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Goodbye Jesus

How to be regenerated

Guest lvdyou

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Guest lvdyou

You should stop trolling this thread, and only post if you have something useful to offer.

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You should stop trolling this thread, and only post if you have something useful to offer.

You're getting me hot. Take me now lvdyou! Now!

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Guest lvdyou

Your sins of bearing false witness are considered of no account.


Check the source page, http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/Watchman_Nee.htm


Your petty self is looking for any old excuse you can find to call Jesus a liar. Thank God there is a hell for you; such is the righteousness of God the Father God the Son and God the Spirit.

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Your sins of bearing false witness are considered of no account.

That's the line that's turning me on! Say it again! Please!

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Regeneration is necessary because of your fallen nature - http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/regeneration.htm

If you don't know you are a sinner, how do you ever expect to come into reality?


Ibrokefree of course is bearing false witness for I did not say "these are my words". That is referring to the 4 point proof that are my words. Watchman Nee's words I merely agree with for they agree with God's Word. Don't you know it is a sin to bear false witness? Realize your deceitfulness taking a quote from elsewhere and applying to something else. Shame on you! Let your conscience register with unethical behavior.


Why do you continue live in your sin?


If you don't attribute you are claiming it as your own. So appologize and learn your lesson.

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Guest lvdyou

Christians still have a sin nature that needs to be overcome by bearing the cross daily. Initial salvation is forgivenesss of all sins, but what follows is a life of overcoming which only Christians have entered into spiritual life.


You have no means of that attainment since you have not yet died on the cross with Christ because you are too selfish.

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And I thought I had met some pretty pathetic self-absorbed Christians...



But you beat quite a few of them.



Doesn't it bother you that by your own definition of Christianity that you are sinning with your attitude you display here?



Or are you one of those 'I am saved so I can sin however much I want as long as I say I am doing it for the Lord' kind of people?





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Guest lvdyou

I have not sinned a sin here to speak of. Your vague accusation is relly just an empty blame.

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From time to time I will copy and paste where prudent desipite the censoring here.


"I will copy-paste and plagerise as much as I like."



Thanks for the admission...

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lvdyou, as has been pointed out to many others over time, this is EX-christian.net, not NON-christian.net.


We all... or the majority of us... have 'died to Christ'. There are people here who were Christians longer than you have probably been alive.


Some of us were lay people. Some of us were PASTORS.


Among us, we have seen, heard, and researched all the arguments.


Have understood the arguments. Have taught the arguments.



What you present is nothing new.




And it is not even so much the fact that you insist you are right that upsets us.. or me at least.



It is the fact that you seem to think that none of us could possibly understand what you are talking about since we are not Christians, as if we suddenly forgot everything when we turned away from that religion.


And it is also your attitude.


There some Christians here who, while not agreeing with many of us, at least live what they preach.



You are not even living what you preach.


So how do you expect to be an effective preacher when you are presenting a false example??



You call us liars and sinners and hellbound.


But what you forget is you are exactly like us, only a few weeks, months or years behind.



I was exactly like you once... hellbent on saving the hellbound.. or at least pointing out the error of their thoughts and ways.




And now, years later, here I am. Among the ranks of the 'heathens'.




Just you wait my dear, someday you will find yourself looking back to this time and place and thinking, "Boy, was I really that mouthy, self-righteous jerk? No kidding they weren't fond of me! I don't blame them!"



And of course you can't see it now... and if you can, you will deny it, because there is not other choice for you right now.



But in time, in time.......

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Guest lvdyou

I don't plagarize, but feel free to keep saying I do when you don't even have proof. Such dumbness is in keeping with your bad morals.

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Guest lvdyou

I was like all you once before I was born again.


Several of you may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit which means you may never be allowed to come to Christ for God forsees you are settled forever in your hatred. In otherwords your conscience is so seared, hellbound is all but assurred for you.


Thank God!

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I don't plagarize, but feel free to keep saying I do when you don't even have proof. Such dumbness is in keeping with your bad morals.

Posting another mans work as your own is plagerising.

Posting another mans work without making any mention that it is another mans work is plagerising.

You posted another mans work without mentioning that it was another mans work.

You are a plagerist.



Why am I having to explain this to you like this? Even my nephew gets this and he's only 4.

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I don't plagarize, but feel free to keep saying I do when you don't even have proof. Such dumbness is in keeping with your bad morals.


The proof of your plagerism is the very first post of this threat you twit.


Nowhere do you give reference to the original Author.


And you've repeated this literary crime in your other Thread too. And likely other areas of this forum I need not bother to track down.


I'm all for Debating Christians, but you are a complete waste of time seeing as you have no original thought at all.


I just pity you now.


Wipe the jizz off your hand before it turns to crust.

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Bottom line: you were never born again. I was authentically.


:nod: Keep telling yourself that, dearie.



If your delusions help you cope with life, then who are we, really, to question why you are so full of hate toward non-Christians.



And btw, the way you have sinned here is (since you like numbers so much..)


1. By lying - saying words you posted were your own when they were not (but of course, I am bearing false witness against you, yes indeedy!)


2. By being hate-filled - Your Jesus told you that the greatest of Love, Hope and Faith is Love. (and yet you don't express that love that HE commanded you to express, thereby sinning).


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Guest lvdyou

It is a sin to bear false witness saying someone posted something that they claimed was their own that was not. That is you sin. Since you can't prove yourself, that renders your sin self-evident. If you don't hav the truth all you have is that sin of smear campaigns. That is the way of the world.

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I don't plagarize, but feel free to keep saying I do when you don't even have proof. Such dumbness is in keeping with your bad morals.


Bad morals, eh? Let's see...


Have I ever killed? No. And not out of any fear of divine punishment, either. Killing is wrong, plain and simple - I don't need some bloodstained deity to tell me that.


Have I ever stolen? When I was a child, I stole a handful of small things (candy bars, pens, etc). But, in the end, I paid for it and learned my lesson. Again, I need no deity to tell me that stealing is wrong - Mum did that fairly well, herself. And, well, you've already admitted to stealing, and not feeling guilty about it, so... (and, yes, plagarism IS STEALING, you dim glow.)


Have I ever lied? Certainly. Have you? And don't say "no", because, well, that would be a lie :HaHa:


Let's see... I don't engage in premarital sex (AGAIN, not because of any divine ruling - just because I'm not stupid. Sex without birth control = bad!) I'm honest, polite, kind, and I show restraint where restraint is prudent.


Go ahead. Show me where I have "bad morals".


Oh, wait, that's right... In your little fantasy world, it doesn't MATTER how good a person is - unless you're a Christian, your morals are "bad" (conversely, if you ARE a Christian, it doesn't MATTER how evil, rotten, and despicable you are, because your "good" morals will get you into Heaven...)


As for "dumbness"? Most of us here have college degrees. You, however, barely seem out of grade school. Your grasp of grammar is tenuous at best, and your manners are SORELY lacking. I've SEEN grade schoolers with a better understanding of the English language than yours, and you have the nerve to call US "dumb"?


Excuse me while I giggle :HaHa::loser:

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It is a sin to bear false witness saying someone posted something that they claimed was their own that was not. That is you sin. Since you can't prove yourself, that renders your sin self-evident. If you don't hav the truth all you have is that sin of smear campaigns. That is the way of the world.




I've had it!!!


Would you kindly explain exactly HOW in your mind posting material that YOU didn't ORIGINALLY write and NOT citing the ORIGINAL author is NOT plagerism?


Explain that to us.

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Guest lvdyou

We have all sinned and so we must all die and we are even all hellbound unless we accept God's redemption.


Christians have receive God's grace, while you still deny His grace.


We are forgiven for all our sins, your sins are not forgiven and that is why you go to hell.


We still make mistakes but we are on a pathway to overcoming spiritually, but you have not even entered into the doorway of salvation so you are hellbound.


It is very simple.

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You're really sounding like a broken record there, dearie, repeating yourself over and over like that.



Any new tricks up that sleeve?


Or does the pull-string dolly only come with a limited number of special catch phrases?

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I wrote the 4 point perfect proof. That is not plagarism. Why would you think it is?


Er... Because it is?

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