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What's bothering me the most about Islam right now is that so many countries are kowtowing to their demands for the chilling of free speech. We're bending over and spreading our ass cheeks for them and then just trusting them to be gentle when they fuck us. When a hysterical brat is throwing a tantrum and destroying your house, you don't promise to stop making him eat healthy food and drop your request that he go to bed at a reasonable hour.


This brat is armed to the 9 and willing to blow up you and himself to get his fucking Fun Dip though. Big difference.

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What's bothering me the most about Islam right now is that so many countries are kowtowing to their demands for the chilling of free speech. We're bending over and spreading our ass cheeks for them and then just trusting them to be gentle when they fuck us. When a hysterical brat is throwing a tantrum and destroying your house, you don't promise to stop making him eat healthy food and drop your request that he go to bed at a reasonable hour.


This brat is armed to the 9 and willing to blow up you and himself to get his fucking Fun Dip though. Big difference.


You can't live in fear and let that dictate whether or not you roll back free speech protections. The police are more than capable to handle the threats, which are ultimately extremely minor in the scheme of things.

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The police are more than capable to handle the threats, which are ultimately extremely minor in the scheme of things.

*REALITY CHECK* -- The police can't do a damn thing about threats. The "Law" disallows them from doing anything until a threat is followed through. Only in the event of physical contact or bodily harm will the police do anything. And even then they have to have solid proof.

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Is it a truism that (other than the U.S. because i can't quite figure that relationship out) that the disenfranchised and poverty stricken areas in the world (by this I mean the disempowered) have a higher incidence of fundamentalism?


This isn't scientific on my part but it seems to me that the less individual power people have the more they cling to religion and especially fundamentalism. Is it a way to seek power and a psychological security?


I say this because countries like Sweden that are basically secure and uphold individual human rights seem to eshew religion while countries with a high incidence of personal power and security (say... Sudan) seem to be embracing fundamentalism.


As much as that dumbass movie is reprehensible (and an absolute insult to filmmakers everywhere) I absolutely agree that kowtowing to terrorism and violence is the wrong thing to do. It IS exactly like giving into to a toddlers tantrum... and reinforces unacceptable behavior, which anyone who has been a parent knows is a very slippery slope. Of course I also uphold the politically incorrect stance that criticism is acceptable for anything, including Israel/Zionism. Free speech has to be upheld across the board..even if it's icky and makes us uncomfortable. Even Phelps (ugh... I hate to say this but...) has the right to his opinion.


Funny... Kuwait is a pretty quiet Islamic country... it's also a very rich country with the highest literacy rate in the middle east (hmmmmmm....)

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The police are more than capable to handle the threats, which are ultimately extremely minor in the scheme of things.

*REALITY CHECK* -- The police can't do a damn thing about threats. The "Law" disallows them from doing anything until a threat is followed through. Only in the event of physical contact or bodily harm will the police do anything. And even then they have to have solid proof.


That's not my point. My point is, it's the police's job to protect against attacks. There are tons of security measures in place. It's the best we can do. Bending over and being afraid to exercise free speech is not the answer. Moreover, statistically, this is a very minor threat.

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What's bothering me the most about Islam right now is that so many countries are kowtowing to their demands for the chilling of free speech. We're bending over and spreading our ass cheeks for them and then just trusting them to be gentle when they fuck us. When a hysterical brat is throwing a tantrum and destroying your house, you don't promise to stop making him eat healthy food and drop your request that he go to bed at a reasonable hour.


This brat is armed to the 9 and willing to blow up you and himself to get his fucking Fun Dip though. Big difference.


Ha, sounds like some brats I encountered in the Deep South. The parents expected the little shits to magically grow into considerate, kind, gentle, compassionate, mature adults the second they blew out the candles on their 18th birthday cakes. (One thing I love about Idaho -- say what you want about Mormons, but generally kids here are really extremely well-behaved.)


If a kid is allowed to be a brat when it's young, I don't know why anybody expects it to be anything but worse when it's older. We let Islam have its way here, and I'm not sure why anybody thinks that'll be the end of the special considerations and chilling effects they ever demand.

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I'm of the opinion that we should basically ignore them, and deal with any actual thing as it comes up. When someone equates freedom of speech to them having freedom of speech but no-one else having it, I don't see the reason to bend over backwards for them.


And Vigile is correct- throughout history, terrorism has actually been going in cycles, of much terrorism then very little terrorism. The act of terrorism that began WW1, for instance, the killing of that Austrian aristocrat (was it Franz Ferdinand?) was actually a comparatively greater act of terrorism for the world at that time than 9/11. As long as we react to terrorism, it will just continue, because the whole purpose of it is to provoke a reaction.


That being said, I think all this Israel worship doesn't help matters in any way, shape, or form, and that we could probably do without it. It's not as big over here, but there are still religious communities pushing for it.

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