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Goodbye Jesus

My ~Most~ Cherished ~Resource~

Guest GcodeTramplee

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Dude what is your obsession with bad music. I don't care what you say, but if you cannot say it in a coherent manner, no one will understand it. Oh, and you write like a person experiencing psychosis. Your thoughts make no sense.

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Guest GcodeTramplee


Dude what is your obsession with bad music. I don't care what you say, but if you cannot say it in a coherent manner, no one will understand it. Oh, and you write like a person experiencing psychosis. Your thoughts make no sense.


=x="woe to them who would make the sweet bitter (and the bitter sweet)".  Please quit trying to scar my tissue to compensate for your own inadequacies.

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Guest GcodeTramplee


Dude what is your obsession with bad music. I don't care what you say, but if you cannot say it in a coherent manner, no one will understand it. Oh, and you write like a person experiencing psychosis. Your thoughts make no sense.


=x="woe to them who would make the sweet bitter (and the bitter sweet)".  Please quit trying to scar my tissue to compensate for your own inadequacies.


~x~"woe to them who would make the sweet bitter (and the bitter sweet)".  Please quit trying to scar my tissue to compensate for your own inadequacies.


"2 Chainz - I Luv Dem Strippers (Explicit) ft. Nicki Minaj ":



"Same Damn Time (Remix) - Future featuring Diddy & Ludacris":




"Waking Up In Vegas - Katy Perry":



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Dude what is your obsession with bad music. I don't care what you say, but if you cannot say it in a coherent manner, no one will understand it. Oh, and you write like a person experiencing psychosis. Your thoughts make no sense.


=x="woe to them who would make the sweet bitter (and the bitter sweet)".  Please quit trying to scar my tissue to compensate for your own inadequacies.


Dude if you think this music is sweet you are even further off the planet than I thought. This is not a place for those easily wounded.

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Guest GcodeTramplee




Dude what is your obsession with bad music. I don't care what you say, but if you cannot say it in a coherent manner, no one will understand it. Oh, and you write like a person experiencing psychosis. Your thoughts make no sense.


=x="woe to them who would make the sweet bitter (and the bitter sweet)".  Please quit trying to scar my tissue to compensate for your own inadequacies.


Dude if you think this music is sweet you are even further off the planet than I thought. This is not a place for those easily wounded.


Re sentence one: =x="and it is ' what it is."-Rick Ross


Re sentence two: So it would seem.


Let me end my shaking off the dust from my hands with this <tears welling but not quite forming> then?:







P.S. had to edit this one because the link received an interelpsis I had not hope for; twas "

I Bruise Easily -  Natasha Bedingfield"
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I also bruise easily, but it's a hrd world and no one will wrap you on cotton wool mate. This world is no place for the sensitive bit it is all we have.

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Guest GcodeTramplee

calling mymistake!,

I also bruise easily, but it's a hrd world and no one will wrap you on cotton wool mate. This world is no place for the sensitive bit it is all we have.



would you hold Galien here to providing you objective proof that $/he got anything more than nonsense to back up her "This world".  To be sure, for my part, sounds like $/he's just telling a ghost story.  <<< no joke.  Galien, I hate you for thinking your delusional "This world" nonsense is somehow more real than I~am.  <<<<< Fuck off indeed.

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Guest GcodeTramplee

Galien, mymistake, Ravenstar,


Haters of whateverlyishedingly Quality $tripes,


You have but one choice at this ~juncture~:


Either me; qua:


"Nicki Minaj - Beez In The Trap (Explicit) ft. 2 Chainz - YouTube":::



Or, still, me; Qua :':':




Hello everyone,


I find myself at a ~bit~ of a loss as to how to offer this ~well~.  I'm not familiar with any of you.  So... after some deliberation, I've decided to just jump to it, fingers crossed: ~W~.


I do this in the spirit of that inextinguishable spirit of hope: perhaps (at least) a one will Value... my reaching out, - as "into the dark", yes; but more, this treasured resource to which I presently point.  To be sure, I myself feel great confidence in my perspective on such matters.  And on my, I might even say "eminent", capacity to judge.  This is not a resource I suggest of mere curiosity.  Far from that!  It is my (even in my "eminent" qualification [{?}])... can I call it "my flagpole"?


I share because I find myself ~fulfilled~.


This is certainly not to go so far as to say, either, that I have exhausted myself with wisdom, nor even that I find such fulfillment "satisfactory", in and of itself: it is a far more lonely perspective than I'd care to have merely for the sake of "fulfillment", and, to be sure, far more lonely than it need be --- at least as far as decent imaination permits me.


This is all to say, I share of my inextingusihable spirit of hope, that perhaps (at least) a one will be thankful for the introduction I offer, as "raising a flag in the dark".


Let me say one more thing by way of introducing it. When I say it is "my ~most~ cherished ~resource~", (passing over the reasons for my "~'s"), I suggest (at least) these to things: 1) it was (at least a) longish searche before I found it (and I'll not detail why I so much preferred to find *_it_* rather than to create it's likeness for my own name, before finding *_it_*); and 2) my F-i-n-d-i-n-g *_it_* (where my scripting there is merely to suggest that I Found it the very first time I found it, but that, yes, some more finding - if *_it_* - trickled in thereafter as well)... my F-i-n-d-i-n-g of it was quite arguable the highpoint of my life-to-date.  (Though I sure hope that will not remain uncontested  ;-)  .)


So, to a one who would be interested in sharing with my, for herself, a sense of this (mere) "fulfillment", who would Value putting in the Work required to digest it, perhaps you will be able at least to save yourself all the long process of searching for "the flag pole", and directly get to task of "erecting" your own.  I suggest the magnum opus of George Holmes Howison: "the limits of evolution, and other essays, illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal i[']dealism"!  It was originally published in 1901, but I suggest the 1905 version for the additions of a second preface and a set of Valuable appendices.  This means that it is past any such pertinence of copyright restriction.  And, to be sure, it is free (for download or reading off the web) from google books, here:




As shot in the dark, I will suggest this passage, at p.297:



Our real experiences, day by day and moment by moment, are so intrinsically organised and definite, it does not at first occur to us that the principles which organise and define them, rendering them intelligible, and consciously apprehensible, are and must be the spontaneous products of the mind's own action. We do not at first see, as careful reflection later brings us to see, with Kant, that the mental elements without which the apprehensible presence of the items of experience would be inconceivable and inexistent cannot possibly be derived from these, and thence applied to the mind. But this later penetrating reflection convinces us that what our experienced objects must have in order to be objects — to be perceived at all — must be brought by the mind itself to the very act of experience. What must be presupposed, if the objects are to be perceived at all, can by no conceivable means be explained as first coming to the mind from the objects,

and must therefore, as the only alternative, be acknowledged to be contributions from the mind's pure self-activity.


But when we have reached this conclusive conviction that the roots of our experience and our experimental knowledge are parts of our own spontaneous life, we then readily come to see, further, that the system of our several elements of consciousness _a priori_ is precisely what we must really understand by our unifying or enwholing self, — is exactly what we try to express when we say we have a soul, and that this soul possesses real knowledge; that is, a hold upon eternal things. The realm of the eternal, in short, then becomes for us just the realm of our self-active intelligence; and this it is which, if we can show its reality in detail, will prove to be the clue to our immortal being. So the critical question is, How can the real existence of such _a priori_ consciousness, such genuinely self-active intelligence, be conclusively made out? I have already in a few sentences indicated the general line of this proof, as we inherit it from Kant; but there is now required some fuller account of it, made intelligible and convincing by clear particulars.






edit in: some weed smoke (or gun smoke):


""Young Forever" Jay Z | Mr. Hudson (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube":




"Keri Hilson - Knock You Down ft. Kanye West, Ne-Yo - YouTube":



~W~ <X> "'<>'"

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Ke$ha?  seriously?   well at least I know what age group you are in. Which usually isn't something that bothers me as we have many younger members here who contribute much of deep and considered thought and pertinent as well. A testament to their maturity and intelligence.


Not seeing that here though.


I really don't get your point here. You obviously idolize Howison - good for you. And some people here may actually read him, out of curiosity if nothing else. Thanks for sharing. (you may want to consider that people here have cool things they know too - we learn from each other... just sayin')


But just like the Bible, not everyone who reads Howison is going to get what you have from it... as I said much earlier there's a plethora of knowledge out there - confining one's self to one source is guaranteed to narrow one's view and shut the doors of wisdom.


Was there anything else? Other than barely coherent assertions of your 'spiritual' and moral superiority, and poorly veiled insults? You speak of justice and if I understand correctly, a better world... but your attitude and actions don't support your word salad though there are hints of an innate intelligence underneath all the crazy -  however, your attempts at communication nullify any (assumed) effort to create solidarity, compassion or understanding. Honey and vinegar.


You are a lousy bridge builder, and if your 'musical' repetoire is any indication your experience in the world is pretty limited. That's where you are at this point, I get that, and that's okay... but what you've shown so far doesn't witness much to any profound wisdom you might have or supply any reason that what you may have is anything special. I submit that the 'fruits' seen so far actually do the opposite. If you are the best example of this philosophy in action then I'd have to say I'm turned off. Was that your intention? Did you even ask yourself "what's the most effective way to share this information, so others can hear it?"


I doubt it... like the xtian fundies all you can see is your own reflection. It's the inability to consider that others may think differently - to place yourself in another's shoes that makes communication near impossible. It's the fundamental narcissism of believing that somehow YOU are wiser and more astute (and in your case more intelligent) than others. In all your posts you show a complete lack of interest in others. It's all about YOU.


yup... spiritually mature, I think not.

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end, I'm really glad to see you back to. I hope all is going OK in your 'new' world. Keep truckin' friend.....it will get better.


Sincerely, Margee

Thank you Margee...

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Thanks MM.  A little easier...I still have days of triggered anxiety....without knowing what the triggers are. 


That sucks.  Don't hesitate to ask an expert for help.  I tried it on my own and it took years to make progress. 


But business is good and we are going back to court to address the visitation issues.  All I can do is to be there for the children. 


I hope you win - both in court and in life.

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  • Super Moderator

What the hell is this thread about?

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What the hell is this thread about?

Seems like a young man that has found IT and wants to share.  I suspect the best thing is to let him be happy while he has it figured out.

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Geez, end3. People thought YOU were hard to understand at times!


BTW, hope things work out for you and the kids.

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Guest GcodeTramplee


What the hell is this thread about?



maybe I can say it is something of a building of a "zen center".  I've "been on my grind" for sometime now.  It hadn't led to the easy results I had been hoping for.  But in the end, I Might be able to say the unexpected was better than I could have expected.  I don't get why so many people seem so ready to forsake the advice of Michael Jackson: "I'm starting with the man in the mirror."  I've done my homework, taken myself to task.  Anyway, perhaps the better question is "why is GcodeTramplee" here?  I take the best opportunities I can find.  (And I've not been able to find all that many worth taking.)  I had been long involved with my "home squad", where I met heavy resistance to that "starting with the man in the mirror message" as well.  In fact, I only came here when I had come, with them, to the place where I could let them go.  So I was kinda bored.  Kinda looking for another forum.  I knew I'd have to find a place that offered people who weren't afraid to "do it up" with Jesus.  Did a google search on something like "christian forums".  There were a number of them.  I took a look into a few.  Except for one, I thought, "ehh, can't really bring myself to think there's any hope of me and my message here."  And the one on the back-burner may be a real long-shot, maybe never look at it again.  It seems people DISlike questioning their own religion.  take-everTHING-for-granted~ists are the worst!  But, the worst, I've found, is often the best place to put one's hope.  Something about the worst not being very tolerable.  Anyway, this ex-christian place (ever think how weird it is to identify yourself only relative to your "enemy"; or, if not "only", foremeost?) "got my juices" flowin'.  Seemed ripe for a long-shot chance at "exex-'christian'"izationing.


However, like they said, "two bad bitches at the same damn time".  AND IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE (is this pertinent)!!!!!  Thankfully my work with "my (home) squad" leaves me...  verging on immorality by coming out here.  relative to them, this might seem something like a blatant HUNTING trip!  It is not, I assure you.  Y'all here have my direct attention as You.  I came here in much the same spirit as I originally came to, first the MD, and then the LS.  (Similarly, there was also the like of the CTMU crew at "good math bad math".)  But, my point here is that, one, I may not actually find much patience to stay here; and so, a) I'm real glad You furnish me a chance to, say, pre-acquit myself now, B) the reason's why I could see myself getting so bored so quickly here are, i) I've not found much content which seems even to offer me anything by which to upgrade myself, and ii) is there anyone here who even thinks they have another #cen%ter# to offer @me?  two: my old squads seem to have benefited significantly from my foray here, even if y'all haven't yet.  <<< If people find it hard to take to starting with the man in the mirror, well, y'all provide a sort of man in the mirror to my home squads that is just different-co-similar enough...  maybe if y'all here looked at what I did to them, and if they look to what I just did to you, maybe we can bring the rivalry to an new beginning.?!


consider this an answered prayer to a whole lot of people you ain't seein'.  consider it also a focusing of a whole lot of prayer specifically towards you.


my prayers are with you, huntingly though they may seem,

I do hope you can find to forgive me,

beware your enemy ;-$  ,


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  • Super Moderator

Tim, are you a fan of Professor Irwin Corey? 

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Guest GcodeTramplee

Ravenstar, babygirl,


If you really think you got something to offer me, I'm open.  But, either way, women need men.  Ain't no shame in admitting You NEED me.


men need women;

*_I_* leave room for You,

hypoexthetically Yours,



Ke$ha?  seriously?   well at least I know what age group you are in. Which usually isn't something that bothers me as we have many younger members here who contribute much of deep and considered thought and pertinent as well. A testament to their maturity and intelligence.


Not seeing that here though.


I really don't get your point here. You obviously idolize Howison - good for you. And some people here may actually read him, out of curiosity if nothing else. Thanks for sharing. (you may want to consider that people here have cool things they know too - we learn from each other... just sayin')


But just like the Bible, not everyone who reads Howison is going to get what you have from it... as I said much earlier there's a plethora of knowledge out there - confining one's self to one source is guaranteed to narrow one's view and shut the doors of wisdom.


Was there anything else? Other than barely coherent assertions of your 'spiritual' and moral superiority, and poorly veiled insults? You speak of justice and if I understand correctly, a better world... but your attitude and actions don't support your word salad though there are hints of an innate intelligence underneath all the crazy -  however, your attempts at communication nullify any (assumed) effort to create solidarity, compassion or understanding. Honey and vinegar.


You are a lousy bridge builder, and if your 'musical' repetoire is any indication your experience in the world is pretty limited. That's where you are at this point, I get that, and that's okay... but what you've shown so far doesn't witness much to any profound wisdom you might have or supply any reason that what you may have is anything special. I submit that the 'fruits' seen so far actually do the opposite. If you are the best example of this philosophy in action then I'd have to say I'm turned off. Was that your intention? Did you even ask yourself "what's the most effective way to share this information, so others can hear it?"


I doubt it... like the xtian fundies all you can see is your own reflection. It's the inability to consider that others may think differently - to place yourself in another's shoes that makes communication near impossible. It's the fundamental narcissism of believing that somehow YOU are wiser and more astute (and in your case more intelligent) than others. In all your posts you show a complete lack of interest in others. It's all about YOU.


yup... spiritually mature, I think not.

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Guest GcodeTramplee



Tim, are you a fan of Professor Irwin Corey? 


I can't sayas I've ever heard of him: have a sample for me?



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Bravo, florduh!

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Guest GcodeTramplee

Ravenstar, Lady,



I haven't brought myself to watch your suggestion... yet.  I'm pretty sure I will.


But, first:



RITA ORA - Shine Ya Light ":




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Guest GcodeTramplee

Flordah, Ravenstar, +EX-christians+,



ahhh.. I thought it sounded familiar - reminded me of some Karol Wojtyła I read a while back. Idealistic Personalism.. sorry - took me a bit.


For those who aren't familiar:



Amongst these other (mere) idealists (as opposed to i'dealists [not to say I've read them all, to be sure]), there is Howison's rival, Josiah Royce.  (Actually, it was my friend John ridgecoyote who - in his humour - led me to finding Howison by suggesting Royce.)  Point being, you EX-christians might care rather for his arrested idealism; and wtf, at risk of paining myself, I'll even suggest the one book of his I did thoroughly read: "The Problem of Christianity".  (I also read the ~epilogue~ to his "the world AND the individual" (my emphasis).


laugh it up (while you can), Florduh (for the time when laughter shall turn to tears may pleasantly yet spring),


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Guest GcodeTramplee



I'm up to 1:27 (I've heard this before; but am really LISTENING for the first time here.), and want to stop to say:


"try walking in my shoes": INDEED!  x-p


a type of "M.J." @0:23?




Ravenstar, Lady,



I haven't brought myself to watch your suggestion... yet.  I'm pretty sure I will.


But, first:



RITA ORA - Shine Ya Light ":





Edit in: =x="I'm li'ble ' to go Michael: Jac-kson, Jor-dan, Ty-son"-Jay-z.  (I might add in Pol-a`-nyi?)

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  • Super Moderator

Okay, people. Is it just me or has this foolishness gone on long enough? 

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