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Goodbye Jesus

The Question That Creationists Can't Answer


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You also need to look up some of the other things Sir Isaac Newton believed in -- and discover why, despite his amazing intellectual achievements, he's often considered to be among the last of the medieval thinkers, rather than among the first of the moderns.



Right . . . the guy with a 300 IQ is a medieval thinker? The same guy who discovered Calculus, yes, the same Calculus that every astronomer in the world currently relies upon, was a "medieval thinker."  What a convenient way to marginalize the most important guy who ever lived. 

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Oh Thank Heaven you have me!


Hmmm.  Let's review a list of other "idiots" who were stupid enough to believe that God existed.  How about this quote from the smartest guy who ever lived, Sir Isaac Newton.  The same guy who invented Calculus, discovered gravity, and discovered many things within the universe that are still true today:


“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” 


Yeah, Newton was a complete idiot for believing this.    Seriously, was the guy totally stupid or what?  Another quote from Newton:


“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.” 


How about Albert Einstein?  He clearly did not believe in a personal relationship with God, but undoubtedly believed in God:


"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive." 


This from English astronomer and mathemetician, Fred Hoyle:


"A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question."


How about American theoretical physicist, Walter Kohn, who also won the Nobel Prize:


"I am very much a scientist, and so I naturally have thought about religion also through the eyes of a scientist. When I do that, I see religion not denominationally, but in a more, let us say, deistic sense. I have been influence in my thinking by the writing of Einstein who has made remarks to the effect that when he contemplated the world he sensed an underlying Force much greater than any human force. I feel very much the same. There is a sense of awe, a sense of reverence, and a sense of great mystery."  



Yeah, you have to be a complete Rube to believe that God exists. 

How come you cannot even stick to a simple topic? Do you not have any answers? I did not ask who may or may not have once believed in a god! Try again!


"I want anybody who believes in creationism to tell me five things about creationism that you KNOW are true (i.e., in your own words, and proved OUTSIDE of the bible). Honest discussion."   

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I know this is off topic, but if anybody wants proof of why sandiego4me is a troll, it can be found here:



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Einstein was not a Christian or even a theist. He not only did not believe in a personal god, he didn't believe in a god at all in the traditional sense of the word.





Brother Jeff, even you admit that Einstein believed in God.  


As for the other quotes, they are a part of history.  Not fabricated in the least.  Of course, we should accept the wise counsel of Brother Jeff over Newton, Einstein, Hoyle, and Kohn.  Oh, brother!



I don't admit any such thing. Einstein found a sense of spirituality in scientific discovery and the workings of the universe, but he in no way believed in a theistic god. In fact, he called belief in in a personal god naive and childlike.



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“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” 

Here we go again.....Watch carefully sandi....then comment please.....


(sorry Realist - just have to post this again for the 100th time) *hug*


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“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” 

Here we go again.....Watch carefully sandi....then comment please.....


(sorry Realist - just have to post this again for the 100th time) *hug*




Thanks for the glorious video, Sister Margee! Good to see you! Glory! :)

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Think about it this way, Realist.  You're from New Zealand, right?  And New Zealand was originally colonized by people who were mainly from England, right?  So the fact that there are still English people proves that New Zealanders didn't evolve from Britishers.  Therefore, god created you and all your fellow countrymen.  You're just too closed minded, mate. :)

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Think about it this way, Realist.  You're from New Zealand, right?  And New Zealand was originally colonized by people who were mainly from England, right?  So the fact that there are still English people proves that New Zealanders didn't evolve from Britishers.  Therefore, god created you and all your fellow countrymen.  You're just too closed minded, mate. smile.png

Nah! Got you there Redneck! yellow.gif

New Zealand was inhabited by a native race of people centuries before the Europeans arrived. Many of the European arrivals have in some later generation bred with for instance the Maori people, creating a mix ... sounds rather like evolution explains this better to me! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Satan planted those people there to deceive you.

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 I want anybody who believes in creationism to tell me five things about creationism that you KNOW are true (i.e., in your own words, and proved OUTSIDE of the bible). Honest discussion.   

  1. Marduk created the heavens and the earth from the bisected body of Tiamat, the primeval watery chaos monster after he slew her by his breath.
  2. He used her spittle to create clouds, rain and fog.
  3. He used her ribs to create the east and west.
  4. He made the sun, moon and stars to form a calendar.
  5. He created mankind from the blood of Kingu that they might serve the gods.

Source: the seven clay tablets of the Enuma Elish, a text that predates the oldest extant copy of Genesis by nearly a thousand years.

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Hellllooooo??? Where did Sandi..e..go? GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif 

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Satan planted those people there to deceive you.

Arhh ... so that's the reason! Silly me!! Wendytwitch.gif

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sandTROLL, on 14 Nov 2013 - 2:51 pm, said:


Right . . . the guy with a 300 IQ is a medieval thinker? The same guy who discovered Calculus, yes, the same Calculus that every astronomer in the world currently relies upon, was a "medieval thinker."  What a convenient way to marginalize the most important guy who ever lived. 


Issac Newton was born in 1642.  He died almost 50 years before the U.S. war for independence.  You know, back when cutting edge medicine would treat fever by having leaches drink your blood.


What did Issac Newton say about his own thinking?


"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me."


"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."


"We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearance." 



Calling him a medieval thinker doesn't marginalize him.  However he wasn't the most important guy who ever lived.  Everything he discovered would have eventually been discovered by somebody else.  Even his advances in calculus were being discovered by other people at about the same time.

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"Brother Jeff, even you admit that Einstein believed in God."    sandiego4me.  


Do you truly not know what Einstein's opinion on whether there is a god was? There are 2 possibilities:

#1. You did not even bother to research what Einstein actually did  say. And that he explained that when he said: "God does not play dice with the universe" he was NOT REFERRING TO A  PERSONAL GOD in whom he does NOT BELIEVE.

#2. You HAVE researched what Einstein said about God but you are misrepresenting to us what he said. This is called lying. If you believe that there is a god who wants everybody to believe the Christian myth, and that it is a Christian's job to spread the "word", how does your lying to us constitute doing god's work? It destroys whatever credibility you might otherwise have had.

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If creatianism is the topic, then let's go to the (Christian) source:


And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.


Genesis 1:6-8


So, in the beginning there was a lot of water but as part of God's creation activities, he had to do something to separate the waters.  So he created a vault to separate the water and there was water both below the vault and above it.  Then God called the vault "sky" which means that the sky separates the water in the oceans (and elsewhere on earth) from the waters that are above the sky.


I guess all that water above the sky must have disappeared somehow because none of our satellites have detected it and Apollo 11 did not need windshield wipers. 

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If creatianism is the topic, then let's go to the (Christian) source:





And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.


Genesis 1:6-8



So, in the beginning there was a lot of water but as part of God's creation activities, he had to do something to separate the waters.  So he created a vault to separate the water and there was water both below the vault and above it.  Then God called the vault "sky" which means that the sky separates the water in the oceans (and elsewhere on earth) from the waters that are above the sky.


I guess all that water above the sky must have disappeared somehow because none of our satellites have detected it and Apollo 11 did not need windshield wipers.

Or you can take this a step farther like some of the wackiest creationists. This passage clearly proves that the entire space program is a fraud since the earth is surrounded by a miles thick layer of water. That is why the sky is blue.


I'm not joking, some idiots actually believe that.

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This title is not meant to re-open a closed thread ... it is to show how indoctrination can lock minds to any possibility different from a creationist's viewpoint!


This question surely isn't intended to inflame.  It's just something that I can never get an answer too.  Whenever I ask it, people usually point me to ONE book called the bible.   I want anybody who believes in creationism to tell me five things about creationism that you KNOW are true (i.e., in your own words, and proved OUTSIDE of the bible). Honest discussion.   

Generally, creationists only have religious faith as their basis for "knowing", which is no basis whatsoever.  Much (all?) of that faith is based on the Bible and religious dogma/indoctrination, which are basically the same thing.  Asking creationists to list five things they believe in without using the Bible as support is likely an impossible task for them, if they are honest.  More likely they will lie, or misrepresent, cheat or be disingenuous.  They are taught how to do these and are very good at them.  Very good indeed.

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The bible says creationism is true. God's ways are beyond human understanding. You have to take it on faith. Evolution is just a theory. There is no hard proof, HAVE FAITH in BIBLE, uh, I mean God.

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When I was a Christian, I would have asked you to set out some parameters for what counts as "know."

Eric Hovind does that.. it's painful to watch.

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Radiometric dating is a conspiracy.  All those evil atheist scientists concocted this pseudo science because they are the devil's minions.  If only someone on the inside would speak out and inform the world of the lies these scientists are extracting from rocks.  There is evidence for a young earth everywhere, it's just being hidden by the evil scientists in all their multitudes of disciplines.  

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As someone well versed in genetics, I can tell you from a scientific standpoint that the only way a person can have blue eyes is if god creates them that way.  I know a lot of other scientists will argue over big sounding words like phenotype, homozygous allele, dominant/recessive gene, etc. and that some will even suggest that so long as a person has one parent with the blue eye gene it is possible for them to have blue eyes.  But as a young earth scientist, the only way I can explain blue eyes without actually believing the over-abundance of genetic evidence, is to assert with absolute authority that god did it.

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As someone well versed in genetics, I can tell you from a scientific standpoint that the only way a person can have blue eyes is if god creates them that way.  I know a lot of other scientists will argue over big sounding words like phenotype, homozygous allele, dominant/recessive gene, etc. and that some will even suggest that so long as a person has one parent with the blue eye gene it is possible for them to have blue eyes.  But as a young earth scientist, the only way I can explain blue eyes without actually believing the over-abundance of genetic evidence, is to assert with absolute authority that god did it.

That's silly.  You've obviously been reading the wrong denomination of apologetics.  Let me explain the true interpretation of why there are blue eyes, as revealed to me by the holy spirit.  So, the sky is blue because we have water resting above the firmament because god split the waters in two, right?  So that means blue eyes are a result of excess water pockets in the eye.  We know that Jesus had blue eyes, so these water pockets must be a good thing.  Ergo, people with blue eyes are blessed by god. I am sure if you seek god on this issue he will reveal to you that I do, in fact, have the correct interpretation of this matter.  

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As someone well versed in genetics, I can tell you from a scientific standpoint that the only way a person can have blue eyes is if god creates them that way.  I know a lot of other scientists will argue over big sounding words like phenotype, homozygous allele, dominant/recessive gene, etc. and that some will even suggest that so long as a person has one parent with the blue eye gene it is possible for them to have blue eyes.  But as a young earth scientist, the only way I can explain blue eyes without actually believing the over-abundance of genetic evidence, is to assert with absolute authority that god did it.

That's silly.  You've obviously been reading the wrong denomination of apologetics.  Let me explain the true interpretation of why there are blue eyes, as revealed to me by the holy spirit.  So, the sky is blue because we have water resting above the firmament because god split the waters in two, right?  So that means blue eyes are a result of excess water pockets in the eye.  We know that Jesus had blue eyes, so these water pockets must be a good thing.  Ergo, people with blue eyes are blessed by god. I am sure if you seek god on this issue he will reveal to you that I do, in fact, have the correct interpretation of this matter.  


I think that Jesus had one Blue eye and one Brown eye, because he was Half God and Half man, remember? That's what the Spirit revealed to me.

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Jesus was cross-eyed. Get it? Cross-eyed. Ha!


Jeez, I crack myself up.

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If you all will click this link, you will see why you are all wrong about the genetic basis for having blue eyes.



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