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Goodbye Jesus

Passover Vs Day Of Atonement


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WHy do we give a fuck about what a book of myths says about yet another god(s)???

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Look Not-so-fun Guy,


Paul disagreed with most of the other apostles because he brought different teachings to the table than what they wanted to present. Everyone had their motivations.


I have seen your postings on other pages and frankly, I really don't want your input on this thread if it is going to be to try to use "scripture" to support your premise. I find that scripture had been manipulated and corrupted by man for many years--- so I don't put a lot of trust into what was written. Face it--- if god had a master plan in which he wanted to unequivicobly state that his son Jesus was an atonement for all of our sins--- he would have had him crucified in September during the Day of Atonement!!!!


Him not being "sacrificed" at this time lends credence to the idea that someone named Jesus May have been crucified in Jerusalem-- and then the legends began to be built up. Perhaps he died around the time of passover--- so he turned into the Passover sacrifice--- but that sacrifice just protected you from god's wrath (again-- what kind of asshole god kills innocent first-born children!! And why would I want to worship him!!). If his purpose was to atone and this was gods divine plan--- at least get the timing right.


And even more importantly, why all these damn sacrifices to begin with? What kind of being needs this constant death to validate him. Seems to me the entire Jewish/ Christian religion system has been copying other pagan beliefs for years. And that includes the sacrifice of your own son!! Get fucking original!!

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And don't even get me started on Israel-- I am so sick of you Christians trying to shove this down our throats!! I read the bible when I was young and saw that the Jews were always being pillaged or overran. They were under some sort of occupation more often than not-- and even today, they don't have all of their land back and will likely have to cede even more to Palestine. If the Jews are owed this fucking land just because they lived there 2000 years ago then the USA needs to give a whole bunch of land to the Indians. The only reason Israel exists at all is because of religious nut jobs who wanted to hasten the end of the world. The whole thing is ridiculous and frankly, if this is how your god runs things--- I refuse to worship him--- because he sucks.

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And don't even get me started on Israel-- I am so sick of you Christians trying to shove this down our throats!! I read the bible when I was young and saw that the Jews were always being pillaged or overran. They were under some sort of occupation more often than not-- and even today, they don't have all of their land back and will likely have to cede even more to Palestine. If the Jews are owed this fucking land just because they lived there 2000 years ago then the USA needs to give a whole bunch of land to the Indians. The only reason Israel exists at all is because of religious nut jobs who wanted to hasten the end of the world. The whole thing is ridiculous and frankly, if this is how your god runs things--- I refuse to worship him--- because he sucks.


I just love it when you get saucy Kris. Looks good on ya girl!! Go ahead....say the 'f' word for me again.....yellow.gif

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Fuck Ya, Margee!! In the real world I actually have mouth like sailor-- but I try to be respectful on this site---- unless I am provoked!!

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Come on you guys! You are no match for old blind "fungus over his eyes." 

Have not you read what he wrote on himself?? He has the "True True True version"


"Believer in Yeshua (Jesus), but not necessarily identifies with being a Christian first. If you want to call me a Christian cause I believe in Jesus, no offence taken. I cannot defend Christianity though because centuries of hypocrisy, anti-semitism and false teachings have given rise to thousands of denominations saying they each have the truth".

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Why doesn't Jesus make a post? He's supposed to be alive and powerful, right?

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God has NO plan for Israel! ISRAEL has a plan for ISRAEL! Like it always has!

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Well, I choose to ignore your input. Gods plan for Israel has pretty much sucked so far--- and to is likely to continue this way for many more years. You sound like all the religious dorks that I stopped hanging out with once I realized the bible had a bunch of inconsistencies--- they pissed their pants anytime something happened in Israel. The gulf war rendered them orgasmic---- yet here we are 20 plus years later and no Jesus, Israel is still not safe from enemies--- how about Iran? And we all still roll along. If god was real, he would never have chosen the damn Middle East as his "promised land".

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How very odd

Of our lord god,

That he would choose

To use the Jews!

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Read the bible again mymistake because you are mistaken.  James and Paul completely agreed.  James did not preach a works based salvation, merely displaying the fruit after one is saved.


The rest is just a refusal to believe that only God could orchestrate a return of Israel and it being foretold thousands of years ago.  Sorry.


God is imaginary.  How does your imagination have the power to do anything?




From the Sceptic's Annotated Bible



God has a simple plan for what a person must do in order to be saved.  Well actually it is 189 different plans


Plan #1  

Say the right things.  

Matt 12:37


Plan #2  

Do the right things.  

John 5:26, Jer 17:10,  2 Cor 5:10


Plan #3  

Believe the right things.  

Rom 3:28, Rom 5:1, Gal 2:16, Eph 2:8


Plan #4

Work your way to heaven.

Ps 62:12, Matt 16:27, Rev 20:12-13, 2 Cor 11:15, 1 Pet 11:17, James chapter 2, Rev 2:23, Rev 22:12




Laughing at the remaining 184 Biblical plans for salvation is left as an exercise for the reader.  No wonder Christianity is so confusing.  Even the Bible authors couldn't agree on how to be saved - the core purpose of the New Testament!

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Just posted to help explain the difference between the two and why Jesus had to die on Passover.  What you do with the information is your business.



It isn't information when you confuse fiction for a real event.  We can talk about why King Author, Darth Vader or Obiwan Kanobi had to die.  As with the death of Jesus these deaths moved the story forward.  It's a plot device. 

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And don't even get me started on Israel-- I am so sick of you Christians trying to shove this down our throats!! I read the bible when I was young and saw that the Jews were always being pillaged or overran. They were under some sort of occupation more often than not-- and even today, they don't have all of their land back and will likely have to cede even more to Palestine. If the Jews are owed this fucking land just because they lived there 2000 years ago then the USA needs to give a whole bunch of land to the Indians. The only reason Israel exists at all is because of religious nut jobs who wanted to hasten the end of the world. The whole thing is ridiculous and frankly, if this is how your god runs things--- I refuse to worship him--- because he sucks.

God has a plan for Israel and nothing you say or do will stop his plan.  Sorry, but God's will will be done. 


Classic Christian mere assertion fallacy.  This poster is demonstrating his mere belief, and pretends it is truth.  Feigned nobility, narcissism and holier-than-thou, all wrapped up in one little irrelevant bundle.

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And don't even get me started on Israel-- I am so sick of you Christians trying to shove this down our throats!! I read the bible when I was young and saw that the Jews were always being pillaged or overran. They were under some sort of occupation more often than not-- and even today, they don't have all of their land back and will likely have to cede even more to Palestine. If the Jews are owed this fucking land just because they lived there 2000 years ago then the USA needs to give a whole bunch of land to the Indians. The only reason Israel exists at all is because of religious nut jobs who wanted to hasten the end of the world. The whole thing is ridiculous and frankly, if this is how your god runs things--- I refuse to worship him--- because he sucks.

God has a plan for Israel and nothing you say or do will stop his plan.  Sorry, but God's will will be done. 



How do you know that a god has a plan for Israel? What makes you sure that it's not just humans that are behind all of this stuff? Did your god tell you himself?

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Apparently--- god has assured this dork that "he's got a plan". Oh lord, how many people have used this line overs thousands of years----- and were wrong. At least, something is always "going on" in Israel.

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I'm pretty sure Allah also has a plan for Israel.  

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