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Goodbye Jesus

How to be regenerated

Guest lvdyou

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Guest lvdyou



The concept of regeneration as found in the Bible speaks of the process of passing out of death into life. A man’s spirit before regeneration is far away from God and is considered dead, for death is dissociation from life and from God Who is the fountain of life. Death is hence separation from God. Man’s spirit is dead and therefore unable to commune with Him. Either his soul controls him and plunges him into a life of ideas and imaginations, or the lusts and habits of his body stimulate him and reduce his soul to servitude.


Man’s spirit needs to be quickened because it is born dead. The new birth which the Lord Jesus spoke about to Nicodemus is the new birth of the spirit. It certainly is not a physical birth as Nicodemus suspected, nor is it a soulical one. We must note carefully that new birth imparts God’s life to the spirit of man. Inasmuch as Christ has atoned for our soul and destroyed the principle of the flesh, so we who are joined to Him participate in His resurrection life. We have been united with Him in His death; consequently it is in our spirit that we first reap the realization of His resurrection life. New birth is something which happens entirely within the spirit; it has no relation to soul or body.


What makes man unique in God’s creation is not that he possesses a soul but that he has a spirit which, joined to the soul, constitutes the man. Such union marks out man as extraordinary in the universe. Man’s soul is not related directly to God; according to the Bible, it is his spirit that relates itself to God. God is Spirit; all who worship Him, therefore, must worship in spirit. It alone can commune with God. Only spirit can worship Spirit. We thus find in the Bible such statements as: “serving with my spirit”. (Rom. 1.9, 7.6, 12.11) ; “knowing through the spirit” (1 Cor. 2.9-12); “worshiping in spirit” (John 4.23-24; Phil. 3.3); “receiving in spirit the revelation of God” (Rev. 1.10;1 Cor. 2.10).


In view of this fact, let us remember that God has ordained He will deal with man through his spirit alone and that by man’s spirit His counsels are to be realized. If such be the case, how necessary for the spirit of man to continue in constant and living union with God, without for a moment being affected into disobeying divine laws by following the feelings, desires, and ideals of the outward soul. Otherwise, death shall set in immediately; the spirit will be denied its union with God’s life. This does not signify that man would no longer have a spirit. It simply means, as we have discussed previously, that the spirit would abdicate its lofty position to the soul. Whenever a person’s inner man heeds the dictates of the outer man, he loses contact with God and is rendered dead spiritually. “You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once walked” by “following the desires of body and mind” (Eph. 2.1-3).


The life of an unregenerated person almost entirely is governed by the soul. He may be living in fear, curiosity, joy, pride, pity, pleasure, delight, wonder, shame, love, remorse, elation. Or he may be full of ideals, imaginations, superstitions, doubts, suppositions, inquiries, inductions, deductions, analyses, introspections. Or he may be moved—by the desire for power, wealth, social recognition, freedom, position, fame, praise, knowledge—into making many daring decisions, into personally arbitrating, into voicing stubborn opinions, or even into undergoing patient endurance. All these and other like things are merely manifestations of the soul’s three main functions of emotion, mind and will. Is not life composed pre-eminently of these matters? But regeneration can never arise out of these. To be penitent, to feel sorry for sin, to shed tears, to even make decisions does not bring in salvation. Confession, decision, and many other religious acts can never be and are not to be construed as new birth. Rational judgment, intelligent understanding, mental acceptance, or the pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true are merely soulical activities if the spirit is not reached and stirred. Although they may serve well as servants, man’s ideas, feelings and choices cannot serve as masters and are consequently secondary in this matter of salvation. The Bible hence never regards new birth as being severity to the body, impulsive feeling, the demand of the will, or reform through mental understanding. The Biblical new birth occurs in an area far deeper than human body and soul, yea, even in man’s spirit, where he receives God’s life through the Holy Spirit.

The writer of Proverbs tells us that “the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord” (20.27). During the time of regeneration the Holy Spirit comes into man’s spirit and quickens it as though kindling a lamp. This is the “new spirit” mentioned in Ezekiel 36.26; the dead old spirit is quickened into life when the Holy Spirit infuses it with God’s uncreated life.


Before regeneration the soul of man is in control of his spirit while his own “self” rules his soul and his passion governs his body. Soul has become the life of the body. At regeneration man receives God’s Own life into his spirit and is born of God. As a consequence, the Holy Spirit now rules man’s spirit which in turn is equipped to regain control over the soul and, through the soul, to govern his body. Because the Holy Spirit becomes the life of man’s spirit, the latter becomes the life of man’s whole being. The spirit, soul and body are restored to God’s original intention in every born-again person.


What then must one do to be born anew in one’s spirit? We know that the Lord Jesus died in the sinner’s place. He suffered in His body on the cross for all the sins of the world. God views the death of the Lord Jesus as the death of all the world’s people. His holy humanity suffered death for all unholy humanity. But something does remain for man himself to do. He must exercise faith in committing himself—spirit, soul and body—into union with the Lord Jesus. That is to say, he must reckon the death of the Lord Jesus as his own death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus as his own resurrection. This is the meaning of John 3.16: “Whoever believes into (literal) him should not perish but have eternal life.” The sinner must exercise faith and a believing into the Lord Jesus. By so doing, he is united with Him in His death and resurrection and receives eternal life (John 17.3)—which is spiritual life—unto regeneration.


Let us be careful not to separate into distinct matters the death of the Lord Jesus as our substitute and our death with Him. Those who stress mental understanding will surely so do, but in spiritual life these two are inseparable. Substitutionary death and co-death should be distinguished but never separated. If one believes in the death of the Lord Jesus as his substitute he already has been united with the Lord Jesus in His death (Rom. 6.2). For me to believe in the substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus is to believe that I already have been punished in the Lord Jesus. The penalty of my sin is death; yet the Lord Jesus suffered death for me; therefore I have died in Him. There can be no salvation otherwise. To say that He died for me is to say that I already have been penalized and have died in Him. Everyone who believes in this fact shall experience its reality.


We may say then that the faith by which a sinner believes in the death of the Lord Jesus as substitute is “believing into” Christ and thus union with Him. Though a person may be concerned only with the penalty for sin and not with the power of sin, his being united with the Lord is nonetheless the common possession he shares with all who believe in Christ. He who is not united with the Lord has not yet believed and therefore has no part in Him.


In believing, one is united with the Lord. To be united with Him means to experience everything He has experienced. In John 3 our Lord informs us how we are united with Him. It is by our being united with Him in His crucifixion and death (vv.14-15). Every believer at least positionally has been united with the Lord in His death, but obviously “if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Rom. 6.5). Hence he who believes in the death of the Lord Jesus as his substitute is likewise positionally raised up with Christ. Though he may not yet fully experience the meaning of the death of the Lord Jesus, God nevertheless has made him alive together with Christ and he has obtained a new life in the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus. This is new birth.


We should beware lest we insist that a man is not born anew unless he has experienced death and resurrection with the Lord. The Scriptures deem anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus as already regenerated. “All who received him, who believed in his name . . . were . . . born of God” (John 1.12-13). Let it be understood that to be raised together with the Lord is not an experience antecedent to the new birth. Our regeneration is our union with the Lord in His resurrection as well as in His death. His death has concluded our sinful walk, and His resurrection has given us a new life and initiated us into the life of a Christian. The Apostle assures us that “we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1.3). He indicates that every born-again Christian has been resurrected already with the Lord. However, the Apostle Paul in Philippians still urges us to experience “the power of His resurrection” (3.10). Many Christians have been born anew and been thus raised with the Lord, even though they are lacking in the manifestation of resurrection power.


Do not confuse, then, position with experience. At the time one believes in the Lord Jesus he may be most weak and ignorant; he is nonetheless placed by God in the perfect position of being considered dead, raised and ascended with the Lord. He who is accepted in Christ is as acceptable as Christ. This is position. And his position is: all that Christ has experienced is his. And position causes him to experience new birth, because it hinges not on how deep he has known experimentally the death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus, but on whether he has believed in Him. Even if experimentally a believer is totally ignorant of the resurrection power of Christ (Phil. 3.10), he has been made alive together with Christ, raised up with Him and seated with Him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2.5-6).


Still another matter should be carefully noticed with respect to regeneration; namely, that far more became ours than simply what we had in Adam before the fall. On that day Adam possessed spirit; yet it was created by God. It was not God’s uncreated life typified by the tree of life. No life relationship existed at all between Adam and God. His being called “the son of God” is similar to the angels being so called, for he was created directly by God. We who believe in the Lord Jesus, however, are “born of God” (John 1.12-13). Accordingly, there is a life relationship. A child born inherits his father’s life; we are born of God; therefore, we have His life (2 Peter 1.4). Had Adam received the life which God offered in the tree of life, he immediately would have obtained the eternal uncreated life of God. His spirit came from God, and so it is everlasting. How this everlasting spirit shall live depends upon how one regards God’s order and upon what choice he makes. The life we Christians obtain in regeneration is the same which Adam could have had but never had: God’s life. Regeneration not only retrieves out of chaotic

darkness the order of man’s spirit and soul; it additionally affords man the supernatural life of God.


Man’s darkened and fallen spirit is made alive through being strengthened by the Holy Spirit into accepting God’s life. This is new birth. The basis upon which the Holy Spirit can regenerate man is the cross (John 3.14-15). The eternal life declared in John 3.16 is the life of God which the Holy Spirit plants in man’s spirit. Since this life is God’s and cannot die, it follows that everyone born anew into possessing this life is said to have eternal life. As God’s life is totally unfamiliar with death, so the eternal life in man never dies.


A life relationship is established with God in new birth. It resembles the old birth of the flesh in that it is once and for all. Once a man is born of God he can never be treated by God as not having been so born of Him. However endless eternity may be, this relationship and this position cannot be annulled. This is because what a believer receives at new birth is not contingent upon a progressive, spiritual and holy pursuit after he believes but is the pure gift of God. What God bestows is eternal life. No possibility exists for this life and position to be abrogated.

Receiving God’s life in new birth is the starting point of a Christian walk, the minimum for a believer. Those who have not yet believed on the death of the Lord Jesus and received supernatural life (which they cannot possess naturally), are deemed in the sight of God to be dead, no matter how religious, moral, learned or zealous they may be. Those who do not have God’s life are dead.


For those who are born anew, there is great potentiality for spiritual growth. Regeneration is the obvious first step in spiritual development. Though the life received is perfect, it waits to be matured. At the moment of new birth life cannot be full-grown. It is like a fruit newly formed: the life is perfect but it is still unripe.

There is therefore boundless possibility for growth. The Holy Spirit is able to bring the person into complete victory over body and soul.




God’s release from the penalty and power of sin is accomplished in the cross of His Son. He now lays before all men this salvation so that whoever wills to accept may be saved, God knows no good resides in man; no flesh can please Him. It is corrupted beyond repair. Since it is so absolutely hopeless, how then can man please God after he has believed in His Son unless He gives him something new?

Thank God. He has bestowed a new life, His untreated life, upon those who believe in the salvation of the Lord Jesus and receive Him as their personal Savior. This is called “regeneration” or “new birth.” Though He cannot alter our flesh God gives us His life. Man’s flesh remains as corrupt in those who are born anew as in those who are not. The flesh in a saint is the same as that in a sinner. In regeneration the flesh is not transformed. New birth exerts no good influence on the flesh. It remains as is. God does not impart His life to us to educate and train the flesh. Rather, it is given to overcome the flesh.


Man in regeneration actually becomes related to God by birth. Regeneration means to be born of God. As our fleshy life is born of our parents so our spiritual life is born of God. The meaning of birth is “to impart life.” When we say we are born of God it signifies we receive a new life from Him. What we have received is a real life.


We have seen previously how we human beings are fleshly. Our spirit is dead and our soul is in full management of the entire being. We are walking according to the lusts of the body. No good is in us. In coming to deliver us, God first must restore the spirit’s position within in order that we may have fellowship with Him again. This occurs when we believe in the Lord Jesus. God puts His life into our spirit, thus raising it up from death. The Lord Jesus now declares that “that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3.6). At this juncture God’s life, which is the Spirit, enters our human spirit and restores it to its original position. The Holy Spirit takes up His abode in the human spirit; and man is thereby transferred into the spiritual realm. Our spirit is quickened and reigns once again. The “new spirit” mentioned in Ezekiel 36.26 is the new life we receive at the time of regeneration.


Man is not regenerated by doing something special but by believing the Lord Jesus as his Savior: “to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1.12-13). Those who believe the Lord Jesus as Savior are born of God and are therefore His children. Regeneration is the minimum of spiritual life. It is the basis upon which later building up takes place. One can neither speak of spiritual life nor expect to grow spiritually if he is not regenerated, since he has no life in his spirit. Just as no one can construct a castle in the air so we cannot edify those who are unregenerated. If we attempt to teach an unregenerate to do good and to worship God, we are simply teaching a dead man. We are attempting to do what God cannot do when we try to repair and reform the flesh. It is vital that each believer know beyond doubt he has been regenerated already and has received a new life. He must see that new birth is not an attempt to tinker with the old flesh or to transform it into spiritual life. On the contrary, it is receiving a life which he never had and could not have had before. If one is not born anew he cannot see the kingdom of God. He can never perceive the spiritual mysteries and taste the heavenly sweetness of God’s kingdom. His destination is but to wait for death and judgment; for him there is nothing more.


How can one know he is regenerated? John tells us man is born anew by his believing on the name of the Son of God and receiving Him (1.12). The name of God’s Son is “Jesus” which means “he will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1.21). Believing on the name of the Son of God is hence equivalent to believing in Him as the Savior, believing that He died on the cross for our sins in order to free us from the penalty and power of sin. To so believe is to receive Him as Savior. If one desires to know whether he is regenerated or not, he simply need ask himself one question: Have I come to the cross as a helpless sinner and received the Lord Jesus as Savior? If he answers affirmatively he is regenerated. All who believe in the Lord Jesus are born anew.

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Alternatively, you could be a Time Lord.

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I live

It may seem weird to you. But I am alive, I and my soul, my spirit, my ghost, my whole thing. :thanks: Lliving day by day with myself, and sometimes I got tired of myself indeed. But, if I manage to control myself again. Giving my girl-friend attention in stead of other girls rocking around, or whatever for minor but difficult things. That gives a lot of satisfaction. I don't need god to improve my life, to live to higher standards, to become wise. I'm not a dummy, no puppet.


What is real?

I do believe that electrical current and voltage do exist. Even terms as 'reactive power' e.g. Evidence is the clue. What is god, what is a soul, what is a spirit? You are like a salesman for a telephone company, advocating telephones that makes it possible to communicate with aliens. The only problem is that these telephones are invisible. A telephone will be programmed in my brain, if I pay. And payment is by obedience of the company rules. The results are not directly hearible too, the aliens use the same method: they'd rewire my brain with long distance calls.



The life of an unregenerated person almost entirely is governed by the soul. He may be living in fear, curiosity, joy, pride, pity, pleasure, delight, wonder, shame, love, remorse, elation. Or he may be full of ideals, imaginations, superstitions, doubts, suppositions, inquiries, inductions, deductions, analyses, introspections. Or he may be moved—by the desire for power, wealth, social recognition, freedom, position, fame, praise, knowledge—into making many daring decisions, into personally arbitrating, into voicing stubborn opinions, or even into undergoing patient endurance.
Oh, I love my flesh too!! Feelings of touch, sexual arousal, warmth, soft tissue, hard wood, green trees, crispy chips, rocking music, etc. God I can't hear, I can't feel, I can't see, I can't smell, I can't taste. Or does the old spirit taste after oil? :phew:


Little Red Riding hood

We know that the Lord Jesus died in the sinner’s place. He suffered in His body on the cross for all the sins of the world.
We know that Little Red Riding hood got eaten by the wolf. I will not tire you with the meaning of "Grandmother, what big ears you have!" or "Grandmother, what big eyes you have!". Because that say so much about not willing to hear, and drowning in someones eyes, death and resurrection.


Take part in Jesus

We may say then that the faith by which a sinner believes in the death of the Lord Jesus as substitute is “believing into” Christ and thus union with Him. Though a person may be concerned only with the penalty for sin and not with the power of sin, his being united with the Lord is nonetheless the common possession he shares with all who believe in Christ. He who is not united with the Lord has not yet believed and therefore has no part in Him.
Yes, there is also a variant in which the wolf and Little Red Riding hood are eating grandmother. Believe it, or not! If not, you're damned of course, you'll not eat with us from grandmum.


Resurrection Powder

Many Christians have been born anew and been thus raised with the Lord, even though they are lacking in the manifestation of resurrection power.
Was it a coincidence that I read "resurrection powder"? God given inspiration!


The cross

The basis upon which the Holy Spirit can regenerate man is the cross...
Even the crosses someone gets after decennia can't make someone think. Your wooden cross is powdered to dust. After 2000 years of recycling it is already been eaten up and shitten out by someone. The bible is as radioactive material, the recycle time is much too long.


Come back, my darling!

If 2000 years isn't enough to decide that nobody is coming back. How about your own life? When are you going to decide that it all was as valuable as whatever religion there is? After 50% of your valuable life? After 80%? It's still time to mean something to the world, it's still time to enjoy life yourself, in stead of as representant of an invisible king. You're thinking you experience the important things, but the reality lies in the play of kids and fools. Blessed are the fools. Here, this is for god:

"Guess it's gonna be a cold lonely summer

But I'll fill the emptiness

I'll send you all my love every day in a letter

Sealed with a kiss"


God's release

God’s release from the penalty and power of sin is accomplished in the cross of His Son.
My release lies in responsability for your deeds. Nobody sinned such that he/she needs to be murdered. Even if you murdered someone we will only punish you with lifelong. That's not justice!? So, than justice is not what we want, if we destroy with it. Justice has to build up, it has to be a positive power, something humane. Apparently that's asked too much from god. God's release to tease.


Striptease? I mean coffee?

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Like I say to most solicitors, "No, thank you. I'm not interested."

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Wow! I had no idea being a Christian was so complicated.


Thank goodness we have Ivdyou here to translate “God’s simple message of love” into English for us. :eek:

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I had pasted this pic into another topic, but I think it works better here.


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'Dats a heelova lotta bullshit to have to wade through before my first cuppa coffee this fine morning.


I concur Reach, "No Thanks, I have mine already"..



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I had pasted this pic into another topic, but I think it works better here.

Neil, if common sense and reason are ever to be otained again, I think it was some old, old song that had a line that went...


I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair. :grin:




And for the record, I think we've heard this one before. Nivek, while we're doing coffee, check out the record label.

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Just dawned on me...


Regenerated= Recapped?


I ain't a wearing no wig, nor am I gonna run cheap tires..


Why should I run someone elses used worn out religion?


Nahh, no thanks, not buying today..



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"Do not confuse, then, position with experience. At the time one believes in the Lord Jesus he may be most weak and ignorant"


oh that explains a lot

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Nivek, pass me some of that coffee, will ya?

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Java, check your mail once in awhile, ok? :)


New Messages, top right corner.

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Even though I believe not a word of what lvdyou wrote, I must commend him or her for their writing style, and lucid, substantive, well organized presentation. This is superior to the run-of-the-mill christian fundamentalist drivel normally propagated at this and other sites. The problem is that it is supported by presuppositions that are generally rejected by the target audience at this site. Perhaps this should be presented at some theological debate forum, where its quality would be more appreciated.

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I couldn't get past the first paragraph. :vent:


Tell me the old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old Story :ugh:

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Guest lvdyou

It is exceedingly simple for just read John 3.16,18. This only proves that what is simple is not good enough for you, nor a long explanation. That is why God eventually cuts you off into hell because He can't have you near His own who will be sinless in eternity future in the new city. You are still living in your old man with a dead spirit, insensitive to things of God. God wants you to put on the new man, but it is up to you to receive His loving grace.

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I smell blue eyeliner.

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That is why God eventually cuts you off into hell because He can't have you near His own who will be sinless in eternity future in the new city.


Cause he's the cruel and unforgiving type of god right (with obsessive compulsive disorder)? :twitch:

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I like beef and shrimp.

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. . . What then must one do to be born anew in one’s spirit? We know that the Lord Jesus died in the sinner’s place. He suffered in His body on the cross for all the sins of the world.

I don't have all day, so I'll only challenge two assertions. First of all, I contend that Jesus as described in the bible did not exist, so your whole argument is based on a false assumption. This wouldn't be the place to argue that point, so I will redirect you here. If you have any evidence not already proven to be fake, we'd all love to see it. And by "all" I mean Christians, too. (Before you respond, remember that if you can use the bible as proof, then I can use "The Night Before Christmas" to prove Santa exists and "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" to prove the Grinch exists. You must find evidence outside church writings-- which by definition will always assume he did exist, since that's church doctrine.)


. . .If one desires to know whether he is regenerated or not, he simply need ask himself one question: Have I come to the cross as a helpless sinner and received the Lord Jesus as Savior? If he answers affirmatively he is regenerated. All who believe in the Lord Jesus are born anew.

So ALL who believe are born anew? Really? All??? Even the demons believe (James 1:9), so are they born again, too? What about all the religions before Christianity that had "born-again" doctrines, traditions, and rituals? Were those valid or would they have had to do it all again for the latest saviour?

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The magic of CTRL-C, CTRL-V. When you don't have the time or capacity to think.

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Granted, I sometimes get long winded myself....but I'll keep this one short.




Prove the bible is the Living Word of God without using the bible or any reference material that uses the bible as proof of it's own validity.


If your god wants us to hear his word, he should grant you the ability to do this.


Or you could just continue to write us off as the heathen damned, which is much much easier


Oh...wait. You aren't SUPPOSED to do that.



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Ok, Mr lvdyou, caught you red-handed!  This essay, which I praised as being so well-written is lifted verbatim from the writings of Watchman Nee.  Fraud.



Search for the REGENERATION. section


Thanks Dio


I did a few searches myself but did not find anything. At least now we know he is a liar to boot.



The webmaster questioned Ivdyou about his posts, this is what Ivdyou claimed.


This is not another man's sermon. These are my words. I wrote them. Why does this offend you? The truth has a tendency to do that.



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