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Near Death Stuff


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FWIW I have had hypnopompic hallucinations for about 14 years now on and off and I had never seen a person or a figure of a person until I read up on them and read something that said sometimes people think they see figures in their room, etc. Since then I have had a few so I believe it's suggestible what your mind sees. The first few years I had them I actually only saw patterns like gingham checks or stripes. They lasted only maybe 5 - 10 seconds and fade away. After that I started seeing items -- once I watched a biplane fly across my ceiling.


I have also had thing weird thing where if I play a video game way too much like say Mahjohng online or something with a set pattern to it, I start seeing that pattern when I close my eyes. When it's really bad I see the pattern every now and then even with my eyes open. It's only when I play these games for an hour or two a day and every day. It's like brain overload. I have had 2 brain scans in the midst of all this (for auras which turned out to be ocular migraines) so no doctor has found anything physically wrong with me. It's just my brain latches on to patterns and is VERY suggestible.


Just seeing how I can see this stuff and the content of my dreams, waking hallucinations etc. is really interesting because I can see how the brain fucks with you sometimes. Also seeing shows on how doctors can pinpoint exact parts of the brain that control specific things like reflexes etc. it makes me think that the brain is what it's all about. NDE's and whatnot are part of the mystery of the brain itself, but I doubt that once the brain is well and truly dead that any of these things can manifest anymore. The brain is organic material and I don't know how it works but there's probably room for all of these death "experiences" in it.

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Isn't it odd that the folk that have NDEs and see nothing continue with life as if nothing happened?


It seems only folk indoctrinated with xian heaven and hell have these visions and they all differ. If NDEs were true, then everyone should have similar experiences. The only theme appears that folk see a bright light and then are told to go back.


The idea that you will meet your parents or whatever and see them as they were before they died ie, OLD and listening to the average person's own preferences of extended life in la la land, it is all in the 30something range. So why would mom and dad be any different? Unless you have pics of them at that age you are probably not gonna recognise them and esp when folk talk of grandparents.


It is all a fabrication of our imaginative minds, nothing more.

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I also heard there's a chemical naturally produced in the brain that's like no drug we've made. The guy who talked about it was kind of a freak genius. He knew what it was called, along with a few other things doctors probably don't even know. He said the chemical is released only at times so severe as a NDE and at child birth. I haven't asked any women with kids if they experienced anything like he described yet, maybe someone could chime in. His description was that it would shoot your consciousness to the stars, literally. He attributed this to a viable cause for seeing the tunnel of light and a lot of the common things you hear.



I think Voice is talking about DMT and Rick Strassman, but his theories were speculative.


Still, DMT seems very relevant for future research in these areas of dreams and apparently spiritual experience.


Yeah, he's talking about DMT. I hadn't even read his post. There isn't much that's especially "new" or "underground" about it; you can buy it at most STS9 or Tool shows or extract it in your kitchen. Strassman even did more research on it in 2010, which was sorely needed since "The Spirit Molecule" was written in 1992, I think. It's worth a read, but he's a bit biased in his conclusions. The documentary he was featured in from 2010 with Joe Rogen was stupid, mostly because Joe Rogen is an idiot who doesn't understand the difference between conjecture and proven fact. We can't prove that DMT is responsible for dreams, nor can we prove its presence at death or birth; we can only speculate and the only reason we're able to do that is because of the presence of higher levels of DMT metabolites in urine following such events, but even then, those metabolites could be from other normal bodily functions and chemicals. People who think we can measure DMT levels in a person's system at any given time don't understand how the compound works and how quickly it is metabolized. True, that in itself is pretty amazing (especially given the fact that there is an active transport mechanism to allow it to cross the blood-brain barrier), but it gives the chemical a rather evasive quality.


I don't know how they feel about recounting past drug use on this site, so I'll decline to share experiences or anything like that. If anyone wants to start a DMT thread, I'll be there.


Just got back over to this thread and saw this...


I've done DMT a number of times. Once with Foxy Methoxy and a few times on my own.


Guess what? When you do DMT you believe in God. Period.


You can hear and sense the presence of the divine. You feel as though you are in the control room of the universe and you are loved and accepted by the omnipresent being of the true creator.


And then you sober up.


Some people, due to the vivid realism of the trip, will reaffirm their belief in a person deity.

Some people, due to the vivid realism of the trip, will begin believing in a person deity.

Some people (like me), due to the vivid realism of the trip, will begin immediately searching for someone else who will sell them more DMT because it was fucking awesome.

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Some people (like me), due to the vivid realism of the trip, will begin immediately searching for someone else who will sell them more DMT because it was fucking awesome.

Classic, LMAO

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Slight hijack.


While on this topic, have any of you experienced lucid dreams? I have experienced this a few times and usually as a result of sleep deprivation or fatigue. I would be working and then start daydreaming and have a dream yet still be doing perhaps a mundane task not requiring concentration.


This is why I tend to think even the visions people sometime claim to have are all self induced and usually seeded by recent data the brain has accumulated.


I've had about a half dozen lucid dreams. Whenever I realize I'm dreaming, I take off flying over spectacular vistas of cliffs and oceans just because I "can" in my dream. Pretty cool, actually. Unfortunately, I can't lucid dream on demand. (I've tried.)

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