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Goodbye Jesus

I Hate Xianese!


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Convicted/convicting (e.g., "If you don't agree with me and if what I'm saying makes you uncomfortable, that's just the Lord convicting you of your sin.")


This one drives be bugshit, and is definitely the worst one in my mind. "No, I'm not being rude and irritating, you just hate that you don't have my Jeebus. I'm better than you, and that bothers you, not the fact that I'm a mealy-mouthed crotch pheasant."




I got told once that I was being "soulish" instead of "spiritual" WendyDoh.gif



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"Lay holy hands on our brother/sister in the lord"

"Saturated in the spirit"

"oh lord we just invite your spirit into this place"

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At the charismatic church I went to, something we used to hear "I'm the head, not the tail!" all the time. Also, they used to rant and rave about the "harvest" (which, if I remember correctly, meant the unsaved).

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"Every head bowed, every eye closed, no one looking around."


Oh good god. For a second there I thought we had a psychic connection....Seriously, the holy hellhole's reverend chants that almost

every time he prays.

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Shaan-da-lei! (this is tounge talkin' Xianese)


Speaking in tongues could have its own thread....

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At the charismatic church I went to, something we used to hear "I'm the head, not the tail!" all the time. Also, they used to rant and rave about the "harvest" (which, if I remember correctly, meant the unsaved).


Harvest. I never thought of this before, but that's actually kind of insulting. It reminds me of when whoever brought someone to Sunday School or Vacation Bible School would get a prize for "leading a lost soul to the lord". I didn't consider it when I brought a kid because of course I wanted the reward, but if I was someone's guest, it made me feel like I was a prize. Just another tally on their harvest chart, like the kid had brought me to get the goodies. Now they could smile nicely at Jeebus, wait for the carrot, and feel smug about what righteous Xians they were.

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At the charismatic church I went to, something we used to hear "I'm the head, not the tail!" all the time. Also, they used to rant and rave about the "harvest" (which, if I remember correctly, meant the unsaved).


Harvest. I never thought of this before, but that's actually kind of insulting.



Yeah. Creepy. Like a blood harvest. Like zombies. Or the witches in the movie Hocus Pocus when they're calling all the children to them to consume their youthful life forces.


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Yeah, and I think the other thing they meant by it was the money or healing or whatever they were supposed to get from the Lard for giving tithes and offerings to the church (this church really bought into the whole word-faith deal).

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"every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jeebus is LARD".


No. Not gonna happen. Even if Jeebus, Sky-Daddy, and the Holy Spook exist, I WILL NOT BOW TO A TYRANT.

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"What would Jesus do?". I actually heard this at my workplace this week. This from someone who has absolutely no self control whatsoever, cussing yelling, pounding his fist, etc. almost a daily occurrence. Wait a minute, maybe it is appropriate.


Tell him "Jesus would get himself executed and then blame it on the whole world". crucified.gif


I never thought of it that way. Now I do. Brilliant! Thank you.

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"X-centered." Everything is X-centered, from what you eat to your family life to your marriage/sex life to your free time to your social life to what you read or watch to your favorite music.

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Not of this world (NOTW).



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Fellowship - I occasionally see this in a securlar context, but not like it was used back in church


The Lamb

Tribulation (Pre and Post as well)



Thou ( I can guarantee that if you hear someone drop a Thou anywhere outside of a Shakespearian theatre, that is one switched off little mind)



Hi by the way. Cool forum. happy.png

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hahahaha I should take a screenshot of the "Authentic Christian Believer" tag and send that to my family. They would be so proud. Anybody know how to get rid of that? WendyDoh.gif

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hahahaha I should take a screenshot of the "Authentic Christian Believer" tag and send that to my family. They would be so proud. Anybody know how to get rid of that? WendyDoh.gif


Whoever approved your account thought you were a Christian. You could PM one of the mods and ask them to move you to the regular group. Also it might be nice if you were to elaborate what you mean by "Yep" for Still have Gods.

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some of my favourites include;


We claim this in the name of Jesus

Commissioned by God

Standing in Faith

"You jus'gotta believe in the unseen."

Moving / thinking / speaking in the spirit.

I jus'wanna encourage in the lord

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"I don't belong here."


This is a common phrase in Christian music. It strikes me as especially sad and pathetic now, because these people aren't going to exist anywhere else. What a waste to spend the life you have wishing to be somewhere else.

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nice thread and posts everyone.


apologies if already covered...



the lord rebuke thee

love the sinner / hate the sin

peace be with you

God loves you and so do I

The one true God

fruit of thy womb :D rude

hunger for the eucharist

Jesus is the ONLY way


the bible is inerrant

every word is true

evolution is false

atheism is a religion

God's elect / chosen people

robes washed white in the blood of the lamb :D

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We claim this in the name of Jesus


Yep Expat, I remember this taught with the belief that we have to claim God's promises, and that he wants us to remind him of the promises in his word. Even commanding God to make good on his promises (I kid you not!). I think this was from the Kennith Hagen Word of Faith BS that was hand in hand with the prosperity doctrines.

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Not of this world (NOTW).



Or the companion "In the world, not of it".

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During praise and worship time: "Let's jam for the lamb!"

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some more. I'm hoestly embarrased that I know this stuff :)


you can be saved today!

Christ died for you

when Jesus comes back

Come Lord Jesus

Hell is real

The devil is real

Angels are real

The truth shall set you free

We are the church

Ask God

God's Word

Winning souls

sheep :D


angers God

The Body of Christ

Come to Jesus

Come Jesus Come ?

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: "Let's jam for the lamb!"



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@Adam5: "Fruit of thy womb"--what? Who says that?

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@Adam5: "Fruit of thy womb"--what? Who says that?


Devout Catholics are supposed to pray the rosary every day. "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb" is a quote from luke 1:42. Maybe its just me, but makes me think "time of the month" :) I tried this prayer myself even though I wasnt a catholic, saying all those hail marys. I think the endless repetition is a mind control technique / brainwashing deliberated employed to reinforce beliefs.

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