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Atheism Is A Female Repellent


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Present her with some good-humored rational thinking of athiesm. See her response. If she's cool with your sophisticated intelligent unbelief, then you are golden and you can shag her brains out! If she rejects you for being a free-thinker, then move on... There is a better woman out there waiting to discuss religion free life and she'll probably be better in the sack too! ;)

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This fact also fuels hope that she would eventually compromise her boundaries and make an exception for my atheism.   


Maybe you should respect her boundaries. Not because her boundaries are necessarily objectively good (if they're based on Christianity), but because they're hers, and by refusing to respect that she chose them, you're refusing to respect her. Move on, there are other girls who will make you happier and be happier with you.


Any time someone says they hope another person will compromise their boundaries, I see huge red flags.

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Look, you don't want this, even if you think you do right now. 


You want to find someone who loves YOU and is attracted to YOU as you are, not trying to change you. 


This goes for all of the changes, not just Christianity. If a woman says she likes you a lot, but....


Go find someone who likes you for you. Exactly as you are, where you are. 


To be fair, you like her, exactly as she is, BUT... you'd prefer she wasn't all hung up on religious weirdness. 


It's just not a good match. 


It would be the same if she was attracted to you, BUT...


preferred you liked the same movies / books / music as she did


or wore different clothes


or liked her kind of people


or liked her favorite foods and activities 


or preferred her political leanings


or wanted the same number of kids


or aspired to the same level of rich / middle class / education levels as she does.


Just cut your losses on this one. 


There are plenty of fish in the sea. 


If you settle for the wrong fit, you won't find the right fit.

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This fact also fuels hope that she would eventually compromise her boundaries and make an exception for my atheism.   


Maybe you should respect her boundaries. Not because her boundaries are necessarily objectively good (if they're based on Christianity), but because they're hers, and by refusing to respect that she chose them, you're refusing to respect her. Move on, there are other girls who will make you happier and be happier with you.


Any time someone says they hope another person will compromise their boundaries, I see huge red flags.



This, this, this, this, A MILLION TIMES THIS. It's not "friendship" or "helping." It's disrespectful. Move on.

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Why do you want anything to do with a woman who is a religious idealogue???  You like misery or something? Find someone decent and never pay attention to this silly person again.

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Date me!  wink.png


Honestly, though, I don't know if you'd want to date her on a serious level. Sounds like it might be fun hanging around her because she feels like she can be herself and sees it as a safe place as in she believes she will probably never have much romantic interest in you because of her beliefs. If you did get involved, she'll probably expect you to act as she'd expect a "Christian" man to act (head of household, breadwinner, etc, etc, etc).  I don't know, but she must be hardcore on some level if she won't date you just because of that (or she is using it as a kinder excuse because she is simply not interested). Just throwing stuff out there to consider. Honestly, though, it's probably for the best. 

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Date me!  wink.png


Honestly, though, I don't know if you'd want to date her on a serious level. Sounds like it might be fun hanging around her because she feels like she can be herself and sees it as a safe place as in she believes she will probably never have much romantic interest in you because of her beliefs. If you did get involved, she'll probably expect you to act as she'd expect a "Christian" man to act (head of household, breadwinner, etc, etc, etc).  I don't know, but she must be hardcore on some level if she won't date you just because of that (or she is using it as a kinder excuse because she is simply not interested). Just throwing stuff out there to consider. Honestly, though, it's probably for the best. 

Sounds like a plan! O wait... you didn't mean me.... poor me... :(

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In my experience, if someone you are merely dating sends out mixed signals, upsets you, makes you write posts on an ex-christian site about it, makes the relationship at all difficult, then you need to get out now.  If you're only dating and you're having issues, it will only get worse if you get engaged, and it will multiply a million more times if you get married.  If you're just going after sex (which I respect), then any other drama at all should make you forget it.  If you just want sex, find a nice girl that will just have sex with you, no strings attached.


If you want an actual relationship, it should not be overdramatic and post-worthy and making you crazy while you are merely dating.  People are on their best behavior when they are dating.  If this is her best behavior, imagine how it will decline as your relationship gets more serious.

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A solid majority of Chinese girls have no religion except fundamentalist materialism and shopaholicism.

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Mixed signals means NO. Take the hint. Even though you don't seem to understand how this relationship can't work long term, she does. Listen to her.

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You just need to be meeting Athiest females.

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