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Christian Family Causing Depression


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There is no such thing as conditional love.


I assume you meant that there is no such thing as unconditional love. wink.png


Nope. Love is unconditional. Love with strings attached is merely a control mechanism.



Oh, gotcha. You were looking at a different angle than what crossed my mind. I fully agree that love with strings attached isn't really love.


What I initially thought you were getting at is the thought that unconditional love doesn't really exist. In other words, even if we think we unconditionally love someone, if an extreme condition would happen to arise, then we could find ourselves no longer loving that person.

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it is all about the chrisitian fear of a non christian 'infecting' christians which is an admission of the weakness of their own faith really.


It's also an unwitting admission that they don't really believe in the power of the Holy Spirit. We mere mortals are seen as a more powerful influence than their supposedly omnipotent divine entity.

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Why is it always the families in North Carolina?  My parents, your parents, Renassance Woman's former church.  jesus, please, stop making my homeland look so bad! (another prayer that won't be answered). 


The really funny thing is: My parents are pentecostals, but the rest of my extended family are all lutherans.  The lutherans never thought any less of me for my disbelief and still treat me with the same love and acceptance they always did.  I'm closer to them now than to my own parents.


I have been through so much of what you describe; I do hope it will get better for you soon.  And, since I know a good Carolina girl will understand this, if y'all need an'thin', jes give us a hollar!

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Hate, fear, and judgmentalism: that's what the faith is all about. Your only option is to find a way out and refuse to have anything to do with them again. Be sure to tell them that their hatred, unforgiveness, and bigotry are the reason why they no longer have a daughter.

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"Nope. Love is unconditional. Love with strings attached is merely a control mechanism." florduh


If love must be truly unconditional, then there is no such thing as love. There is a breaking point in

every relationship. It may be a very high one. but it exists.

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The Bible says they are to stone unbelievers. Like so much in the Bible, they don't actually do as it says. But from my experience this is almost as bad. 21st century stoning, they do it with words, hate and neglect instead of rocks.

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