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Goodbye Jesus

Evidence Against Masturbation


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I'm prepared to stipulate that things exist/happen that we're not aware of. What is the point of this exercise? That Bible God is the True God even if no evidence points toward that conclusion?

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To the OP. Can you prove to me there is no teapot orbiting the Sun? Is it reasonable to believe there is a teapot orbiting the Sun just because it's not possible to prove there isn't one?

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So two nuns are riding bikes down a street.  The first nun says to the second nun, "I've never come this way before!"


The second nun says, "Yes!  Cobblestones!"

So the same two nuns are walking down a street when two guys grab them and pull them into an alley and commence raping them.  The first nun looks skyward and says, "Dear God, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."


The second nun looks skyward and says, "Oh, thank you Jesus, this one does!"


I find that offensive, rape is never something to joke about. :(

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I'm prepared to stipulate that things exist/happen that we're not aware of. What is the point of this exercise? That Bible God is the True God even if no evidence points toward that conclusion?


I believe this is called the "Not A, therefore possibly B" argument.

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i think he is trying to ask if any of you think jesus masturbated....


did jesus maturbate. and if he did, did he use left hand or right hand or both hands???


or did jesus father, yahweh masturbate,,,,


answer that,,,,,


I'm trying to understand the op logic in his question and the point that he's trying to make and I agree with you.


He's obviously trying to figure out if Jesus ever masturbated.


Now, based on statistics I would have to say yes, but we have to keep in mind that he's the son of god so he might be the exception. 


In order to find out we have to look at the word of god.


Now, god killed some guy in the bible for pulling out when he had sex with his dead brothers wife. He didn't kill him because he had sex with his brothers wife, that actually was his duty as per gods rules, but killed him because he spilled his seed. That's unforgivable.


Genesis 38:8-10

Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.


So there we've established that spilling seed is sinful. Jesus is apparently without sin and as the "spilling of seed" is a sin Jesus would never have masturbated. 


He also spent a lot of time around 12 guys in dresses. This is not related in any way. I just felt that I need to put it out there.

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  • Super Moderator

I think the real question here is: how do we prove that the gods haven't masturbated and how can we be certain that we are not just their emissions?

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Saying some dude resurrected from the dead would need just as much proof as me telling you that there is a teddy bear suction cupped to the dark side of the moon.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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I think the real question here is: how do we prove that the gods haven't masturbated and how can we be certain that we are not just their emissions?


I can't swim. Does that help?

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Saying some dude resurrected from the dead would need just as much proof as me telling you that there is a teddy bear suction cupped to the dark side of the moon.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.



Purple things are alive and they are listening to us right now!  You can't prove it isn't true!!!

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Many christians wonder if jesus jacked off to a wooden carving of his wife err mother mary, I think that if they can prove that jesus masturbated that would give them peace to continue doing what they been doing ever since they were 13.


You can't beat nature, christian fuckers.

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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

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Saying some dude resurrected from the dead would need just as much proof as me telling you that there is a teddy bear suction cupped to the dark side of the moon.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.



Purple things are alive and they are listening to us right now!  You can't prove it isn't true!!!



My son has a purple colouring book. Irrevocable proof that purple things are listening to us.

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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...

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I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...



It's not the Bible but rather Christian culture.  Though the writings of Paul do give them some ammo when he preaches against sensuality and hedonism.  Christians preachers much repress young Christians sexually because sex is real and most Christians who leave the religion will do so when they become sexually active.  So all kinds of pleasure must be shamed as sin.  Looking at somebody is evil.  Thinking about them is evil and makes Jesus cry.  The only acceptable way for a Christian to satisfy their natural instincts is in a Christian marriage where they will raise their children to put money in the offering plate.  That keeps the pastor in control of the family for generations.

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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...





I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...



It's not the Bible but rather Christian culture.  Though the writings of Paul do give them some ammo when he preaches against sensuality and hedonism.  Christians preachers much repress young Christians sexually because sex is real and most Christians who leave the religion will do so when they become sexually active.  So all kinds of pleasure must be shamed as sin.  Looking at somebody is evil.  Thinking about them is evil and makes Jesus cry.  The only acceptable way for a Christian to satisfy their natural instincts is in a Christian marriage where they will raise their children to put money in the offering plate.  That keeps the pastor in control of the family for generations.


Many scholars attribute our modern Christian based beliefs about sexuality to St. Augustine and his book Confessions. He basically admitted to many youthful discretions and then completely flipped his brain and came to despise the whole of sexuality. He and many of his contemporaries took this to extremes and that subsequently led to what we generally view as the modern Christian attitude towards sex and masturbation. I have a book entitled "Masturbation" and its an interesting read. Its not about the dirty deed itself, but how societies viewed masturbation through the years. Definitely some really whacked out views on why its wrong and what happens when you do it, etc.

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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...



There's basically only two places in scripture that can be used to say masturbation is sin.


Genesis 38:9-10 The story of Onan mentioned above. In my opinion god wasn't really mad because of spilling the seed but rather because Onan didn't follow gods orders, but it's still used as a passage against masturbation.


and Matthew 5:27–30 Also vaguely talking about a right hand causing you to sin, but mostly about how lust is wrong.


27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye lcauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.


Both of these passages aren't really saying masturbation is sin but how do you masturbate without lustful intent? So indirectly it is said as being wrong.
This is my problem with the bible. We're dealing with something that we all do and there's no clear rule in the bible on whether it's right or wrong. It's completely open to interpretation.
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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...



There's basically only two places in scripture that can be used to say masturbation is sin.


Genesis 38:9-10 The story of Onan mentioned above. In my opinion god wasn't really mad because of spilling the seed but rather because Onan didn't follow gods orders, but it's still used as a passage against masturbation.


and Matthew 5:27–30 Also vaguely talking about a right hand causing you to sin, but mostly about how lust is wrong.


27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye lcauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.


Both of these passages aren't really saying masturbation is sin but how do you masturbate without lustful intent? So indirectly it is said as being wrong.
This is my problem with the bible. We're dealing with something that we all do and there's no clear rule in the bible on whether it's right or wrong. It's completely open to interpretation.


From what I understand, Onan didn't masturbate, he stopped having sex with her (coitus interruptus), and ejaculated on the ground. That's not masturbation. Secondly, the Matthew passage doesn't even make any sense. My hands or my eyes are not capable of sinning. My hand does not choose to do things on its own. I guide it and use it to do things. I make the choice through thoughts and a decision to do it. So, to cut it off because it made me do something to sin is an absurd rationalization. So, I would say that the bible does not address masturbation and, therefore, I don't believe it can be considered a sin. Now, it is possible to sin while masturbating by looking lustfully at a woman (or man) or thinking impure thoughts, etc. But the act itself, I cannot find anywhere in the bible that indicates it is a sin.

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This thread is retarded because there is nothing wrong with masturbation.


Just another victimless crime made up by crazy farmers from thousands of years ago who believed that the earth is flat.








Bonus spoilers: Girls discover masturbation younger than boys do.

I never understood why some christian think it is a sin. can somebody explain? is the only explanation the story about the guy not impregnating his brother wife? i understand from the story that god was pissed because the guy didnt do what he was told to do and not that "spilling the semen" was the problem...



There's basically only two places in scripture that can be used to say masturbation is sin.


Genesis 38:9-10 The story of Onan mentioned above. In my opinion god wasn't really mad because of spilling the seed but rather because Onan didn't follow gods orders, but it's still used as a passage against masturbation.


and Matthew 5:27–30 Also vaguely talking about a right hand causing you to sin, but mostly about how lust is wrong.


27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye lcauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.


Both of these passages aren't really saying masturbation is sin but how do you masturbate without lustful intent? So indirectly it is said as being wrong.
This is my problem with the bible. We're dealing with something that we all do and there's no clear rule in the bible on whether it's right or wrong. It's completely open to interpretation.


From what I understand, Onan didn't masturbate, he stopped having sex with her (coitus interruptus), and ejaculated on the ground. That's not masturbation. Secondly, the Matthew passage doesn't even make any sense. My hands or my eyes are not capable of sinning. My hand does not choose to do things on its own. I guide it and use it to do things. I make the choice through thoughts and a decision to do it. So, to cut it off because it made me do something to sin is an absurd rationalization. So, I would say that the bible does not address masturbation and, therefore, I don't believe it can be considered a sin. Now, it is possible to sin while masturbating by looking lustfully at a woman (or man) or thinking impure thoughts, etc. But the act itself, I cannot find anywhere in the bible that indicates it is a sin.



I was trying to explain why certain Christians say it's a sin. They base it on those two scriptures. 


I agree. It doesn't make sense.


Just like the entire religious system.

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Of course Jesus masturbated.


He stuck it in BOTH HOLES!



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so how do I present evidence that everyman in in the world has masturbated? could i say.with 100% coconfidence to a stranger and tell him he cant lie to me and that he has played with the merchandise in the store?


if u dont have evidence for something does that mean it is not true? if that is the case this could open up slippery slopes. evidence is important evidence is extremly helpful but can it really used as the Throne of all truth in all circumstances? what happens if there is no evidence for something you seen happen with your own eyes? all u have is your mouth which most people wont take as truth. but innocent people have been put in jail because evidence wasn't there. so should evidence only be used to find truth in reality?


How many of single men with working arms and fingers have masturbated today? this week month? year? century? how can anyone prove you have or have not masturbated in your lifetime? show me the evidence u have not beat ur meat......now!




Not really sure what your bigger point is. 



very good releah my bigger point is thst people rely on evidence for throne of truth yet when its not there to help in need it can prove catastrophic


Still, WTF???

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Of course Jesus masturbated.


He stuck it in BOTH HOLES!




lmao_99.gif Oh man, somebody chisel this in stone please.GONZ9729CustomImage1541245.gif

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To the OP. Can you prove to me there is no teapot orbiting the Sun? Is it reasonable to believe there is a teapot orbiting the Sun just because it's not possible to prove there isn't one?


I thought I saw a teapot in the sky the other day.  I think you might be onto something here. 

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Many christians wonder if jesus jacked off to a wooden carving of his wife err mother mary, I think that if they can prove that jesus masturbated that would give them peace to continue doing what they been doing ever since they were 13.


You can't beat nature, christian fuckers.




Great minds think alike, Chrisstavrous! 


One of his favorite sayings was, "You can't fool nature."





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