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Devout Catholics are supposed to pray the rosary every day. "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb" is a quote from luke 1:42. Maybe its just me, but makes me think "time of the month" :) I tried this prayer myself even though I wasnt a catholic, saying all those hail marys. I think the endless repetition is a mind control technique / brainwashing deliberated employed to reinforce beliefs.


"Master Rahl guide us. Master Rahl teach us. Master Rahl protect us. In your light we thrive. In your mercy we are sheltered. In your wisdom we are humbled. We live only to serve. Our lives are yours."


I'm a geek.

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When I was deconverting, a letter from my aunt, a lifelong nun now in her 60s, came to me about how happy she was to be staying with her mom (my grandmother) and taking care of her dog. You see, she could say her entire rosary during the walk, and that killed two birds with one stone. The mental image of a nun in sensible clothes saying her rosary while a geriatric beagle does its business killed the whole "repetitive prayer" business for me forever. That said, she sends me rosaries every few years for Christmas and they are uniformly stunning just to look at.


I used to know the "prayer" of the Dune dude, "by the will alone I set my mind in motion." I liked how it sounded.

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I used to know the "prayer" of the Dune dude, "by the will alone I set my mind in motion." I liked how it sounded.


"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."


That quote came from the David Lynch movie Dune and not from any of the original books, but it still sounds like it could have come from something Herbert wrote.



Of course, I have a t-shirt which says:


"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."



And I've always liked the Litany Against Fear:


I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.

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And I've always liked the Litany Against Fear:


I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.


I like it too.


And I saw it written on the wall in the top-floor bathroom in a boy's dorm in college. Makes perfect sense, hah!

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As a former Catholic -


Infallibility (of-ah da pope!)


Blessed Sacrament (talking about the Jesus crackers)


Mother of God (Abstinence is only 99.99999% effective)


At the Right Hand of the Father (referring to Jesus)


Repentance for your sins (say the Lord's Prayer 10 times)


Brothers and Sisters in Christ (referring to the whole world)


Church Militant (the Catholic church)


Church Triumphant (the Saints and Angels)


Those Dead in Christ (everyone who died who isn't in hell)


Through the mercy of God (as if there were no other way to get anything done)


Peace be with you (except if you're bad... then go to hell)


Living Waters (lolwut?)



This is an especially obnoxious phrase of my mom's... "Nothing happens except by God's will or by his permission."

Really? So the food I'm shitting out right now wouldn't have come out by itself? I needed God to help me take a dump? Really?


Fucking really?

I'm so glad God gives me permission to masturbate.


Or, wait... maybe it's God's will that I jerk off with a toothbrush up my ass sometimes?


Wow. God is fucking pervy!


As a skeptic -


The Other Side (This refers to any number of associated ridiculous phrases that I also find objectionable, such as, Beyond the Veil of Death, Across the still waters, The Spirit Realm, The Æther, Into the realm of Light, Spiritual Energy, Beings of Light, etc.)


Negative Energy (Do you mean, "This feels creepy?")


Will (I will it!)


Mote (not a dust mote, but the "I mote it be" thing. Why not just say, "So there!")


Goddess (Why is this any less ridiculous than god?)


Nature (Not the, "Wow. Look at the sunset over those trees. Isn't nature pretty?" but the "Nature guides my hand." Shut up. Just shut the fuck up)


Magic/ Magick/ Majik/ Majic/ Majick/ Majique (Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.)


Druidic Tradition (Really? So you keep the severed heads of your enemies on poles around your place? What do they cops think of that?)


As above, so below (Stop it. We have science now. That alchemy stuff is so five hundred years ago)



I could rant more, but I get way off-topic. I wish I had more stupid fundy things to share because the ones I've read are hilarious, but I never really associated with them.


Well... except when I was trying to bang Christina Sims in 10th grade and she belonged to a fundy church. She never put out even though I got all saved and stuff. Bitch.


"Fundy" is only one letter away from "Funny."




I think not.

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I could rant more, but I get way off-topic.


Carry on, ranting is good! Great post.

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The only "Fellowship" I'm interested in returned the One Ring to Mount Doom.

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  • Super Moderator


"Fundy" is only one letter away from "Funny."




I think not.


Great rant! As an ex-catholic, I can relate! Also, I had to laugh at the above because for years I've been saying "funnymentalist" for fundamentalist. (Notice where I live <--- ) I've done it so long, it has become automatic and I really do have to be careful sometimes around certain people. I swear my fingers naturally type "funnymental" anytime they're near the term "fundamental".........GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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I swear my fingers naturally type "funnymental" anytime they're near the term "fundamental".........GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


One other word I like is Christinsanity. The words -mental and -insanity some it up perfectly :)

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  • Super Moderator
I swear my fingers naturally type "funnymental" anytime they're near the term "fundamental".........GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


One other word I like is Christinsanity. The words -mental and -insanity some it up perfectly smile.png


Oh yeah, I love that word too! You're right -- those words are perfect descriptions for those crazy religious nutjobs!yellow.gif

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