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Goodbye Jesus

What Evidence Would Make You Believe Again?


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I don't know. Short of God actually physically appearing and speaking to me throughout the rest of my life, I don't think anything. And even then, I'd probably think I was insane and, strangely enough, I probably WOULD be put in a mental institution even by the more fundamentalist members of my family. 

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Questions of 'evidence' and God are not philosophically compatible, so there's really no point in asking. Even Christians have recognized this -- Kierkegaard comes to mind, with his leap of faith.

I think I'm the only one that caught this. I completely agree with you. And for the record, Kierkegaard was not a deist!! smile.png


To answer the OP, what "evidence" would make me consider identifying again with Christianity, it would be them getting on with the business of universal love, rather than quibbling about evidence and whatnot. It would require them on whole to move into the 21st century, and get over trying to fit a mythic framework into a rational world. Love is still love, whether you believe that God controls the weather patterns, or you think its a natural phenomena. Get the hell over trying to be right, would be a start.


Meanwhile, back at the give me evidence, here's your evidence, not it's not, discussion....

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