Goodbye Jesus

Rapists Who Say Sorry.........


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Picture the scene:


A violent rapist beats the living shit out of a women, shatters her teeth, beats her so badly both her eyes close up and he punctures one of her lungs.During the beatings he rapes he over and over again......eventually he gets caught and is tried before a judge.........he pleads guilty, but get this, he says sorry, so the judge not only forgives him, but throws him a huge party in which he is the guest of honour. There is so much joy and happiness and all he had to was say sorry. The woman, who still has vision trouble and will need counselling for the rest of her days, is thrown into an oven and burnt to death.....


What would you thing of such a scenario. Pretty sick stuff, what kind of fucking judge would act like that.......  


Now picture this scene:


A violent rapist beats the living shit out of a women, shatters her teeth, beats her so badly both her eyes close up and he punctures one of her lungs.During the beatings he rapes he over and over again, the attack is so vicious she dies.....he never gets caught, and after living his life , just prior to dying , he tells Jesus he is sorry for the rape and killing, and asks for forgiveness . There is so much joy and happiness in Heaven and of course he is given wings and a harp and all he had to do was say sorry. The woman who never got to tell Jesus what a "wonderful" god He is, is thrown into an oven and burnt forever and ever...........


The second scenario is worse, yet you claim , it is just and good and moral............one must conclude you are worshipping a fucking lunatic 

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This assumes that an all powerful god should be constrained by a human sense of morality. From the god's view of things the rapist has satisfied some need of his (for whatever reason he needs it fulfilled) whereas the rapist's victim has not. The victim and other human's may think this is messed up, and they don't deserve the punishment which the God chooses to hand out just because they weren't willing to spiritually felate the God, but what they want and feel don't matter because the God is all-powerful and they are not. Perhaps the feeling of moral superiority which the victim and other which stand with her feel as their flesh continually melt's from there bones will be of comfort to them. They might even get a chuckle when the god has no more use for the rapist and casts him into the fire right alongside them. But at the end of the day the thoughts, feelings, and righteous indignation of the god's victims are just as meaningless and impotent as those of a factory farmed chicken, as it spends the entirety of it's life in a cramped cage with out enough room to even turn around, the feces of the chickens above it continuously dropping upon it's head, pumped full of antibiotics just so that it can survive long enough so that it can be killed and have its meat sold for $3's a kilo.


I say rather than judge this hypothetical cruel god, we should just be thankful that he does not exist. Others are not so lucky.

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Guest sylensikeelyoo

So what you're saying, Castiel, is that your sense of morality is better than GAWDzzzzz????? HOW DARE YOU! You heretic! Fuck you, YOURE GOING THERE TOO!

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