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Goodbye Jesus

Sexuality And Spirituality Go Hand In Hand

Guest anuway

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I've never gotten Satanism. It's just so... Christian, just flipped upside down, or rather inside out.

:HaHa: Good point. I had a feeling of what you said, but couldn't directly put words to it. Satanism is like a sub-culture under Christian culture.

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Maybe this thread should have been moved to the Ex-Christian Spirituality section . . . you know . . . where people wouldn't bash the new guy's religion just because it's different.

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I think he's a troll. Not a very entertaining one, either.

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The title: pun intended?

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?


Will never be too old for sex

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I've never gotten Satanism. It's just so... Christian, just flipped upside down, or rather inside out.

GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif Good point. I had a feeling of what you said, but couldn't directly put words to it. Satanism is like a sub-culture under Christian culture.

Here's a little Norwegian black metal black metal to inspire you by, if you're not familiar with it yet. And yes, those are naked people on crosses covered with human blood. It's an interesting upside down version of Christianity. IMHO.



Also, here's an interview with the Satanist lead singer of the band. At right before 6 minutes on this, he goes into this blank stare without blinking or moving for 3 solid minutes. If you listen to the full 5 part documentary you get a good feel for his "religion". He has been arrested several times for sadistically beating people to near death. This is no 'hype' thing for this person.



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a literal Mindfuck.


I don't know you, but I'm not buyin' it. Paint me Thkeptical. I think you are a Christian trying to prove how "bad" we are, by getting us to appear to agree with this nonsense.



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I don't know you, but I'm not buyin' it. Paint me Thkeptical. I think you are a Christian trying to prove how "bad" we are, by getting us to appear to agree with this nonsense.


Yeah I think you're right. Getting off on blasphemy sounds like a fundy stereotype of us, doesn't it?

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Hei, Thumbelina! *wave wave wave* Who's the teeniesomething pseudo-Satanist boy-toy who ghost-wrote this for you? Or was it your pastor?

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Well I guess I am just gullible. unsure.png

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I'm into other spiritualities that might be called "anti-Christian", like Vodou and Kemetic paganism, but they're just outside of it. I don't see them as "dark" either. That's a silly christian dualistic idea.


I find satanism to be utterly goofy, but whatever. I agree with Antler, it's so deeply couched in christianity that I am just turned off by it. It feels no different from christianity, just angry and emo about it. Bleh.


And if this is Thumby, bite my fat heathen ass, kthx.

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As I said, without Christianity, Satanism doesn't exist.


The proverbial light bulb came on this morning about your statement, and it now makes perfect sense.

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I am simply sharing what happened as I left Christianity. I am not trying to preach to anyone here. This is my story, not yours.

As you can imagine, this site gets all manner of trolls so new members whose viewpoints are somewhat different are sometimes looked on with suspicion. If that's not what you're doing then sorry...stick around but be prepared to have your spirituality challenged.


If that is what you're doing...stick around for the ride anyway. You might learn something.

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Eventually people get too old for sex, then what?


Will never be too old for sex


When I was a young undergrad, one of my classes was being audited by a wrinkly old lady. She was old enough that it was free, which is really a pretty cool thing the university does. Her husband came too, but he just sat in the back and seemed mostly deaf. We were discussing a recently released movie, which included complaining about its gratuitous sex scene. As the discussion wound down, the professor turned to the elderly lady and asked her if she and her husband were planning to go see it. She said "That sex scene, is it good? If we can't do it, we may as well watch!" The stunned, horrified, shocked silence from the room full of undergrads was priceless. When I get "too old" for sex, my plan is to be that lady :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alls I know is, with God and the dog watching (let alone that "cloud of witnesses" that certainly included my great-grandma), it was very hard to focus during fornication back in the day.



anuway, I think the need to have one's sex life approved by a god in order for it to be good or fulfilling is no different then the need to blaspheme one's former god in order to make it better. I understand the rush of freedom, I really do, but either way Jesus is still in bed with you.

Have you read the first chapter of Job? Do you suppose God and Lucifer are placing bets on who's name you'll call out when you orgasm?

C'mon man. It sounds like you switched teams, but are still on the same playing field playing the same game.

In this corner, Roseary Beads...in the opposing corner...Tarot Cards...

If it floats your boat, fine. When the hate wears off, you can call out my name if it helps.




Too old for sex? Reminds me of a cartoon I saw once. There was a very old couple in bed, the man was sitting up speaking to his partner. The caption was "Shout dirty to me!"

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It's a little of topic but I have a question and I don't know where to post it.


Sexuality and Christianity is a topic that interests me. I encountered a lot of sexually messed up and confused people during my 40+ year association with Christianity. I once served as an Elder in the Church of Christ. I heard a number of “confessions” about sexual issues and concernes people were dealing with. I've done a bit of study and research into this topic due to the teaching commonly associated with Christianity and sex. IMO, it's a pretty serious problem for many Christian people and couples


A fellow Elder, and close friend, came out of the closet and announced he was really a woman in every way but physically. He resigned from the Eldership, left the church, divorced his wife, and went through all the operations to transition into a woman.


He is physically a woman in every sense of the word now. He obtained his PHD and teaches college sexual and gender issue classes in another city now. And yes I still consider her a friend, but due to the physical distance between us now we only occasionally communicate by email now.


I bring this up because I see there is a forum for these issues but it’s restricted. I assume there are qualifications to gain entrance to this forum but I can’t find any information about that. Can anyone enlighten me on the qualifications to obtain entrance to that forum?

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It's a little of topic but I have a question and I don't know where to post it.


Sexuality and Christianity is a topic that interests me. I encountered a lot of sexually messed up and confused people during my 40+ year association with Christianity. I once served as an Elder in the Church of Christ. I heard a number of “confessions” about sexual issues and concernes people were dealing with. I've done a bit of study and research into this topic due to the teaching commonly associated with Christianity and sex. IMO, it's a pretty serious problem for many Christian people and couples


A fellow Elder, and close friend, came out of the closet and announced he was really a woman in every way but physically. He resigned from the Eldership, left the church, divorced his wife, and went through all the operations to transition into a woman.


He is physically a woman in every sense of the word now. He obtained his PHD and teaches college sexual and gender issue classes in another city now. And yes I still consider her a friend, but due to the physical distance between us now we only occasionally communicate by email now.


I bring this up because I see there is a forum for these issues but it’s restricted. I assume there are qualifications to gain entrance to this forum but I can’t find any information about that. Can anyone enlighten me on the qualifications to obtain entrance to that forum?


You just need to PM a moderator for the password. The three active moderators we have now are Ouroboros, Nivek, and Antlerman. The only qualification required is that you are a member of ex-c and you are an ex-christian. That's all :) It's password-protected to keep the fundies out. Hope that helps :)

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Thank you blackpudd1n.

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Thank you blackpudd1n.


No wukkers :)

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