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Goodbye Jesus

What Popular Films Did You Dislike And Why


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Blue aliens on another planet fight US military over the issues of their homeland....with bad CGI animals thrown in for good measure. Dreadful tripe filled with cliché 




Bond gets shot twice and falls a very long way down and lives.....so he is basically a super hero now, without the cape. Bond bad guy (in common with lots of bond bad guys) has a deformity. Nothing says evil like a deformity or disability.


The Avengers:


Ironman dies, is brought back to life by the Hulk roaring at him. Super-heroes face dreadful odds  and argue amongst themselves cliché


Star Trek Into Darkness


God where to begin. Kirk dies and is brought back to life by tribble foreshadowing scene. "Robocop" actor might have well called himself Doctor Evil in this film. Also pointless underwear scene to play for the perverts in the audience

Name something you like and why as a frame of reference to help me understand your tastes better?


HZ, I'm with you on documentaries over 'based-on' fictionalized crap.


I tend to dislike any of the homogenous 'feel good' movies - ET, Batteries Not Included, that sort of thing.  I also have a reflex aversion to movies 'you HAVE to see!'  I didn't see Forrest Gump for at least a decade because of that designation, and if I hadn't had a Jenny in my own life it wouldn't have resonated with me in nearly the same way.


I love documentaries. I love shitty fiction. I love to escape and use each for a different reason. I dislike movies that are to much like real life. I can get that for free by going outside I want absurd in my fiction :)


I dislike almost all "couples" comedies or movie that have Tim Allen in them. Pick one I am pretty sure I think it sucks.

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Goodbye Jesus

Citizen Kane… I have never made it through the first 20 minutes…. booooring (maybe I'd like the book?)


Any Rom-Com's…ICK!   except There's Something about Mary.. some funny shit there, and Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds.. that was hilarious even if predictable.  Oh… Moonstruck was great. 


Rocky (and sequels) I just don't find him believable and then it just get's worse…and worse and worse. Cinderella Man was much better.


The Godfather, et al. I can't bring myself to give a damn about any of these people.


Back to the Future… don't know why, just don't care for it.


The Shining… not scary.. pacing is ridiculously slow and.. well, I read the book first.


Jaws… really?


I don't care for superhero movies…or superhero's in general except for the X-Men series, Kickass (we can forgive the Nicholas Cage scenes) and oh!  My favourite...  Mystery Men!


Titanic… overblown and I already knew the ending.


Halloween… don't care for slashers, terror needs to be much more insidious. Prefer psychological suspense to gore. Alfred Hitchcock was good at that.


I loved Avatar…the visuals and basic premise were cool, but do agree they went WAY too far with the message. The story could have been much more subtle. The main character should have died at the end. But I've read a ton of great science fiction and the stories they do choose to make into movies aren't the cream of the crop.


Citizen Kanes value is not in the story or the acting really. It is really very dry and boring though I would agree. I do feel it has a lot of value for certain types of people though.

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I don't mind most of the movies mentioned, can't say that I hated any of them but perhaps didn't think they were the best thing ever either. Avatar was ok, but not great like a lot of people were making it out to be. I generally like the comic book films, but as of late they've become quite "meh". LOTR and The Hobbit films were also "okay", but nothing amazing. I did enjoy the first hunger games movie, the last 2 were okay-ish. Never a fan of the James Bond films, they've always been around 5/10 for me. Yeah, can't think of anything that I thought was really shit, but there's certainly plenty I thought were watchable but nothing to write home about.

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I really liked the first LOTR film, but the next two we a lot less interesting IMO. I was very "meh" about the first Hunger Games movie (I liked the second one better and the third one was pretty awesome). 

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It's not the best Disney movie in the world. It wasn't terrible, but Disney spent too much time fapping over how great it was. Frozen will never top films like The Lion King, Brother Bear or Aladdin. 

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Apocalypse Now, I have yet to remain awake until the end.  


Any Transformers movie.  Its like watching two trash cans fight and I cant tell the good robots from the bad ones.


The last Superman movie (whatever it was called), how many times can you watch one of the characters get thrown through a building?    

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The last Superman movie (whatever it was called), how many times can you watch one of the characters get thrown through a building?    



It's funny, the first time I watched it I quite enjoyed it. Later on whenever it came onto blu-ray or whatever I watched it again and I'm like "how the hell did I get through this?". It was really long and boring, barely 5/10 for me.
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I second the vote for Godfather. A bunch of Italians killing each other with machine guns. 


Anything by Disney I dislike. When you're entire aesthetic is based on appealing on middle Americans who have no taste, your product is going to suck, no matter how much money you spend. 


Anything by Spielberg or Lucas. Similar to Disney. "Let's decide what will be impressive to Iowa Baptists and make a film that will awe them. It won't take much."


Taxi Driver. Sleazy and stupid. 


The Birds. Stupid, period. 

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Any post-Sean Connery 007 films. I'm old and there's only one James Bond, and that's Connery.


Indiana Jones is just stupid, even the one with Connery in it.


Blair Witch Project made a big splash and I don't understand that at all.


Avatar? WTF???


Hobbits? WTF???

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Citizen Kane… I have never made it through the first 20 minutes…. booooring (maybe I'd like the book?)



Ravenstar, there was no book - Citizen Kane was an original screenplay.

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My most hated movies were the two Charlies Angels remakes.  A $200 million budget and a set of big name Hollywood actresses and the best we get is this?!

The list of stupid scenes was just so long:  drop a helicopter off a dam and get it started before it hits the ground, a dirt bike that explodes on contact with dirt, people in a dirt bike race where the winner takes all and yet everyone is doing superman style jumps for no purpose, the girls walking into a mercenary army barracks claiming to be tourists, Demi Moore flying by opening her cape...  Ugh, I could write a whole essay on the stupidity of those movies.

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Guest Furball

I honestly think most movies are bad. I hardly go the movies at all anymore, and when i do the theatre is almost completely empty. Even the ones that are hyped and expected to be popular the place is empty. I didn't like the godfather movies or the benji movies

jesus there is too many to list

robocop sequels to boot (no pun intended)

die hard sequels 





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Anything by M. NIght Shyamalan - after the Sixth Sense, which was moderately entertaining.  I felt completely cheated after watching "The Village" a total ripoff.  I did not want to see anything by him - the only thing halfway decent was the one with the crop circles "Signs" but that involved Mel Gibson.  Old Mel isn't quite what he used to be, sorry to say. The days of futuristic shoot em up on the Australian outback are long gone.


The Hobbit movies are terrible. I don't even need to see the most recent one.


I did not care for most of the Harry Potter movies.  I could not follow the plot through all the movies, and half the time I didn't know what was going on, which became incredibly annoying. I had not read the books so I was totally at sea. I liked the first one - that is about it. I don't like CGI characters either - the ones that are very cartoonish like the house elf and another good example in the horrible Star Wars movies -Jar Jar Binks.  They just look and act stupid or sorry and bring down the whole film.


I did not like ET. Overly sweet and sentimental.


I thought Jaws was good, but overly hyped and just did not live up to all the hoopla for me.  I also read the book first.


I don't like any of these movies with the CGI robots that reassemble themselves into different shapes - "Transformers". Can't get through more than 5 minutes.

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I didn't like The Blues Brothers. I rented it long after it came out, watched it, and thought, People went bananas over this?


I hated that, too. 

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The Hitchcock films are OK with the sound off. I like the clothes and the cinematography. That's pretty much the only thing still good about them. Cary Grant's voice reminds me of William F. Buckley, whom I loathe. And Jimmy Stewart was woefully miscast in "Dial M for Murder" and "Vertigo."


The plot of "Vertigo" was too unbelievable. 


"Psycho" might have been good with a different lead. When you look like the lead singer of the Del-Vikings, you're not really going to scare anybody. I've read comic books scarier than this film. 


"Chinatown" was not very good, but everybody praises it like it's the best thing ever. 

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Add Aladdin to my list............ 20th century western humor in a 18th century middle eastern setting. Yeah I know, it wouldn't have worked otherwise but I just couldn't get past it.

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Citizen Kane… I have never made it through the first 20 minutes…. booooring (maybe I'd like the book?)



Ravenstar, there was no book - Citizen Kane was an original screenplay.


Well.. that might explain it then.  :D

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I didn't like The Blues Brothers. I rented it long after it came out, watched it, and thought, People went bananas over this?


I didn't like that movie either

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-Pulp Fiction.  It seemed like it was only made for the purpose of being a litmus test to prove how edgy and cool you were as a movie-goer.


-Any Jim Carrey/Robin Williams/Johnny Depp movie that was meant to be nothing more than a tour-de-force of the said actor's quirky and over-the-top acting and/or comic style (The Mask, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Good Morning Vietnam, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

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As a kid I was horrified by Charlie and the chocolate factory, I thought no one survived and I stopped watching before the end.  One kid drowns in a chocolate river, one falls in the trash compactor, one turns into a blue berry who they then juice.  It was carnage!

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I saw Birdman in theaters a few weeks ago, and for the life of me I don't know why people are raving about it. My reaction was: "Um...that was slightly interesting, but wtf did I just watch?"

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The Deerhunter. Saw at age 17. The forced russian roulette scene gave me nightmares for 12 years.

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