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Goodbye Jesus

I Has Questions!


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I was deceived by Christians because of their tradition rules.

but I managed to find the answer myself.


I am done with this forum!




.... FINALLY a christian who knows the REAL way!!! That's number 10,097 since I have been on this forum ... or is it 10,098?


This one gives up real easy!! Only 12 posts! LOL!


Proves he cannot be a REAL servant of christ!! Wendyloser.gif


Instead of turning the other cheek, he had a go at ours and then ran.

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in fact I am glad I'm leaving because now I don't have to deal with "synagogue of satans"

all I see are hypocrites.

Buh-bye idiot.


Ooops. That ban button deleted his posts too. Sorry guys. Well. Whatever. No loss.


Most of his crap was quoted by people responding to him, so the gist of what he was saying has been preserved.

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What? I missed the inevitable and usually oh so eloquent, "u r all gonna BURN in hell !!!!!!!!" post?


:( and i was so looking forward to it :P

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It looks like you are on the right track. Christianity tried to gain legitimacy by pretending that it was a continuation of Judaism. But as your questions above point out there are many ways in which Christianity is a new religion completely incompatible with Judaism. This is a trend among religions. New ones try to steal legitimacy from older ones, often incorporating or cannibalizing concepts from the older religion.



I got the impression from reading The Jesus Puzzle by Earl Doherty that Paul was likely just attempting to make Judaism more assessable to the masses. He wasn’t trying to start a new religion.


And I’m not aware of anything in Jesus supposed teaching that would indicate he was trying to start a new religion. It seems to me Constantine was the person responsible for establishing Christianity as a recognized religion, and this appears to have been for political not religious reasons.



I realize that is an overly simplistic summation and the actual evolution from Judaism to Christianity, as a stand alone religion, was far more complex.

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hmmmm... i would think that by criticizing the Pharisees (church leaders), reinterpreting the Sabbath laws and other tenets, having a hissy fit in the temple, and telling people, "follow me"...etc, that that would indicate he most definitely was trying to create a new faith. Not necessarily in an 'organized' way... like Constantine.. but he was teaching a different approach to Judaism than the established temple did. A radical approach. (Jesus was a rebel.. that's obvious)


Just by saying, "I am the way..." was starting a new religion.


Think of it this way... was Martin Luther starting a new religion by protesting the Catholic doctrines? Absolutely. Catholicism and protestantism have very different tenets... even if both are based on christianity—to the point where many protestants consider the catholic church to be the anti-christ.


Judaism and christianity are very different too.. even if they share the same roots. I believe christianity was considered a cult in the early years by both the Judaic temple and the Roman world, until the council of Nicea where it was 'sanctioned and canonized' by the government of that time as a political tool to win over the christians and the pagans.

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hmmmm... i would think that by criticizing the Pharisees (church leaders), reinterpreting the Sabbath laws and other tenets, having a hissy fit in the temple, and telling people, "follow me"...etc, that that would indicate he most definitely was trying to create a new faith. Not necessarily in an 'organized' way... like Constantine.. but he was teaching a different approach to Judaism than the established temple did. A radical approach. (Jesus was a rebel.. that's obvious)


Just by saying, "I am the way..." was starting a new religion.


Think of it this way... was Martin Luther starting a new religion by protesting the Catholic doctrines? Absolutely. Catholicism and protestantism have very different tenets... even if both are based on christianity—to the point where many protestants consider the catholic church to be the anti-christ.


Judaism and christianity are very different too.. even if they share the same roots. I believe christianity was considered a cult in the early years by both the Judaic temple and the Roman world, until the council of Nicea where it was 'sanctioned and canonized' by the government of that time as a political tool to win over the christians and the pagans.

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If your perception is correct, and it may be, then it seems to me that Jesus and Paul were on the same page. I tend to see them as reformers rather than initiators of a new religion, but I could be wrong about that.

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Ravenstar, If your perception is correct, and it may be, then it seems to me that Jesus and Paul were on the same page. I tend to see them as reformers rather than initiators of a new religion, but I could be wrong about that.

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Well, I've totally screwed up this post, and can't figure out how to fix it.

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Well, I've totally screwed up this post, and can't figure out how to fix it. Where is tech support when you need them?

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Geezer, I believe you gain the power to edit your posts after you have been here a while. I forget the number but you have to make a few hundred posts or so. You will also gain the power to vote up. Give it some time. Your post count will get up there eventually. You will also unlock better titles.

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Thanks for the info. I participated on another board for 7 years and eventually figured out all the little nuances. This mess started when I accidentally hit post before I was ready. It went straight into the crapper from that point on. Each attempt to fix it made it worse. Ravenstar is smart so she'll figure out what I was attempting to reply to her.



Yeah, an edit button just popped up. Does that mean I've been accepted into the community now? 17.gif

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Oh, that happened a while ago sweetie :) Just think, soon you'll be able to edit the title line above your picture! Be thinking of a good one!

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