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What Popular Films Did You Dislike And Why


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Blue aliens on another planet fight US military over the issues of their homeland....with bad CGI animals thrown in for good measure. Dreadful tripe filled with cliché 




Bond gets shot twice and falls a very long way down and lives.....so he is basically a super hero now, without the cape. Bond bad guy (in common with lots of bond bad guys) has a deformity. Nothing says evil like a deformity or disability.


The Avengers:


Ironman dies, is brought back to life by the Hulk roaring at him. Super-heroes face dreadful odds  and argue amongst themselves cliché


Star Trek Into Darkness


God where to begin. Kirk dies and is brought back to life by tribble foreshadowing scene. "Robocop" actor might have well called himself Doctor Evil in this film. Also pointless underwear scene to play for the perverts in the audience



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     That list is pretty decent overall.


     I thought that Ironman ran out of power and the EMP finished the job making the suit useless but he wasn't actually dead just unconscious (although I would have expected that fall to kill him off but it's a comic book movie)?  I don't really recall the movie all that well since I saw it in the theater though so maybe I've got it wrong?


     J.J. Abrams and pals ruined Star Trek.



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Also Indiana Jones and the magical kingdom of the super space aliens was rubbish. Don't even get me started on that scene where he survived a nuke blast by sitting in a fridge.

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Avatar: An otherworldly remake of Dances with Wolves


Into the Wild: Overly pretentious film about a typical anti-whatever kid who goes hitch-hiking and dies in the Alaskan wilderness cause he's unprepared.

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I felt the same way about Avatar, and I'm an environmentalist and pretty much a pacifist, too.  Somehow, I thought they managed to be too heavy-handed with the message there.

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I was completely the opposite. Love Avatar and saw it a couple of times, still like it. Hoping the sequels don't suck like most do.


Into Darkness was interesting, hated the casting of Khan Noonien Singh as a white man, though loved his fighting ability. The bed scene with Kirk is obligatory to establish his randy character, regardless of which timeline is chosen. Some things weren't meant to change.


Didn't see the others you mentioned.

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Avatar sucked ass.  I don't watch any of the comic-book films.  They are all just tweaked versions of the same banal good v evil story.  I also hate the Star Trek/Star Wars films.  (probably won't make many friends over that one. :) )I usually hate big budget films, with a few exceptions like Forest Gump and Back to the Future and probably a few others if I'm pressed. 

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Almost any romantic comedy--they're so predictable and improbable. Either a man gets a woman who's light years out of his league, or two people on a equal footing who can't stomach each other end up madly in love. In the first case, the popular, attractive woman is shown in a selfish, shallow light because she wants someone who is popular and attractive. Somehow, it's OK for the awkward, average-looking man in the story to want such a person, though.

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The Jason Bourne movies. I didn't like the shaky camera, thought they were boring and that Matt Damon was terribly miscast. When I tell people that they tell me I'm crazy. But it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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I loved JJ Abrams's Star Trek movies, and I'm speaking as someone who also loves TOS and TNG. He successfully revived a basically dead series.


Anyways, I heavily disliked:



The Nightmare Before Christmas

Love Actually


Sleepless in Seattle

A Beautiful Mind

Marley and Me

The Iron Giant



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I didn't like The Blues Brothers. I rented it long after it came out, watched it, and thought, People went bananas over this?

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The Passion of Christ (for obvious reasons).

Zeitgeist -- I thought the author made too many conclusions based on faulty assumptions.

I'm not much for romantic comedies either. I did like Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in '50 First Dates.' I thought that was original.

I dislike a lot of so-called based on true story movies. I prefer documentaries.

I don't watch most shows on the History Channel. Hardly any real history involved .... space aliens and the pyramids, really, c'mon.

I never watch shaky-cam movies. If I wanted to see a shaky-cam movie I could film it myself.

I haven't really enjoyed a good thriller since 9-11. 

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HZ, I'm with you on documentaries over 'based-on' fictionalized crap.


I tend to dislike any of the homogenous 'feel good' movies - ET, Batteries Not Included, that sort of thing.  I also have a reflex aversion to movies 'you HAVE to see!'  I didn't see Forrest Gump for at least a decade because of that designation, and if I hadn't had a Jenny in my own life it wouldn't have resonated with me in nearly the same way.

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I didn't like The Blues Brothers. I rented it long after it came out, watched it, and thought, People went bananas over this?


I don't remember it ever being that popular.  But yeah, it doesn't deserve its 8.0 IMDB rating.  I think perhaps it gets a sympathy vote for Belushi. 

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Silence of the lambs.........


Nasty serial killer put in cage guarded by officer "rookie" and Sgt "close to retirement", meanwhile the rest of the heavily armed unit is downstairs.........*yawn*


Plus swat team armed with everything bar nukes, pile round to wrong house, while plucky (and lightly armed) FBI agent accidentally goes to right house and just manages to save the day.


What a load of crap

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Yeah, I not only disliked Silence, it produces a visceral reaction in me of sheer detest.  The only other films I recall that do that for me are Star Wars and Basic Instinct.  Not sure why.  It's irrational. 

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OK, sliding off a little from my OP, but generally Nic Cage movies.....shessh:


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Raising Arizona?  That one was brilliant. 

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The Hunger Games. Agonizingly predictable and a ripoff of Battle Royale.

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Citizen Kane… I have never made it through the first 20 minutes…. booooring (maybe I'd like the book?)


Any Rom-Com's…ICK!   except There's Something about Mary.. some funny shit there, and Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds.. that was hilarious even if predictable.  Oh… Moonstruck was great. 


Rocky (and sequels) I just don't find him believable and then it just get's worse…and worse and worse. Cinderella Man was much better.


The Godfather, et al. I can't bring myself to give a damn about any of these people.


Back to the Future… don't know why, just don't care for it.


The Shining… not scary.. pacing is ridiculously slow and.. well, I read the book first.


Jaws… really?


I don't care for superhero movies…or superhero's in general except for the X-Men series, Kickass (we can forgive the Nicholas Cage scenes) and oh!  My favourite...  Mystery Men!


Titanic… overblown and I already knew the ending.


Halloween… don't care for slashers, terror needs to be much more insidious. Prefer psychological suspense to gore. Alfred Hitchcock was good at that.


I loved Avatar…the visuals and basic premise were cool, but do agree they went WAY too far with the message. The story could have been much more subtle. The main character should have died at the end. But I've read a ton of great science fiction and the stories they do choose to make into movies aren't the cream of the crop.

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The Godfather, et al. I can't bring myself to give a damn about any of these people.


I just don't know who you are anymore...






For the record, Godfather was the greatest film ever made. :)

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Thought Godfather was OK, loved Jaws BTW

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Any Rom-Com's…ICK!   except There's Something about Mary.. some funny shit there, and Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds.. that was hilarious even if predictable.  Oh… Moonstruck was great. 


I liked My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Return to Me and some of the scenes in There's Something About Mary. Haven't seen Just Friends. But Sleepless in Seattle (and An Affair to Remember) and two of the most overrated movies out there.

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The Godfather, et al. I can't bring myself to give a damn about any of these people.


I just don't know who you are anymore...






For the record, Godfather was the greatest film ever made. smile.png



I am very fond of the first Godfather movie, but I have never been able to watch the Godfather Part II (aside from the flashback scenes, which are good). I just find it incredibly boring.

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