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Goodbye Jesus

Need Some Help From Computer Geeks And Any Others Who Can Join In!


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I was actually not on any religious sites at all--but rather a science and technology site.  I actually enjoy science and techno stuff for the most part.  I really do try to stay away from all of the wierd crap that is on the net-- I try not to you tube scary stuff or listen to what end-time preachers have to say.  But, just reading comments after certain articles shows that people believe a lot of really scary stuff!!  It just seems like more and more humam-computer interface articles are popping up-- and for the most part, I can understand-- it is a natural progression for us to want to harness the power of computing with our body-- so the concept itself is realistic.  I just have a lot of creepy stuff still rattling around that causes me pain when I hear about this stuff.  Like I said a few posts back, I have a couple wonderful kids, and one is pregnant so soon I will have grandchildren.  I am so excited about that-- and just want to look forward to the future without being frightened by things that I read-- whether it be on religious sites (which I avoid--I only pretty much read the stuff on this site!) and what I see in the news.

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In order for there to be a mark of the beast, there would need to be a beast. There isn't. Problem solved.


Here is a list of dates predicted for apocalyptic events. Rather enlightening. 


I'm all for being scared through horror movies or how a woman really looks without makeup on but when it becomes a life-controlling reality, I think it's time to take a step back, you know?

Great list of dates.  I had come across several of those in reading but it's nice to see them together.

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Kris, I'm following your thoughts on this and it sounds like, even though your inner resolve is sound, that you are upset by others who encourage the fear. If you were to isolate what others come out with you could overcome half your fear or more.

The underlying hysteria buzzing through all those who post comments to things like the diabetic's chip is a phenomenon exhibited by a sub-culture of small count. They do enough damage to the rest of culture that the film industry does well with end time scripts and prophecy stuff. Capitalization. Be mindful of who those people are, alarmists, manipulators (intentional or not), cult zealots, etc.

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Thanks Florduh,  I printed your article out so I can really read it over.  And thanks to everyone else.  I really am trying-- I promise you that.  I had a little panic attack today, but it seemed like I cleared the panic a little faster than usual--so maybe I am making a few strides in trying to deal with these irrational fears a little better.  I do a lot of acting around others (because I don't want them to think I am a crazy-ass, which I really am to a certain exent!!), so I think holding all of this stuff in can be a bit overwhelming as well. 

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