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Goodbye Jesus

My ~Most~ Cherished ~Resource~

Guest GcodeTramplee

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Hmm listen to your wisdom or that of my university lecturers, difficult choice!!!

would that you weren't being totally sarcastic. Either way, Howison was the founder of the philosophy department of U.C.Berkeley, so have at it. And I'm sure the authors of the two books on "QM" should meet your standards as well. If you ain't appreciative for my being able to suggest these "needles in the haystack" to you though,




You're not getting the purpose of this site are you, take a look at the name of it again - I and others ain't interested in your airy fairy religion!!!

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{ }( )...... ~```~~~??..........( jjju-st' whe,n I was ge^tti*g rea-ddy t,o  com...,,,,e bac'k// and) ma-ke# my 4,000 Po-st//, I reeeed th+is'

sh^ it  fr-om anot(her) nut-case  in) t-he Li-'on-s d-en*).....


Th-ink (I''''ll go) ( baac-k to th#e 'Wel-com..~~..ing Com(mit)ee' wh)ere I Be-l*ong).......yellow.gif  { tongue.png  } ~~~~~~~~~~

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ahhh.. I thought it sounded familiar - reminded me of some Karol Wojtyła I read a while back. Idealistic Personalism.. sorry - took me a bit.


For those who aren't familiar:


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Guest GcodeTramplee


Dualism and the subjective/objective ... ya I get it.


ohhh no.  You so clearly don't.  What I offer is a corrective precisely for such a miscarriage!


Illusion.. maya  ...


you should come whoop me if you found that I've used the word "illusion" in any constructive way here.  The only time I've used that word is in suggesting something of the logical ends of the metaphysical systems I'm arguing against!


we are all perceiving facets of the one reality - projections, if you will. Which, of course makes the individual personality invariable invalid - it is a means of perception only, a way to experience events in spacetime and dissolves into Brahman at source.


what Jesus has to do with it though.... ?


You should talk to Antlerman.


we are each self-existent.  Self-creative. ...  I'll leave off here.  I'm really not looking for discussion.  I offer some homework, and am hoping anyone interested enough will choose to take herself to task.  I'll try to remember the name Antlerman though, just in case.


thanks for your time,


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{ }( )...... ~```~~~??..........( jjju-st' whe,n I was ge^tti*g rea-ddy t,o  com...,,,,e bac'k// and) ma-ke# my 4,000 Po-st//, I reeeed th+is'

sh^ it  fr-om anot(her) nut-case  in) t-he Li-'on-s d-en*).....


Th-ink (I''''ll go) ( baac-k to th#e 'Wel-com..~~..ing Com(mit)ee' wh)ere I Be-l*ong).......yellow.gif  { tongue.png  } ~~~~~~~~~~


Baaaah ha! ha! ha!   OMG Margee, I think you have found your twin soul!  LMFHO

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GCode: In One Paragraph Please. What is it and why do you think we need it?



call it success at metaphysics.  And call it something of a degree of spiritual maturity.  Ultimately you "need" it because it is precisely that which is the "final cause" which you, - and everyone, individually, - can't forever evade.  In the meantime though, I impose myself upon you to work for it because I am just so darned selfish; I want a better world (plural society of I~am) as my context; and the fact that contemporary humanity is not up to my standards feels like an imposition upon me I'd rather "fight" to remedy, than take passively - few genuine openings to do so though I find.


If its already me then why do I need it? I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Mate most people aren't interested in spiritual maturity or even emotional maturity for that matter. I want the world to be better too, but people don't listen. I have spent my whole life trying to get people to punch their ego in the head and realise there is a world beyond the end of their nose, but most of them simply do not care. They don't have the energy or the inclination. Good luck with it, hope it doesn't make you as frustrated and desparing as it makes me.

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{ }( )...... ~```~~~??..........( jjju-st' whe,n I was ge^tti*g rea-ddy t,o  com...,,,,e bac'k// and) ma-ke# my 4,000 Po-st//, I reeeed th+is'

sh^ it  fr-om anot(her) nut-case  in) t-he Li-'on-s d-en*).....


Th-ink (I''''ll go) ( baac-k to th#e 'Wel-com..~~..ing Com(mit)ee' wh)ere I Be-l*ong).......yellow.gif  { tongue.png  } ~~~~~~~~~~


LoL. You crack me up.

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Hello everyone,


I find myself at a ~bit~ of a loss as to how to offer this ~well~.  I'm not familiar with any of you.  So... after some deliberation, I've decided to just jump to it, fingers crossed: ~W~.


I do this in the spirit of that inextinguishable spirit of hope: perhaps (at least) a one will Value... my reaching out, - as "into the dark", yes; but more, this treasured resource to which I presently point.  To be sure, I myself feel great confidence in my perspective on such matters.  And on my, I might even say "eminent", capacity to judge.  This is not a resource I suggest of mere curiosity.  Far from that!  It is my (even in my "eminent" qualification [{?}])... can I call it "my flagpole"?


I share because I find myself ~fulfilled~.


This is certainly not to go so far as to say, either, that I have exhausted myself with wisdom, nor even that I find such fulfillment "satisfactory", in and of itself: it is a far more lonely perspective than I'd care to have merely for the sake of "fulfillment", and, to be sure, far more lonely than it need be --- at least as far as decent imaination permits me.


This is all to say, I share of my inextingusihable spirit of hope, that perhaps (at least) a one will be thankful for the introduction I offer, as "raising a flag in the dark".


Let me say one more thing by way of introducing it. When I say it is "my ~most~ cherished ~resource~", (passing over the reasons for my "~'s"), I suggest (at least) these to things: 1) it was (at least a) longish searche before I found it (and I'll not detail why I so much preferred to find *_it_* rather than to create it's likeness for my own name, before finding *_it_*); and 2) my F-i-n-d-i-n-g *_it_* (where my scripting there is merely to suggest that I Found it the very first time I found it, but that, yes, some more finding - if *_it_* - trickled in thereafter as well)... my F-i-n-d-i-n-g of it was quite arguable the highpoint of my life-to-date.  (Though I sure hope that will not remain uncontested  ;-)  .)


So, to a one who would be interested in sharing with my, for herself, a sense of this (mere) "fulfillment", who would Value putting in the Work required to digest it, perhaps you will be able at least to save yourself all the long process of searching for "the flag pole", and directly get to task of "erecting" your own.  I suggest the magnum opus of George Holmes Howison: "the limits of evolution, and other essays, illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal i[']dealism"!  It was originally published in 1901, but I suggest the 1905 version for the additions of a second preface and a set of Valuable appendices.  This means that it is past any such pertinence of copyright restriction.  And, to be sure, it is free (for download or reading off the web) from google books, here:




As shot in the dark, I will suggest this passage, at p.297:



Our real experiences, day by day and moment by moment, are so intrinsically organised and definite, it does not at first occur to us that the principles which organise and define them, rendering them intelligible, and consciously apprehensible, are and must be the spontaneous products of the mind's own action. We do not at first see, as careful reflection later brings us to see, with Kant, that the mental elements without which the apprehensible presence of the items of experience would be inconceivable and inexistent cannot possibly be derived from these, and thence applied to the mind. But this later penetrating reflection convinces us that what our experienced objects must have in order to be objects — to be perceived at all — must be brought by the mind itself to the very act of experience. What must be presupposed, if the objects are to be perceived at all, can by no conceivable means be explained as first coming to the mind from the objects,

and must therefore, as the only alternative, be acknowledged to be contributions from the mind's pure self-activity.


But when we have reached this conclusive conviction that the roots of our experience and our experimental knowledge are parts of our own spontaneous life, we then readily come to see, further, that the system of our several elements of consciousness _a priori_ is precisely what we must really understand by our unifying or enwholing self, — is exactly what we try to express when we say we have a soul, and that this soul possesses real knowledge; that is, a hold upon eternal things. The realm of the eternal, in short, then becomes for us just the realm of our self-active intelligence; and this it is which, if we can show its reality in detail, will prove to be the clue to our immortal being. So the critical question is, How can the real existence of such _a priori_ consciousness, such genuinely self-active intelligence, be conclusively made out? I have already in a few sentences indicated the general line of this proof, as we inherit it from Kant; but there is now required some fuller account of it, made intelligible and convincing by clear particulars.






I may look at his book. Not sure its a whole lot different from some of Maharshi or Nisargadatta's stuff. Welcome to the site. Someone else mentioned that this is primarily a site for  people who want to rid themselves of the Christian belief system. Other belief systems tend to take a beating as well.


You may have noticed difficulty in discussing non-dual awareness here. There are a number of material realists on the site who feel something isnt real if it isn't comprised of a proton, neutron and an electron. You might have fun discussing the primacy of consciousness or subjective reality especially with Antlerman or Asanerman ( I think) :-) but there are probably better forums where you will be more welcomed.


The Lion's Den is a no holds barred place...

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ahhh.. I thought it sounded familiar - reminded me of some Karol Wojtyła I read a while back. Idealistic Personalism.. sorry - took me a bit.


For those who aren't familiar:



I was thinking of non-duality or monistic idealism but I only skimmed some of the new person's responses and only read 2 pages of that recommended book so I'm probably wrong. :-)

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 I personally never have a problem listening to anyones philosophies or spiritual journeys, but when they come in 'code' like this, it makes me angry. Come on, unless you are an alien from another planet - you can be courteous enough to write 'straight' english that we can follow and understand. Stop the sillyness.


I might even like your concepts if I could understand what you are saying.


Welcome! smile.png

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 I personally never have a problem listening to anyones philosophies or spiritual journeys, but when they come in 'code' like this, it makes me angry. Come on, unless you are an alien from another planet - you can be courteous enough to write 'straight' english that we can follow and understand. Stop the sillyness.


I might even like your concepts if I could understand what you are saying.


Welcome! smile.png

Tied my brain into a pretty bow. Not that its hard or anything.....too much overload on abstract concepts in the cult resulted in burnout. As soon as I feel my brain start to boil in its own juice I back away.

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Famous saying:


Philosophy is like being in a dark room while looking for a black cat.


Metaphysics is like being in a dark room while looking for a black cat that isn't there.


Theology is like being in a dark room, looking for a cat that isn't there and shouting "I found it!".

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Professor Irwin Corey?

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Bwahahaha   Don't bend the hose!

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Hello everyone,


I find myself at a ~bit~ of a loss as to how to offer this ~well~.  I'm not familiar with any of you.  So... after some deliberation, I've decided to just jump to it, fingers crossed: ~W~.


I do this in the spirit of that inextinguishable spirit of hope: perhaps (at least) a one will Value... my reaching out, - as "into the dark", yes; but more, this treasured resource to which I presently point.  To be sure, I myself feel great confidence in my perspective on such matters.  And on my, I might even say "eminent", capacity to judge.  This is not a resource I suggest of mere curiosity.  Far from that!  It is my (even in my "eminent" qualification [{?}])... can I call it "my flagpole"?


I share because I find myself ~fulfilled~.


Hope, faith.  I am going to take this as honesty, but I don't see it as much different than my hope in Christ or my son's hope in the picture that adorns the box that hides the next toy he desires.  I didn't like "in the dark', but I don't hold that against you as I am convicted myself. 




>This is certainly not to go so far as to say, either, that I have exhausted myself with wisdom, nor even that I find such fulfillment "satisfactory", in and of itself: it is a far more lonely perspective than I'd care to have merely for the sake of "fulfillment", and, to be sure, far more lonely than it need be --- at least as far as decent imaination permits me.


Glad you covered your opening statement...




This is all to say, I share of my inextingusihable spirit of hope, that perhaps (at least) a one will be thankful for the introduction I offer, as "raising a flag in the dark".


Let me say one more thing by way of introducing it. When I say it is "my ~most~ cherished ~resource~", (passing over the reasons for my "~'s"), I suggest (at least) these to things: 1) it was (at least a) longish searche before I found it (and I'll not detail why I so much preferred to find *_it_* rather than to create it's likeness for my own name, before finding *_it_*); and 2) my F-i-n-d-i-n-g *_it_* (where my scripting there is merely to suggest that I Found it the very first time I found it, but that, yes, some more finding - if *_it_* - trickled in thereafter as well)... my F-i-n-d-i-n-g of it was quite arguable the highpoint of my life-to-date.  (Though I sure hope that will not remain uncontested  ;-)  .)

I don't expect it will quit trickling or that someone will let it sit uncontested....but I am proud you stuck it out rather than create it...if I am reading you correctly.


This is as far as I can get this evening....I will try to read more.



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Hey End.. good to see ya.

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Guest GcodeTramplee

=x="Quewh"  ;-)


first Margee honors(?) me with her 4,000th post, and now another "twin"(?) comes to meet me at showing his presidential-address creds!!!!!:




Self-existent|DynamicAgent, ~T


"Quewh"  :-) :-) :-)


{ }( )...... ~```~~~??..........( jjju-st' whe,n I was ge^tti*g rea-ddy t,o  com...,,,,e bac'k// and) ma-ke# my 4,000 Po-st//, I reeeed th+is'

sh^ it  fr-om anot(her) nut-case  in) t-he Li-'on-s d-en*).....


Th-ink (I''''ll go) ( baac-k to th#e 'Wel-com..~~..ing Com(mit)ee' wh)ere I Be-l*ong).......yellow.gif  { tongue.png  } ~~~~~~~~~~


LoL. You crack me up.

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Guest GcodeTramplee



reminiscing fondly... "tripple O.G., blood, these hoexs know me.  Shiny A.K., blood, just like a trophy."-Birdman, "Y.U. Mad"



Hope, faith.  I am going to take this as honesty, but I don't see it as much different than my hope in Christ or my son's hope in the picture that adorns the box that hides the next toy he desires.  I didn't like "in the dark', but I don't hold that against you as I am convicted myself. 


Faith/e is the process whereby an I~am creatively holds himself together through i'deal change.  So, yes, it is not unlike anyone's faith/e that pressing the "post" button will "work".  The more interesting question is not how deep the faith/e, but what it can do in "the shallows" (i.e. where the waves break).  And if it weren't for "in the dark", then those MarshaV-ian "coiled-ropes" might actually have been able to "bite".  I'm glad the darkness does not overcome the light, to be sure, but I'm glad for being a self-marriage of something more than a "simple" "either/or".


I don't expect it will quit trickling or that someone will let it sit uncontested....


nor do I.  But I'm real glad to be able to see that the trickling that comes is significantly referable to my own creative baller willings, which I've been Workin (real hard) since I Found "it".


but I am proud you stuck it out rather than create it...if I am reading you correctly.


More or less I think you are reading it correctly.  Perhaps you will appreciate a nuance I left out at first.  Justice has been my aim, throughout.  My thought was always that I could do more towards that end if I could find to "play best-man" to the successes which came before me.  I always had a vague sense that success at metaphysics had been attained by someone before my time.  Though, to be sure, there were also times when I despaired that either perhaps that wasn't so, and I'd have to submit myself to all the terrors that I assumed would accompany making such a bold "I am the first" self-claim (mu'F'ck'n Yikes!), or at least that I wouldn't be able to find that needle in the haystack.  Or perhaps even that evidence of such needle had not been "recorded".  Anyway, having Found Howison, it was settled.  I hadn't thought so-so much of Jesus until I found Howison.  Having found these, I started seeing how much so (so-so) many people had to say.  That is, I find numerous examples of artists who speak of the truth clearly; only, my suspicions are continually led to the thought that this is rooted more in their moral behavior, and the concomitant gifts of a clean spirit, - being "in tune", - than what I consider the necessary mark of success at metaphysics: being able to provide a thorough defense before ANY wouldbe prosecutor.


Anyway, the short of it is that I didn't forsake CREATING what I would to create by looking to defer to a prior successful metaphysician, but specifically I looked for the opportunity to create something more, using his as tool.  I was reminded earlier tonight, by John McC, and think again of it now, of the lyric from a song of worship I never before gave much consideration: "one bread, one body".  If you look, even just casually, at a loaf of leavened bread, you find air pockets spanned by fibrousness.  To my mind, this seems a fine representation, altogether, of that which is of "the past", "the system", "the cosmos" (as in "be not of the system").  Sciency minded people tend to overlook time; thinking it a simple linear thing.  But time comes in frames.  we gain friction from the past, from history (and it's a damned tough thing to ask anyone being born today to have to compress all of it in herself, for moving on).  The past is immutable, but at the same time "pockets" are always left (because I~am is partially ineffible), and it with such that we are free to be reactive as against it.  Even so much as to "transfigure" it, I might say.  The thing about faith/e\ing materialistically (whether explicitly, implicitly) is that the _de facto_ real always come on a "time delay".  (Jay-z, in his song "off that", says, "I'm so tomorr'w the audomar[scripting?] says yesterday.  Which means you on time-delay.  So even if I slow it do-w-w-n, my sound is fast forward.  I'm just a runway show; but I wear this on my plane these my runway clothes.  Cashmere sweats: the come out next year but these my last year sweats.  And my holes so sick.  Your new chick can't fuck with my old bitch. ...")


anyway, Howison, again, says, at p.47: "thus creatively to think and be a world is what it means to be a [life]".


This is as far as I can get this evening....I will try to read more.


cool.  (not to pile too much more on  ;-)   ).


Thanks for your time and attention,


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Hello everyone,


I find myself at a ~bit~ of a loss as to how to offer this ~well~.  I'm not familiar with any of you.  So... after some deliberation, I've decided to just jump to it, fingers crossed: ~W~.


I do this in the spirit of that inextinguishable spirit of hope: perhaps (at least) a one will Value... my reaching out, - as "into the dark", yes; but more, this treasured resource to which I presently point.  To be sure, I myself feel great confidence in my perspective on such matters.  And on my, I might even say "eminent", capacity to judge.  This is not a resource I suggest of mere curiosity.  Far from that!  It is my (even in my "eminent" qualification [{?}])... can I call it "my flagpole"?


I share because I find myself ~fulfilled~.


This is certainly not to go so far as to say, either, that I have exhausted myself with wisdom, nor even that I find such fulfillment "satisfactory", in and of itself: it is a far more lonely perspective than I'd care to have merely for the sake of "fulfillment", and, to be sure, far more lonely than it need be --- at least as far as decent imaination permits me.


This is all to say, I share of my inextingusihable spirit of hope, that perhaps (at least) a one will be thankful for the introduction I offer, as "raising a flag in the dark".


Let me say one more thing by way of introducing it. When I say it is "my ~most~ cherished ~resource~", (passing over the reasons for my "~'s"), I suggest (at least) these to things: 1) it was (at least a) longish searche before I found it (and I'll not detail why I so much preferred to find *_it_* rather than to create it's likeness for my own name, before finding *_it_*); and 2) my F-i-n-d-i-n-g *_it_* (where my scripting there is merely to suggest that I Found it the very first time I found it, but that, yes, some more finding - if *_it_* - trickled in thereafter as well)... my F-i-n-d-i-n-g of it was quite arguable the highpoint of my life-to-date.  (Though I sure hope that will not remain uncontested  ;-)  .)


So, to a one who would be interested in sharing with my, for herself, a sense of this (mere) "fulfillment", who would Value putting in the Work required to digest it, perhaps you will be able at least to save yourself all the long process of searching for "the flag pole", and directly get to task of "erecting" your own.  I suggest the magnum opus of George Holmes Howison: "the limits of evolution, and other essays, illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal i[']dealism"!  It was originally published in 1901, but I suggest the 1905 version for the additions of a second preface and a set of Valuable appendices.  This means that it is past any such pertinence of copyright restriction.  And, to be sure, it is free (for download or reading off the web) from google books, here:




As shot in the dark, I will suggest this passage, at p.297:



Our real experiences, day by day and moment by moment, are so intrinsically organised and definite, it does not at first occur to us that the principles which organise and define them, rendering them intelligible, and consciously apprehensible, are and must be the spontaneous products of the mind's own action. We do not at first see, as careful reflection later brings us to see, with Kant, that the mental elements without which the apprehensible presence of the items of experience would be inconceivable and inexistent cannot possibly be derived from these, and thence applied to the mind. But this later penetrating reflection convinces us that what our experienced objects must have in order to be objects — to be perceived at all — must be brought by the mind itself to the very act of experience. What must be presupposed, if the objects are to be perceived at all, can by no conceivable means be explained as first coming to the mind from the objects,

and must therefore, as the only alternative, be acknowledged to be contributions from the mind's pure self-activity.


But when we have reached this conclusive conviction that the roots of our experience and our experimental knowledge are parts of our own spontaneous life, we then readily come to see, further, that the system of our several elements of consciousness _a priori_ is precisely what we must really understand by our unifying or enwholing self, — is exactly what we try to express when we say we have a soul, and that this soul possesses real knowledge; that is, a hold upon eternal things. The realm of the eternal, in short, then becomes for us just the realm of our self-active intelligence; and this it is which, if we can show its reality in detail, will prove to be the clue to our immortal being. So the critical question is, How can the real existence of such _a priori_ consciousness, such genuinely self-active intelligence, be conclusively made out? I have already in a few sentences indicated the general line of this proof, as we inherit it from Kant; but there is now required some fuller account of it, made intelligible and convincing by clear particulars.





Someone this weird must be British. This is what his prose means: "After a long search I came across this book called 'The Limits of Evolution and Other Essays Illustrating the Metaphysical Theory of Personal Idealism' and it was life changing". 


A wiki link to the author (where you can find out more info about his philosophy) is here.

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Guest GcodeTramplee



I appreciate your assist; though, to be sure, every momenting of life is "life changing", so I'd just caution you to not-run head-over-heels with your degree you assign to that event for me.  (It was both huge and minor, "at the same damn time --- REMIX!)"


a question for you to ponder:


I see in your "signature" this Plato quote: "For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories."  I like and agree with it.  In fact, for me that is the essence if Jihad.  However, it has been my experience that I~am,,, always relationing.  Thus, to whom can I direct the repercussionings of my self-Jihad?  There I focus my fury between me and Allah.  Which brings me toward my question; from your sidebar info I see: "Still have any Gods? If so, who or what? :For me there is no gap left for God to lurk in.".  Question: have you left a "gap" for Me?  (have you left even a "gap" for You?)



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I appreciate your assist; though, to be sure, every momenting of life is "life changing", so I'd just caution you to not-run head-over-heels with your degree you assign to that event for me.  (It was both huge and minor, "at the same damn time --- REMIX!)"

Will keep it noted, "highpoint of [your] life to date" ≠ "life changing". Got it.

 I see in your "signature" this Plato quote: "For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories."  I like and agree with it.  In fact, for me that is the essence if Jihad.  However, it has been my experience that I~am,,, always relationing.  Thus, to whom can I direct the repercussionings of my self-Jihad?  There I focus my fury between me and Allah.  Which brings me toward my question; from your sidebar info I see: "Still have any Gods? If so, who or what? :For me there is no gap left for God to lurk in.".  Question: have you left a "gap" for Me?  (have you left even a "gap" for You?)

Being a fan of YHWH, I am sure you're familiar with Romans 7. That is what I think a lot about and is in essence why I relate to the quote by Plato. As for my profile comment, the reason gods exist in the human imagination is to fill the gaps in where we don't know the answer and we're not comfortable enough to accept no answer. I for one, am comfortable with no answer when it comes to some of life's mysteries. 

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Hey End.. good to see ya.

Thank you R.  These few months have been difficult...not seeing the children enough mainly.  Thanks again.

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Guest GcodeTramplee


I had said:

I appreciate your assist; though, to be sure, every momenting of life is "life changing", so I'd just caution you to not-run head-over-heels with your degree you assign to that event for me.  (It was both huge and minor, "at the same damn time --- REMIX!)"

[you replied]

Will keep it noted, "highpoint of [your] life to date" ≠ "life changing". Got it.

[i, now]

light on comprehension skills?  Or you just think you need to draw out the story by jackassery?  I clearly confessed to it being "life changing"; does your symbol there not mean the traditional "not-equal"?  Further, You could merely have asked if you were curious about my stating "(It was both huge and minor, "at the same damn time --- REMIX!)""


I had offered:

 I see in your "signature" this Plato quote: "For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories."  I like and agree with it.  In fact, for me that is the essence if Jihad.  However, it has been my experience that I~am,,, always relationing.  Thus, to whom can I direct the repercussionings of my self-Jihad?  There I focus my fury between me and Allah.  Which brings me toward my question; from your sidebar info I see: "Still have any Gods? If so, who or what? :For me there is no gap left for God to lurk in.".  Question: have you left a "gap" for Me?  (have you left even a "gap" for You?)


[you, replying, but not answering my question]

Being a fan of YHWH, I am sure you're familiar with Romans 7. That is what I think a lot about and is in essence why I relate to the quote by Plato. As for my profile comment, the reason gods exist in the human imagination is to fill the gaps in where we don't know the answer and we're not comfortable enough to accept no answer. I for one, am comfortable with no answer when it comes to some of life's mysteries. 

[i, now]

I remember scripture by the content.  And, as best I can by the one that ~most~ deserves the blame for said content.  I hardly doubt I'd be familiar with the content of "Romans 7", but I've never had any reason to bother with such labels.  Pursuantly, unless I undertake the effort to dig out my bible for you, I've at an utter loss as to what you are Valuing there in relation to Plato.


next, how you gon' tell me 'bouts God existing of My --- upgrading your further mistreatment of me? --- noumenal capacities?!  Not to pin it down, but understanding that there is no avoiding the fact that I am doomed for ever to be a self-existent Real, and especially given the fact that my past is such that I have felt, and have sooooo oft felt, like this is a hateful ineradicable curse...  I've sought out merely to find some way to make it tolerable.  God?  $/he has convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that not only is $/he real, but that there is hope that His getting my back might just be able to furnish the relief I so epi-desperately _need_.


I don't know if You've been paying close attention to the story I've been yarnin here for y'all, but I ain't just offering all these music videos casually.


Try this one:


"Suicidal Girl Makes an Unforgettable Video Everyone Should See - TheGodVine - YouTube":







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light on comprehension skills?  Or you just think you need to draw out the story by jackassery?  I clearly confessed to it being "life changing"; does your symbol there not mean the traditional "not-equal"?  Further, You could merely have asked if you were curious about my stating "(It was both huge and minor, "at the same damn time --- REMIX!)""

I understood what you meant; I was merely poking fun at your feathers getting ruffled by terminology you obviously didn't appreciate in full despite it being essentially synonymous with yours.


I remember scripture by the content.  And, as best I can by the one that ~most~ deserves the blame for said content.  I hardly doubt I'd be familiar with the content of "Romans 7", but I've never had any reason to bother with such labels.  Pursuantly, unless I undertake the effort to dig out my bible for you, I've at an utter loss as to what you are Valuing there in relation to Plato.

There's a wonderful invention called the internet that has most, if not all of the world's information on it. In fact, you're on it right now. Let me point you in the right direction, try clicking here.


next, how you gon' tell me 'bouts God existing of My --- upgrading your further mistreatment of me? --- noumenal capacities?!  Not to pin it down, but understanding that there is no avoiding the fact that I am doomed for ever to be a self-existent Real, and especially given the fact that my past is such that I have felt, and have sooooo oft felt, like this is a hateful ineradicable curse...  I've sought out merely to find some way to make it tolerable.  God?  $/he has convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that not only is $/he real, but that there is hope that His getting my back might just be able to furnish the relief I so epi-desperately _need_.

If it scratches the itch you got going, then good for you.



[you, replying, but not answering my question]

Seems like you are the one light on comprehension skills. Try again.

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