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How to be regenerated

Guest lvdyou

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I wrote the 4 point perfect proof. That is not plagarism. Why would you think it is?


What, not going to give credit to god for blessing you with this insight?

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I wrote the 4 point perfect proof. That is not plagarism. Why would you think it is?


I'm referring to your very first post on the thread numbskull. The very first. Your 4 points wasn't your opening post.


The one Dio called you on. The link he posted to the original, which I did follow before wishing you to the depths of plagerizing hell.


Do I really have to hold your hand? Which one doesn't have jizz on it?

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I wrote the 4 point perfect proof. That is not plagarism. Why would you think it is?

Ahem... You know that we're talking about the post you made at the very start of this thread.



Now, answer the question.

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Guest lvdyou

It is not a sin to quote someone nor is it a sin to copy and past either. That is just your petty self. Such are vain laws you create for yourself. You will be judged for your petty self.

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You're just a joy killing trying to kill the joy of the Lord. Hell is for those who will never accept Christ, for they are bad people such as yourself.


I am just thankful there is a hell to keep you away from me forever. Now that is true love.


Praise the Lord! Amen.


:twitch: You really feel this way? You marvel in the fact that people will suffer eternal agony and torture for not holding your beliefs? I know it is easy to justify to yourself that people at this website will go to Hell. We do "reject" your God, but what about other people around the world? How about the Tibetan nomad, the Jewish teenager blown up in a terrorist attack, the Islamic citizens of Iraq who died in the crossfire of war, and millions of others who do not reject your God, but call him by another name? Is it True Love to torture someone for calling on God with the wrong name?

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Guest lvdyou

It makes me sad that you would rather go to hell, but it gives me joy that God must do the righteous thing just as a criminal must go to jail, even for ever. And there is no greater crime than calling Jesus a liar.


People who have never heard of Christ will fair way better than you for they look at the mountain and realize that they did not do that, but you can not even do that.


How ugly you are. What pride and self-exaltation.

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No, it is not a sin to copy and paste.


But to copy and paste and claim you wrote what you pasted when you DIDN'T write it - THAT is LYING.


And last I checked, according to Christianity, LYING is a SIN.




Praise the Lord for this truth. Er, because it is true.


Can't think of anything more profound?





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It is not a sin to quote someone nor is it a sin to copy and past either. That is just your petty self. Such are vain laws you create for yourself. You will be judged for your petty self.



Quotes include these funny little marks you seem to be unfamiliar with "This is a quote" which one would then follow or precede with the original source.


And copy and paste IS plagerism when you don't cite sources.


Unfortunately it's only illegal in REAL LIFE. It's merely scuzzy and discourteous to cut and paste without citing the original reference somewhere like here.


here's the definition according to http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dicti...ntry/plagiarize



pla·gia·rized , pla·gia·riz·ing , pla·gia·riz·es




To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own.

To appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another).



Now, NOTICE I gave the reference before cutting and pasting. This enables you to look it up for yourself.


How did you make it through High school English?

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Guest lvdyou

And so that is your sin of bearing false witness for I did not claim what you said. That is your smear campaign and your imagination, but certainly not reality.

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I don't think there is a single one of us here who would look at a mountain and claim to have made that mountain. Unless of course we work for a quarry operation and have piled up that which you extracted and choose to call your pile a mountain.



But to claim that we would do that is BEARING FALSE WITNESS against us.



Boy you big ole sinner, you better watch before you find yourself in hell along beside the rest of us!

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Guest lvdyou

Then stop contradicting yourself with doublespeak, and realize you were created, and by Jesus Christ who came to redeem you to save you from your sins and give you eternal life for He made no mistake in His life on earth.

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Christians still have a sin nature that needs to be overcome by bearing the cross daily. Initial salvation is forgivenesss of all sins, but what follows is a life of overcoming which only Christians have entered into spiritual life.


You have no means of that attainment since you have not yet died on the cross with Christ because you are too selfish.


That doesn't negate your need to confess your sin of plagerism. Even Jimmy Swaggart confessed his sin.


Nor do I intend to die on the cross. More probably, if you get your wish of dominating the world, I would be burned at the stake.


How is it that you say this is because of selfishness? I don't think my friends and family would consider me selfish, and, oddly enough, I have Christian friends. I shall ask them and see. I expect then you think you are not selfish. Could you explain why your act of plagerism was not motivated by some form of selfishness.

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And so that is your sin of bearing false witness for I did not claim what you said. That is your smear campaign and your imagination, but certainly not reality.

Did you cite the source? No.

Did you indicate that it was someone else's work? No.

Did you do anything at all to show that you were not the author of that work? No.


By failing to show it was someone else's work, you were passing it off as your own.



Once more I have to ask... Why am I having to explain this to you like this?

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Sorry, lvdyou, but plagarism (claiming someone's work as your own) is a form of stealing. As you have stolen, you have engaged in degenerate behavior, which means you cannot have been "authentically" born again, or you would have had no need to sin. Oops, looks like you're still going to hell.


Let's see, so far on this thread, you have lied, stole, killed (in your mind) and have done and said many things that were not out of love. Yeah, shining example of Christ you are, degenerate.


Yeah, I used to be like you (if more articulate, intelligent, and better-looking), and I was a Christian, then I found a better deal.


So, come here often *kissy**kissy* :wicked:

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Guest lvdyou

Your desire to dominate the world is your problem. Christ is already gloriously in control of His creation and I am one of His children and forever there is nothing you can do about it. It is an eternal fact.


Your sin of bearing false witness of plagism is your smear campaign and your hate towards Christians. That is nothing for Christians are martyred all the time.


You're a bad man.


Call Jesus a liar is your sin and it is selfish because it points back to you that can not hold a candlestick to Him though you try to exalt yourself above Him.

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Call Jesus a liar is your sin and it is selfish because it points back to you that can not hold a candlestick to Him though you try to exalt yourself above Him.


There is no trying, I do exalt myself above him, after all, it is pretty damn easy to be above man who is dead and burried.

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I don't plagarize, but feel free to keep saying I do when you don't even have proof. Such dumbness is in keeping with your bad morals.


Odd then that there is an example of your plagarism right here for all to see. Your unwillingness to admit your missdeed (granted it isn't like you commited genocide, but before god it is as if you rubbed shit in his face) shows that you are as unregenerated as the rest of us. This is a fact I find annoying since spending eternity in hell with the likes of you will be what makes hell hellish so to speak.

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Your sin of bearing false witness of plagism is your smear campaign and your hate towards Christians.

Your denial of your sin is showing you're not a Christian.



You sinned and you got caught, stop trying to weasel out of it.

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Guest lvdyou

This is not plagarism. Are you alright?


You can't exalt yourself above Christ who is alive at the right hand of the Father who will return in Person to reign for 1000 years with Power. Christ is the 2nd Person in eternity past and future.


Your mind is so focused on the physical only showing how much material things control you. Satan is the god of your world.

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You can't exalt yourself above Christ who is alive at the right hand of the Father who will return in Person to reign for 1000 years with Power. Christ is the 2nd Person in eternity past and future.

So you say... based on the Bible which is know to contain LIES.



How do you know what parts are true?

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We still make mistakes but we are on a pathway to overcoming spiritually


, but you have not even entered into the doorway of salvation so you are hellbound.



Is this a confession?


Na, I would say that you are still unregerate, arrogant and prideful.


Proverbs 11:2When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.  3The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.


Proverbs 8:13The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
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I thought this maroon said he was leaving?


Ah, well :shrug:

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I wrote the 4 point perfect proof. That is not plagarism. Why would you think it is?


And what has that to do with what you did plagerise?

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Guest lvdyou

Since the Bible can not found to have any errors, nor do you even try, just self-proclaim, it has no lies like the lies in your heart in your attempt to crucify Christ daily.


Thank God there is a hell for bad people like you who have the evil spirit indwelling their spirit.

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