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Views On Tony Blair, The Friend Of Jesus


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Tony Blair


What is the US view of Blair? Here in the UK he is widely hated, seen as a warmonger and liar and poodle to the Bush Administration. He is to date the only serving British Prime to be questioned by police for criminal activity while still in office.


The Scottish comedian Frankie Boyles has joked that Blair’s legacy will be as a horror story villain taught by Iraq’s mother to their children.


Least we ever forgot he is also a bit too keen on Jesus, but generally kept that information well hidden while he was dependant on voters electing him.


Along with the current Prime Minister, Cameron, I consider Blair to be one of the most corrupt Prime- minister in my living History.


Top three worst post war leaders of the UK




Currently selling off British assets to French and American hedge funds and private business interests. Waging a war on poor and disabled citizens. For the first time since WW2, the Red Cross in appealing for food parcels for UK children. Has had the temerity to call for peace in the middle east…..while on a trade mission to flog military weapons to despotic regions…….I kid you not, my free-thought brothers and sisters…..yet another church going Christian who promotes the faith when it suits him…….and like his fellow followers of Christ, ignores the Bibilcal commands he does not like


“Lady” Thatcher


Christian whack job, who preached Christian values to other parents, while her own son has a litany of sins that would embarrass Judas . Presided over huge rise in unemployment.  Introduced the YTS and the Poll tax. Asset stripped UK owned utilises. Now known to have been the personal friend of sex offenders, much to the concern of special branch.. Caused the death of innocent sailors in the conflict against Argentina……….. on purpose


Tony Blair


Messianic lunatic, known liar with a Fetish for Jesus .Did not have the gall to reveal his personal friendship with a 2000 year long dead Jewish carpenter while holding public office. Wanted to bring in ID cards to Britain.  Even other Christians have called for him to be held accountable for war crimes. Despite his personal devotion to the Lord, Blair has advised the pope on theological matters……the arrogance of such a position appears to be lost on him. Has to go everywhere with armed guards. One of the most hated politicians on the modern era.


Along with Shrub, he was found guilty during a mock trial on the following counts:

Crimes against peace

Crimes against humanity



To no ones surprise, Blair is welcomed and protected by the Church of Rome…..a hive of scum and villainy if ever there was one

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Couldn't agree more.  I note that Cameron is also destroying the outstanding NHS by selling it off to private interests by stealth.


For one of the most comprehensive obliterations of religion in a debate, I present Hitchens v Blair:


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Its a common misconception that Jesus was a carpenter. It never states in the Bible what he did for a living. A discussion about that is here: http://gospelgeeks.net/10-misconceptions-about-jesus-4-jesus-was-a-carpenter/


The actual reality is that he may have never existed at all. Academic circles speculate that if he did infact exist, of which there is absolutely no solid evidence, he was most likely a rabbi / religious scholar. I would add to that, a religious scholar with paranoid schizophrenia.

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Personally I think He did exist. It’s quite hard to imagine a cult growing so quickly around a non historical person without a seed to germinate it. During what could only be was a bitter dispute between the Jews and the early Christians, the Jews do not appear (or at least I have never read a source) to have argued back that Jesus wasn't real. ST Paul it never seems to have been told that the whole thing was make believe. Even today the Jews hold that Jesus was a false Messiah, but not an imaginary one.


Given that the NT is badly written religious propaganda, I concur with Hitchens it is likely they are writing about a man who actually lived and whom they believed was the Messiah. If it was all made up, why strain so much ink to make Him fit with the OT and expected views of the Chosen one.


You are spot about about the carpentry. In my defence for using it, Jews often passed on their trade from father (or step-father in this case) to son. Joseph was a carpenter according to Matthew, hence it is assumed that Jesus was also. 

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Blair was an absolutely disgusting individual.he utterly high jacked labour and turned it into a vulgar machine that pandered and still does pander to the middle class.i never have or would vote labour but there is no party now that represents the working class at all.he had a decade to abolish the council tax but chose not to as it was a helpful tax for everyone but the working class. That is his legacy.

He is also one of the worst lying PMs we ever had.you could actually hear the lie in his voice when claiming he genuinely believed saddam had wmds. He rhetorically sucked evangelical ass as pm who all believed his nonsense despite marrying a Catholic, sending his bairns to Catholic school, going to mass each Sunday but the coward waited till he was safely out of office before finally officially becoming a Catholic. Silly silly evangelical Christians who swallowed the load he gave them.and silly silly sheeple who voted the weasel in in 97 coz it was "cool" to vote "new" labour.

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To be fair, after 18 years of misrule by the Conservative Party, I gave him my vote and a chance. Like most voters I did not see (then) what an absolute disgrace he was (and is) to the Labour party of Nye Bevin and Atlee.


Although being a work class chap myself, while I see nothing wrong with aspiring to middle class values in principle, Blair’s obsession with keeping the likes of Murdoch and his “newspapers” happy was sickening.


I recall that while he was leader of the opposition, he ranted against the waste of money the millennium dome was and how that money could be better spent on the NHS. As soon as he took possession of his number 10 slippers, he thought the dome was wonderful.


He did bring in some socialism, but it was largely window dressing. Considering what a huge majority he had during his first term he could have enacted real social justice…had he been a better man. The fact he also hid his faith during his time in office speaks volumes about his preference for style over substance. What a waster.


And now, after helping Bush II to unleash mayhem overseas, he is a peace envoy…you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It’s sick

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Personally I think He did exist. It’s quite hard to imagine a cult growing so quickly around a non historical person without a seed to germinate it. During what could only be was a bitter dispute between the Jews and the early Christians, the Jews do not appear (or at least I have never read a source) to have argued back that Jesus wasn't real. ST Paul it never seems to have been told that the whole thing was make believe. Even today the Jews hold that Jesus was a false Messiah, but not an imaginary one.


Given that the NT is badly written religious propaganda, I concur with Hitchens it is likely they are writing about a man who actually lived and whom they believed was the Messiah. If it was all made up, why strain so much ink to make Him fit with the OT and expected views of the Chosen one.


You are spot about about the carpentry. In my defence for using it, Jews often passed on their trade from father (or step-father in this case) to son. Joseph was a carpenter according to Matthew, hence it is assumed that Jesus was also. 


The problem here is there is zero contemporary evidence for his existence and even the secular evidence that came a generation or so after his supposed existence is unclear and unreliable (in the case of Josephus, scholars think the passage was forged IIRC). 


You'd think there would be artifacts, documents, etc... for such a widely followed man.  I've been to the Hermitage and seen room upon room full of Roman artifacts that predate christ, yet there is nothing in the entire world from a man who today has over a billion followers?  Seems fishy at best, no? 


The Mormon religion is around 150 years old and it's grown exponentially in the past 50 or so years; all without the help of contemporaries who personally knew or met Joe Smith.  The xian religion wasn't really a major religion until around 300 years after the fact when Rome adopted it officially.  In just 150 years, the Mormons have built up somewhere around 15 million members according to their own records: http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/facts-and-stats 

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Can't say much about British politicians as we hardly hear anything about them here. If politicians overseas are discussed it's generally American ones. I'm actually surprised you guys had Christian leaning politicians as I thought you guys were fairly secular.

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Generally speaking, UK politicians hide their faith from the public. Being over keen on Jesus does not endear you to the electorate.


Hence Blair preferring to be elected over sharing his religiously views publicly….the cynical swine 

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