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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Scared Of Going To Hell

Guest Ask21771

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Guest Ask21771


The way I understand christian thinking is this

1. Because Adam ate the fruit and defied God mankinds nature became sinful

2. We have to accept christianity because it is the only way to get rid of our sinful nature without violating our free will




Correct.  And yet Adam is a myth.  There was never any forbidden fruit.  It's a fairy tale.

Do you mean correct as in makes sense

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The way I understand christian thinking is this

1. Because Adam ate the fruit and defied God mankinds nature became sinful

2. We have to accept christianity because it is the only way to get rid of our sinful nature without violating our free will



Correct.  And yet Adam is a myth.  There was never any forbidden fruit.  It's a fairy tale.

Do you mean correct as in makes sense




I mean correct as in you have described Christian theology exactly the way it was taught to me during my 30+ years as a Christian.  The theology, of course, is false nonsense.  But you describe exactly the say the theology is set up.

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The way I understand christian thinking is this


1. Because Adam ate the fruit and defied God mankinds nature became sinful


2. We have to accept christianity because it is the only way to get rid of our sinful nature without violating our free will


Assuming that a human has a "nature," Christianity has not offered a persuasive argument for why that human would like to "get rid of it."

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The real question is why did god, (who is all loving and wants nothing but the best for his creatures) put the tree there in the first place?


An omniscient god who sees everything backward and forward for all eternity in all directions would have known that they would eat from it. So basically, he set them (and us) up.


So either he's not omniscient, or he knew and went ahead with it anyway, in which case he's a dick. Setting up millions to go to hell. Not so all-loving either, eh? The theology just shoots itself in the foot if you really care to think about it for a minute.


Good thing it's all just myth.

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A more accurate way to describe that webpage is that it is an apologetic, not an answer, because it ignores relevant and important information.  Good answers take all into account.  Apologetics, not so much.  Also, apologetics usually contain bad , invalid and/or unsound logic, which your referenced website content certainly contains.  For example, claiming that unless God let A&E choose they would have been robots.  That's a classic false dichotomy fallacy - only presenting two possibilities when many other possibilities exist.

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I think hell is on earth. I have felt that way for a long time. My mother feels that way, my grandmother feels that way, my friends feel that way( the few that I have). All the poverty, greed, mass destruction, rape, verbal abuses, psychical abuse, sexual abuse, despair, mental illnesses, psychical illnesses, forced marriage, forced motherhood, natural disasters, corrupt governments, ignorance, and intolerance toward the lgbt community, the childfree by choice community, the intolerance towards the depressed, the introverted, war, suffering, and painful deaths,homeless, and the millions of unanswered prayers, and religious and political brainwashing. "God never gives you more than you can handle/" Absolute hogwash, plenty of people are given more than they can handle in the form of abuse, poverty, bad jobs, learning disabilities, bullying, sickness, illness, tragedy and suffering and it doesn't get better.

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Guest Ask21771

The way I understand christian thinking is this

1. Because Adam ate the fruit and defied God mankinds nature became sinful

2. We have to accept christianity because it is the only way to get rid of our sinful nature without violating our free will

I need to find the flaws in this to be free of my fear

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The way I understand christian thinking is this

1. Because Adam ate the fruit and defied God mankinds nature became sinful

2. We have to accept christianity because it is the only way to get rid of our sinful nature without violating our free will

I need to find the flaws in this to be free of my fear




That is like looking for holes in swiss cheese.  It's full of holes.  But knowing why it is completely wrong might not address the emotional hook because emotions don't always work off of logic.


As for the holes - it is a known fact that modern humans go back 100,000 to 200,000 years.  Before that there were various hominid species that stretch back a million years or more.  There were


a couple of genetic bottlenecks in humanity's past but the male one and female one were at different times.  In other words we all descended from one genetic male survivor and one female


genetic survivor but these two people lived about 60,000 years apart.  There is no soul, there is no afterlife, there are no gods to be offended by sin.  And the Bible was completely wrong about


slavery so the Bible cannot be a moral code or guide.  



Let me know if you want to hear more.

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Ask: The god one  prays to is in his head. So, in reality, it's all about the one praying.. That's all. Think about it. To the one praying, only people who believe exactly as he does are worth anything. Isn't self indulgence fun? Well, it had to be that way because, otherwise, the world just wouldn't be fair-- to him. To hell with all the others, Literally.   This is one of the great flaws of  Xtianity, its unfettered selfishness  Rip

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There was no Adam.. (or Eve) evolution has debunked that. Evolution is based on TONS of facts. No Adam.. no Fall, no Hell. No need for redemption or blood sacrifice or any of that bronze-age, bloodthirsty bullshit.


A little tidbit… a 'soul' is a combination (according to the OT) of the breath of god (life force) and a body.  It is not something that exists outside of corporeal life.  It does not continue past the life of the body.


Case closed. Just be the best person you can be.. live your life.


Learn deeply about evolution and your fears will dissipate.  Honest.  :)

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