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Goodbye Jesus

Armed And Broken


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So my dad found out today that he has to have another surgery. This one is on his remaining arm. Because of the traumatic loss of his right hand last year, his left arm is doing double duty as it were. Apparently, his elbow is starting to freeze up and there's an issue with a ligament. He called me today before he called mom so that I would be prepared for her response. Dad's handling it better than mom. She's become really fragile. She's in this deep depression and I'm scared for her. Her shoulder is still problematic as well. In addition her car broke down today...two weeks after they bought it....two weeks after it was flooded and subsequently totaled by Hurricane Isaac. She just kind of lost it. I've not seen her so broken.


My reaction was not nearly as rage fueled as it was a few months ago when dad had to get his pace maker put in. I mean, I'd love to have some vigilante justice on the people who were responsible...but I like my freedom. I want her to get help but my parents are no where near being financially able to afford the treatment that she needs. She thinks it's all a spiritual battle. I disagree. Part of me would like to see her lose her faith and become free from the mind trap, however, in doing so she will lose all of the support and friendship that she has built up over the years at the church that they go to. So that's probably not something that I should want to see really.


I just want my mom to make it through this. Dad is going to be fine. It'll be hard on him while his left arm heals and we'll definitely have to have home health come and take care of the wound. It's just what things are right now.


On another note, I move out with my boyfriend today. We're moving to an apartment in BR about 30 minutes away. So friggin excited.

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Bummer for your dad and mom but cool about the apartment. Takes me back to the day when my wife and I 1st set up digs, start of independence woohoo.gif

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So my dad found out today that he has to have another surgery. This one is on his remaining arm. Because of the traumatic loss of his right hand last year, his left arm is doing double duty as it were. Apparently, his elbow is starting to freeze up and there's an issue with a ligament. He called me today before he called mom so that I would be prepared for her response. Dad's handling it better than mom. She's become really fragile. She's in this deep depression and I'm scared for her. Her shoulder is still problematic as well. In addition her car broke down today...two weeks after they bought it....two weeks after it was flooded and subsequently totaled by Hurricane Isaac. She just kind of lost it. I've not seen her so broken.


My reaction was not nearly as rage fueled as it was a few months ago when dad had to get his pace maker put in. I mean, I'd love to have some vigilante justice on the people who were responsible...but I like my freedom. I want her to get help but my parents are no where near being financially able to afford the treatment that she needs. She thinks it's all a spiritual battle. I disagree. Part of me would like to see her lose her faith and become free from the mind trap, however, in doing so she will lose all of the support and friendship that she has built up over the years at the church that they go to. So that's probably not something that I should want to see really.


I just want my mom to make it through this. Dad is going to be fine. It'll be hard on him while his left arm heals and we'll definitely have to have home health come and take care of the wound. It's just what things are right now.


On another note, I move out with my boyfriend today. We're moving to an apartment in BR about 30 minutes away. So friggin excited.


So...Baton Rouge is further away from yearly flooding yes?


Sucks about your dad's surgery though. I feel like this situation with your mom just serves as a model of how the church can just grab on to certain people and make it impossible to let go. I wonder how much of that "support" of hers would just dump her if she lost her faith? Makes you wonder if those people are really good for her or just there to repeat the same lies over and over again to keep her from questioning anything.


Hope insurance will help with that car situation.

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I'm glad that you're going to live with your boyfriend anyway, Zephie. You are not responsible for your parents' ways of processing things. i know you know this but it's the sort of thing that helps to hear again, and from others.

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Zephie, I don't know what to say except that we on this board are here for you. You and your mom and dad have had one heck of a horrible year. Just sending hugs and hopes that things will start getting better for you all.

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Bummer for your dad and mom but cool about the apartment. Takes me back to the day when my wife and I 1st set up digs, start of independence woohoo.gif


The independence is amazing! We spent yesterday unpacking and collapsed around 8 pm too tired to do anything else but sleep. Our apartment is larger than normal since it's a corner apartment. It's got a few things that the landlord needs to fix but so far so good. I've moved out before but this is his first time doing so.


So...Baton Rouge is further away from yearly flooding yes?


Sucks about your dad's surgery though. I feel like this situation with your mom just serves as a model of how the church can just grab on to certain people and make it impossible to let go. I wonder how much of that "support" of hers would just dump her if she lost her faith? Makes you wonder if those people are really good for her or just there to repeat the same lies over and over again to keep her from questioning anything.


Hope insurance will help with that car situation.


Baton Rouge can flood too but it doesn't very often. We don't really get yearly floods, Hurricane Isaac was just a really slow moving storm and brought a lot of water. Unfortunately, car insurance won't help in this situation but they are talking to the dealership and loan company that sold them the car to find out if there's a warranty and maybe see about returning it since it broken down two weeks after it was purchased....with the money that the car insurance provided when her car got totaled.


I'm glad that you're going to live with your boyfriend anyway, Zephie. You are not responsible for your parents' ways of processing things. i know you know this but it's the sort of thing that helps to hear again, and from others.


Absolutely, I cannot hold myself responsible for her reactions.


Zephie, I don't know what to say except that we on this board are here for you. You and your mom and dad have had one heck of a horrible year. Just sending hugs and hopes that things will start getting better for you all.


Thankies :) She seemed a lot better yesterday.

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