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Planet seen outside the solar system


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Planet 'seen' around distant sun

The red speck which circles 2M1207A (Eso)


European and American scientists say they have photographed a planet outside the Solar System for the first time.


The European Southern Observatory group said the red image is the first direct shot of a planet around another star.


The planet, known as 2M1207b, is about five times the size of Jupiter and is orbiting at a distance nearly twice as far as Neptune is from our Sun.


The parent star and planet are more than 200 light-years away near the southern constellation of Hydra.


There has been a lot of competition among astronomers to secure the first direct picture of an exoplanet.


When the ESO group first released the picture last September there was doubt over whether the star and planet were gravitationally bound.  _41095139_exo_eso_203..jpg

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I bet the creationists are up in arms about all this.

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Up at arms, or explaining it away?

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Hahaha! It's great that scientists directly observed the planet! Any fine detail of it?

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This is what the Christians said about exosolar planets (Theology web)


What YEC leaders said about extrasolar planets


grmorton May 1st 2005 02:58 PM




What YEC leaders said about extrasolar planets


1 Attachment(s)

I love to look back occasionally to see what YECs said about various discoveries which have just taken place. Yesterday ESO released the first picture of an extrasolar planet. It is from http://www.eso.org/outreach/press-r...a-05-normal.jpg


and I attach it here.



Morris and Parker state:"Nevertheless, there is no scientific evidence of it whatever. The radio telescopes have been such a complete exercise in futility that the whole program is currently scheduled for abandonment. There is no observational evidence even of any planets outside the solar system, let alone planets that could support life." Henry Morris and Gary E. Parker, What is Creation Science?", Revied and expanded, (El Cajon: MasterBooks, 1987), p. 268


Henry previously had been on record doubting the existence of extrasolar planets:


"The question of possible extra-terrestrial life is therefore not to the point. Man must be at the heart of God's purpose for at least that part of the universe comprehensible to man.

"For that matter, there is no evidence that life comparable to human life exists anywhere else in the universe. Certainly no other planet in the solar system could support human life; our space exploration program has left no doubt whatsoever about this. Similarly, none of the stars are inhabitable and there is no evidence (apart from statistical reasoning based on evolutionary considerations, which are quite invalid) that any of them have planets. Even if other planets do exist, the probability that any of them could support human life is infinitesimally small." Henry M. Morris, Many Inallible Proofs, (San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1974), p. 142


Paul Steidl mislead his readers about what science would find as follows.

"Well, then, how many of those stars have planets? One of the nearest stars to earth, Barnard's star, has long been thought to be possessed of a planetary system. These planets have not been seen: it would be impossible to see even the largest planet of the nearest star because of the great distances involved. Instead, the motions of wobble as if there were some planets in orbit around it. In fact, it has been stated that there are two planets, one slightly larger than the other and both about the size of Jupiter. Since one of the nearest stars seems to have planets, it is said, planets must be an extremely common occurrence in the universe. REcently, however, a more precise examination of photographs of 55 years in the life of Barnard's star shows no wobble at all. There are no planets after all. Barnard's star, the great hope and shining example, has failed to come thorugh. Of the one or two other stars around which planets have been thought ot orbit, the uncertainties in the measurements are even greater than int he case of Barnard's star. Thus we find little or no evidence for any planets outside our solar system. Nor are we likely ever to find any by direct observation because of the difficulties involved." Paul M. Steidl, The Earth, The Stars and The Bible, (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1979), p. 234


Don DeYoung wrote:


"How many planets are there in the universe?


"This is an important questoin because life, if it exists elsewhere, could only be on planets or on their moons. Those who are confident that life forms exist in space propose that there are millions of other planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Actually, however, we can identify only nine planets in the entire universe at this time, all of which circle the sun. There may be many more or there may be none. Some nearby stars, such as Vega, seem to show surrounding gas clouds, but the observed matter doesn't really look like that of a planet. Banard's Star shows a slight wobble in its motion, which could be due to either a nearby planet or to a companion star. Most of the other stars are simply too far away to detect any evidence for planets. Whether or not planets exist, one thing is certain: we have found no evidence that life exists elsewhere in space!" Donald DeYoung, Astronomy and the Bible, (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1989), p. 44



The sad thing is that these YECs effectively made the Bible say what they wanted it to say and now they have made their interpretation of the Bible false because they predicted the wrong thing. And frankly in 1987 on, one could see that this was going to happen, if only one was keeping up with technological advances. But these YEC leaders, of course, don't do that.


Barry Desboroug May 1st 2005 04:34 PM




Re: What YEC leaders said about extrasolar planets


Quote: Originally posted by grmorton


I love to look back occasionally to see what YECs said about various discoveries which have just taken place. <Big snip>



Even when they are caught with their natural philosophical pants down, they quickly draw them up again with no sign of embarrassment. Nothing, no items of evidence, no prior contradictory pronouncements on their own part are allowed to shake presuppositional belief. There must be a medical explanation...

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"The question of possible extra-terrestrial life is therefore not to the point. Man must be at the heart of God's purpose for at least that part of the universe comprehensible to man.


"For that matter, there is no evidence that life comparable to human life exists anywhere else in the universe. Certainly no other planet in the solar system could support human life; our space exploration program has left no doubt whatsoever about this. Similarly, none of the stars are inhabitable and there is no evidence (apart from statistical reasoning based on evolutionary considerations, which are quite invalid) that any of them have planets. Even if other planets do exist, the probability that any of them could support human life is infinitesimally small." .



In other words....There's no where for you darwinist heathens to escape God's wrath when he comes down and destroys you evil doers! You think you can leave Earth for another planet? Well guess what? You're stuck here because there are no other livable planets so there! You better stay on this planet God made for you and take your divine ass whipping! :nono:

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Wait, are they saying that they don't believe in extrasolar planets due to there being "no direct evidence" (that bald-faced lie asside)? Wow, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, they'd have to reject their god by their own cirterion.

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Guest Tiffany
Wait, are they saying that they don't believe in extrasolar planets due to there being "no direct evidence" (that bald-faced lie asside)? Wow, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, they'd have to reject their god by their own cirterion.


Oh sweet victory! :battle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to mention: When asked what he thought on the possibility of life on other planets Billy Graham said: ofcourse there is, look how big the Universe is, Look how big God is, we'd be arrogant to think that we were the only ones here. Proving that theres another planet out there doesn't prove there's no God, it proves that there are more than 9 planets, we had a pretty good indication of that to begin with i thought.

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Guest Tiffany
Just wanted to mention: When asked what he thought on the possibility of life on other planets Billy Graham said: ofcourse there is, look how big the Universe is, Look how big God is, we'd be arrogant to think that we were the only ones here. Proving that theres another planet out there doesn't prove there's no God, it proves that there are more than 9 planets, we had a pretty good indication of that to begin with i thought.


But how could alien life accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior if he's here on earth?

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But how could alien life accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior if he's here on earth?

How do we know if alien life even needs a savior,

How do we know if they ever fell into sin,

Jesus came to save the earth,

and he did a great job of it.

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Guest Tiffany
How do we know if alien life even needs a savior,

How do we know if they ever fell into sin,



Well, I'm not saying anal probing is a sin, butt surely there must be at least one or two alien worlds that have sinned? And if Gods one and only son died for our sin's then what are they supposed to do?

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Well, I'm not saying anal probing is a sin, butt surely there must be at least one or two alien worlds that have sinned? And if Gods one and only son died for our sin's then what are they supposed to do?

Tiff, i'm just saying it's worthless to sit here and conjecture at what type of a plan God has for Alien planets. If there out there, then they're taken care of. Maybe Jesus came to them too, maybe they repented before he had to, maybe he had set up a theocracy and had a giant floating head deliver judgements. I don't know, but the idea that there is a confirmed extra planet out there does not at all impede the Judeo-Christian worldview.

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Guest Tiffany
Tiff, i'm just saying it's worthless to sit here and conjecture at what type of a plan God has for Alien planets. If there out there, then they're taken care of. Maybe Jesus came to them too, maybe they repented before he had to, maybe he had set up a theocracy and had a giant floating head deliver judgements. I don't know, but the idea that there is a confirmed extra planet out there does not at all impede the Judeo-Christian worldview.


Give me a break, "giant floating head"? :Wendywhatever:

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How do we know if alien life even needs a savior,

How do we know if they ever fell into sin,

Jesus came to save the earth,

and he did a great job of it.


Jesus did great great job!

There are still numerous wars going on every year in his name. All praise him!!

People commit acts of sexism, racism, fascism, and most any other negative 'ism' you can name, because of the Bible. All prrraaaise heim!!! :17:


Special bonus thanks to his dad for giving us the ability to have free will and then say it's not really free, it's conditional (just like his love).


If aliens need a savior, lets hope they don't fall into the same traps we have. :beg:

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If aliens need a savior, lets hope they don't fall into the same traps we have.  :beg:





"Interstellar Jihad"


There's a blood freezing thought.




"The surest sign there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us." (rough quote, Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes)



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"Interstellar Jihad"


There's a blood freezing thought.


You know damn well that it would happen in the event that we actually were visited by beings from another planet. The fundies wouldn't be able to contain themselves. :Doh:

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Jesus came to save the earth,

and he did a great job of it.


Yes! We "know" that. It isn't just something mindlessly repeated ad infinitum. How do I know? Because the Bible said it, I believe it, and that's that. Also, you get poke in hot coals forever if you don't believe it, that's how I "know".


...for ever and ever...Aaaamen...

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  • 3 weeks later...

5 times the size of jupiter? Thats a pretty big fucking planet. They should make a new name for planets that huge.

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Tiff, i'm just saying it's worthless to sit here and conjecture at what type of a plan God has for Alien planets. If there out there, then they're taken care of. Maybe Jesus came to them too, maybe they repented before he had to, maybe he had set up a theocracy and had a giant floating head deliver judgements. I don't know, but the idea that there is a confirmed extra planet out there does not at all impede the Judeo-Christian worldview.

Does anything impede the Judeo-Christian worldview?

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Well, I'm not saying anal probing is a sin, butt surely there must be at least one or two alien worlds that have sinned? And if Gods one and only son died for our sin's then what are they supposed to do?


Easy, we just go there and tell them "Jebuz died for you too, you crocodile looking creatures you", and then they'll make a cross and an image of J hanging on the cross, looking like a crocodile, and then they're saved too!


Halleberryluuyah! Praise Almighty Bob and Jebuz!

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5 times the size of jupiter? Thats a pretty big fucking planet. They should make a new name for planets that huge.


You just did ... Pretty Big Fucking Planet. PBF Planet.


Or just


Dude, Awesome! Size Planet

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Does anything  impede the Judeo-Christian worldview?


Only true, open minded, honest reading of the Bible would.

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You just did ... Pretty Big Fucking Planet. PBF Planet.


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Only true, open minded, honest reading of the Bible would.

Of course. I am in this extracurricular debate right now with another Christian off site. We're friends. She harmonizes everything by an appeal to faith. Sickening.


Anyway, whenever a piece of evidence or demonstrated contradiction that refutes the Judeo-Christian worldview is unequivocally and fatly dismissed, or instantly harmonized or stolen and re-appropriated into this Judeo-Christian worldview out of hand.

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