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Goodbye Jesus

No Soliciting!


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Yesterday there was a knock at the door


So I went upstairs and opened it to find two boys about high school age


I asked what they were selling


One boy nervously looked around while the other one, also very nervous, gave the spiel


They were wanting sponsors for a "Christian 5K Run" in order to pay the tuition for kids who could not meet the enrollment fees at their Academy.


I told them that I was not interested and that if Jesus was the Superintendent of their Academy he would lower the fees or make it free for all to attend.


They returned a puzzled look and walked away.


I kind of felt sorry for them because they were so young and had no clue how they had been brainwashed into whoring for their Christian pimp.



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How would you feel if they were collecting gift funds for tuition for poor children to allow them to attend a secular school?

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I really hate funding them, too. Especially the "praise Jesus" people standing outside the walmarts.


But what you did there -- that was a dick move. They didn't deserve that.

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How would you feel if they were collecting gift funds for tuition for poor children to allow them to attend a secular school?


My taxes already go towards funding secular and non-secular schools K-12.


Private schools secular or not..........I'm not going to help subsidize another persons educational preference.

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I went to a christian school, and from my experience and from the stories I hear about others, you probably did someone a favor. I have also been one of those kids brainwashed to do embarrassing, hard and stressful stuff in the name of god, cause adults are too lazy to do it. the church institutions get more money than they should through tithing, they don't need more money to make more brainwashed fundraisers. you give a christian organisation/church/academy more money, the result won't be they start doing more good with it.

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Sybaris, I'm with you on this.  


It's bad enough that all powerful imaginary Jesus has to send sinners out to do his dirty work, but when Christian parents send their kids out to raise money from the unbelievers? 


Maybe those kids will start to question why Jesus doesn't make it free for everyone like you said, if he wants everyone to know. 

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You might be the first person they ever heard that from, and you planted a seed that might get them thinking or talking. Too bad that's a rough age for them to start asking such questions, while being stuck in a christian school with christian parents. I'd be curious where those two end up with the faith in a few years.


I agree with SCM about forcing kids to do things that the adults will not. Who would say no to innocnt kids? We need more money, so send them out! That's the same reason I don't buy Girl Scout cookies any more. Free child labor to peddle their junk and bring in easy cash to their organization. Yuck.

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