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The Sacred Pyramid Texts


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The Pyramid Texts of Ancient Egypt are the oldest large body of written material in the world. They are engraved on limestone in thousands of lines of hieroglyphics.


I decided to read the first text as if it had been written for me. I translated some words so that it would make more sense and skipped the lines that were difficult to understand.


Here's the message:


The Sky says: "This is my son, my first born, Denyoz, my joy! This is my beloved, with whom I have been satisfied."


The Earth says: "This is my son, Denyoz, of my body."


The great Sky says: "This is my son, Denyoz, my beloved, my eldest son, who is upon the throne of the earth, with whom the Earth has been satisfied, to whom the Earth gave its inheritance in the presence of the gods, all of whom are in exultation, saying: “How beautiful is Denyoz, with whom the Earth is satisfied!"


The Sky says: "Denyoz, I have given to thee thy throne, that it may take hold of thee, that it may give thy heart to thee which belongs to thy body. This is my beloved, Denyoz, my son; I have given the horizons to him, that he may be powerful over them like the ruler of the land."


All the gods say: “It is the truth that thy beloved among thy children is Denyoz, to whom one will do service of courtier for ever.”


The great Sky says: "This is my son Denyoz, of my heart. I have given to him Djehuty, that he may be chief therein, like the high-above chief of Djehuty."


All the gods say to the Sky: “The Truth is that thou lovest Denyoz more than anything.”


"He lives, the king of the land, Denyoz, beloved bodily, heir of the Earth, whom Earth loves, Denyoz, beloved of all the gods."


"Denyoz is given life, endurance, joy, health, all happiness, like the Creator."


"He truly lives, the king Denyoz, the resurrected one, the beloved son of the Earth, and son of the Sky, his joy. Denyoz is endowed with life, endurance, joy, health, like the Creator, eternally."


The Sky says: "I unite thy beauty with this body and with this soul, for life, endurance, joy, health from high-above. He's like a divine apparition, the king of the land, Denyoz, the powerful lord of the City of Gold, Denyoz living eternally.”



Wow! I could get used to this, it's like a love letter from the Cosmos! And it goes on and on and on smile.png

If your self-esteem needs a boost, read this stuff and replace "N." with your name.

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Why does this sound so familiar? Thank you for sharing this. I hope Luna sees it. I think she will get a bang out of it.

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You do know the "pyramid texts" are liturgical and mostly for dead royalty, right?


You are aware that most people in ancient Egypt never saw them? Never read them?


And you are also aware that equating the dead king with the gods is because of the Kingly Ka s/he possessed in life? Which passes on to the next king?


This wasn't a religious text for the masses to worship over. Egypt has no bible. Don't treat ancient texts from there like they are.

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  • 1 month later...

You do know the "pyramid texts" are liturgical and mostly for dead royalty, right?

You are aware that most people in ancient Egypt never saw them? Never read them?

And you are also aware that equating the dead king with the gods is because of the Kingly Ka s/he possessed in life? Which passes on to the next king?




So since I'm the King of My Destiny, the Kingly Ka was passed on to me, and I read the text to uplift my soul because I felt dead. smile.png

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I think to be truly blessed by it though, you need epic scale delusion coupled with power enough to kill your appointed priests who don't tell you what you want to hear.

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Works for me.. as long as you realize YOU are the SKY, and the EARTH, giving YOURSELF the love and acceptance you need.


Borrowing words that uplift and inform.. it's all good. Everyone does it... or why would we read at all? Remain critical though... if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit.


The are tons of praises like this in Egyptian literature (and yes I see the connection between these lines and lines in the OT—City of Gold.. lol)

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