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Should I Rule Out Xian Colleges?


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--I'm looking at psychology and marriage/family counseling.


I thought you said you didn't need stress. And here you are planning to make stress into a career.


I don't need the extra stress. I can't totally avoid it; that's unrealistic. I don't like it, but everybody's got to come out of their comfort zone sometime. Refusing to consider something because it scares you will get you nowhere.


But while a state school is traditionally a more secular environment, it is not necessarily a bubble of isolation that a religious school might be. A greater diversity of opinions would be found in a state school. I honestly don't even really understand why you're so interested in going to a religious school. Maybe it's because when I was your age I only looked at state schools. Wendyshrug.gif

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As mentioned, some schools are a lot more liberalized than others. Here are the student lifestyle requirements for a major xian university in the town I grew up in. I suspect they won't go down well with an xer. I had friends who went there and the school actually sends out spies to local bars who report back to the school if they see you in one.




Lifestyle requirements?

  • To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself, expressed by your interaction with others.
  • To be personally committed to the known will of God, evidenced by regular worship and accountability to others in the Body of Christ.
  • To be a person of integrity, keeping your word and commitments.
  • To display honesty and truthfulness in relationships and responsibilities.
  • To respect the rights of others to privacy and confidentiality, within the context of accountability.
  • To seek to build up others, refraining from gossip or slander.
  • To exercise caution in making personal decisions, motivated by the awareness of our responsibility not to cause others to “stumble” in their walk with the Lord.
  • To assume legal, personal, and financial responsibility for all decisions and resulting actions.
  • NNU students may not use alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
  • While students at NNU, sexual relations shall be limited to marriage between one man and one woman.

Does NNU have a dress code?

NNU students are expected to dress with Christian principles of modesty, dignity, good taste, self-respect, and appropriateness to the occasion. Some specific guidelines are listed here. Bodily cleanliness and neatness of dress are essential on the part of everyone. Bare feet are not allowed inside campus buildings (excluding residence halls). Clothing with printed material which is contrary to NNU standards is not acceptable attire. Men are to wear shirts. Participants in outdoor activities or designated sunbathing areas may be the exception. Women are to cover sports bras with a shirt when not sunbathing. No bikinis are allowed in community areas.


Do I have to be a Christian to attend NNU?

A student does not have to be a Christian to attend NNU, but we do have lifestyle requirements that every student must agree to follow while a student at NNU. (Refer to: What are your lifestyle requirements? Under the Campus Life section). Students are also required to attend our chapel services three times a week, and there are a couple religion classes that all students must take.

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--I'm looking at psychology and marriage/family counseling.


I thought you said you didn't need stress. And here you are planning to make stress into a career.


I don't need the extra stress. I can't totally avoid it; that's unrealistic. I don't like it, but everybody's got to come out of their comfort zone sometime. Refusing to consider something because it scares you will get you nowhere.


Well, you are brave. I will give you that. I've tried marriage counseling. It wasn't my idea. It was a duty that fell to me when my B.I.L. refused to go to a professional. Just have a look at what it's really like before you make up your mind. Eh, you will probably change your major a few times before you are done. Everybody else does. The important thing is that you get your degree, so I'm glad you have your priorities strait. Good for you. The sooner you get this stuff done the better off you will be.

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If you don't much care for pigs and don't want to deal with pig shit you shouldn't be a pig farmer.



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If you don't want to fight with religion and be independent, then don't fight with religion and be independent.


More directly, don't put yourself in a situation where you will have to deal with it every day. Pick a college that is offering the degree you want, and fits with whatever other criteria you have in mind. Class size, Prestige, Name, Location, Breadth of classes, Price.


Most likely you will change your mind during school. Many people do. I personally changed my mind 3 times. Others are far higher.

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I have friends who attended Liberty University (the place Jerry Falwell started) which is only an hour or so from where I live. Looking at the website, they don't list anything about what is required, but I know for a fact that you have to attend a number of certain "worship" events that happen each week. You also have to be involved in some sort of "ministry" group. One guy I knew who went there did the whole thing where you hold hands and worship and pray around a flagpole EVERY morning and then went to chapel at least twice a week.


I guarantee you that they also have bullshit for academics. The one thing about academics at Christian universities in general is that they will lie and put heavy conservative Christian slants on EVERYTHING. So even if you know Evolution is true and that it has significantly impacted human behavior and how the brain works. A psych course at a xtian university will likely tell you all about how "Goddidit" and how stupid evolution is and point out flaws that aren't really flaws.


At least, that's with Evangelical/Baptist-type universities. I have several friends that also went to Virginia-Wesleyan and Virginia Mennonite University that have come out very well-rounded and not at all fundy.

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I went to a Christian college my first year, did LSD, drank. Transferred to a state school my second year, where I ended up a leader in a strict Christian fellowship.

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I'm wondering why a class on college readiness, presumably taught by a public school, has so many religious schools as offerings. That smells kind of fishy to me.


I personally would never go to a Christian-affiliated college. With the polarization of the Religious Right and the increasing encroachment by fundies into territory that patently doesn't belong to them, I'd be deeply concerned about getting an impartial, unbiased education. They're more expensive, they always carry some obligation to at least pretend to be Christian, their programs are generally deeply slanted toward fundie ideals, and they tend to be deeply suspicious of individual freedom, women's rights, and civil rights in general (witness the underground GLBT groups on Christian campuses, all terrified they'll be expelled if they're discovered). I don't know why anybody'd put herself through that, especially if she's fairly newly deconverted, when there are hundreds of good state schools and even community colleges that are secular. Please examine this slew of religious offerings very critically; the people who made the software could themselves have an agenda. Fundies haven't ever been shy about trying to sneak into schools to indoctrinate the unwary.


The best way to send religious freaks a message is with your wallet. They tend to listen to money way more than anything else.

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Holy Crap Marie!!!! No...do not do that. Your degree will be in indoctrination.

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Why waste your precious time and money attending a christian school. Surely your tuition fees charge (hidden cost) for the time spent in weekly worship and religion studies etc. Your time could be better spent working part time or studying or resting. It costs enough already for an education, don't throw your time and money away.

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Thanks, guys. I was frustrated because College Board thinks I'm Xian even though I said I wanted non-religious schools. I got St. Bon and even Nyack. One of Nyack's requirements for admission is that its students be committed Xians, and it was the only school I saw that was fundy like that.

Anyway, I'm not considering going there, but the extremism was irritating.

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