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Goodbye Jesus

I Has Questions!


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how would you know I am telling you the truth? again what is truth!?

how can you define a truth?

we only believe something as a truth because it makes sense to our understanding!


The fictional character known as Jesus does not not make sense to my understanding therefore he does not exist.

You dont make sense to my understanding therefore you don't exist either.


You don't believe in God yet you hurt others through your wrong morality because you think you are right. What is right?

how can you know what is right if you don't know what truth is?


I know what is truth because I read Mad Magazine. It has truth in it where the bible contains no truth at all.


You insulting me by what you said, I believe it is not right because it is an insult therefore proving you are wrong! And if you believe you are right....how right i am again.


Your reasoning is impeccable.



it is fine for people not believing in any Gods or religion, but tell me....is it right for them to go around different Christians forums, spreading hate, trolling and spamming? for what benefit?


Christian forums are worthless. So why are you trolling this forum? For what benefit? This here forum you're on right now is an EX-christian forum. People here in this forum don't believe in Jesus, hence the snide comments about your non-existent savior.


I understand people are Atheist but is there a point in going around spreading hate?


I understand people are christians...why do they go around spreading their hate? Why do they degrade people by calling them sinners and tell them they will burn in hell? That's just hateful.


you may justify yourself and say "they were right to and they are p*ss off therefore they are just having their revenge".

Once again...if that justify them therefore it justifies a married man who finds out his wife cheated on him, beats up the wife, rapes her and kicks her out of the house; then searches for cheater and kills him.



how would I know what Enuma Elish of Babylonia? is if I don't know what it is?


I suppose you could look it up on Google. That's how I discover new things. I use my brain. I'm going to go look up Enuma Elish cuz I would like to know more.


your logic practically makes no several sense to me:/


Consider that logic is possibly not your forte. Try ping pong.


Ouroboros , I know he was talking to you, but I was bored and needed something to do. Feel free to delete this message if you like. :-)

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Um, Xino, if you act like an idiot, then don't get shocked if people treat you like one. I mean for fuck's sake man, it can't be that hard to educate yourself rather than demand everybody take time out of their day.


Oh, and your god was actually married. To a nice goddess named IIRC Asherah. He had a father-god in his pantheon and siblings. He had kids and everything. You know, before the Hebrews decided to go monotheistic and all and trash all their other gods and just go with a mashup of several of 'em. But I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you.


I suppose you expect Xino to like, click that link or something? You might have to go over to his house and click it for him. :-)

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For someone claiming to come from London, you sure have a fucking piss poor grasp on the English language. My guess you are not who you say you are and are just a fucking troll.

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How come the only christbots we get around here anymore are nukin' futs?

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first of all...the world is a lie!

Satan has turned this world to his footstool of lies.


you believe the person on your left and dismiss the person on your right, how do you know the person on your left is telling the truth?

the greatest question- what is truth?



I've never heard of Enuma Elish of Babylonia? what is it?

how do you know it isn't a lie just like the bible?

again what is truth?


who had a wife? Jesus had a wife? from the recent discovery?

yes I read my bible and it doesn't mention he had a wife.

Jesus is coming back, coming back for his bride. So it is quite contradictory to say he was married when he said and bible said he's coming back for his bride:/


no Jesus is not a white man. I never believed this and I want more people to look into the truth.

He was a black guy/dark skinned. Bible clearly described him.

the picture you see of him right now are "white washed" images.

Original mosiac images of Jesus as being dark skinned are destroyed and replaced with the white man you see today.


Well thank you very much for hijacking my post with your uneducated bullshit.


The world is a lie? What?


Satan's footstool? geez, for a 'created' being he sure has a whole lot of power... ridiculous. Does that mean the sun is his chair?


I don't believe anyone no matter what side of me they are on... I CHECK IT OUT FOR MYSELF, using as many resources as i can, and then making up my own mind.


Truth is that which is true... and verifiable. FACTS, not feelings.


The Enuma Elish is the creation mythology of the Babylonians.. you know, the CRADLE of Civilization. Sumer—first civilization on earth. Predates the Hebrews by at least a thousand years.. at least. Babylonia was where IRAQ is today. Egypt (Kemet) also predates the Hebrews... and both of these civilizations had cities, writing, laws... long before the Hebrews did. Strangely... most of the concepts in the Torah can be found in the writings of these two SUPER POWERS of the ancient world (along with Persia). This is VERIFIED through archaeology. I don't think the Enuma Elish is any more true than the bible... but it did come FIRST.


I don't care if 'jesus' was married or not—although to be a RABBI, you have to be married. That is jewish tradition (law? not sure). However, there is NO PROOF that jesus ever lived, much less married, so the point is moot.


IF jesus did exist he was a Hebrew... descended from a BABYLONIAN from Ur—Abraham, and probably Canaanite as well. He would have been a Semite. You know.. middle eastern, JEWISH, but not an arab.


There are no contemporary portraits of jesus... there never were... he wasn't even mentioned by historians who lived during his supposed lifetime.


This is NOT the Lion's Den... If you wish to debate these issues, please take it there. (Mods?)

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Enuma Elish is the flood myth that predates the one in the bible (Noah's flood). Genesis is a rip off of several stories from other religions.


yes....i'm sure it is.

then provide me proofs that shows the first early religions.


Troll-beast, child, that's about the stupidest thing I think anybody's said lately around here. I wonder why you think it's our job to give you a crash course in 300 years of history. Go educate yourself. There are lots of links on this very site, not to mention tons of outside third-party sites that talk extensively about those earlier religions. I'd be hard pressed to think of much about the Bible that isn't a direct plagiarism of an older religion's ideas.

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im not going to spoon feed him.

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Oh, I don't reckon he'll hang around for too long. The ones that come on the hardest tend to burn out the fastest. He's already demanding we spoon-feed him information any fool could find in five minutes of Googling. A proper troll knows to wait a week or two, build up some credibility, THEN start making weird demands.

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how would you know I am telling you the truth? again what is truth!?

how can you define a truth?

we only believe something as a truth because it makes sense to our understanding!

many people believe science as truth because the teaching makes sense to them, therefore they consider it truth.

And also, people believe science to be truth because they can repeat the experiments and get the same results, not just reading about it and making sense. It makes sense because it WORKS.


Now you try to repeat the prayer and see if you get an answer or not...


and for a mod like you, where is your respect?

Eh? What? What did I say that wasn't in respect?


so because you don't believe in any God, you think it is alright to just insult me?

What did I say to insult you? Are you so sensitive that you take it to be an insult to have someone disagreeing with you?


You insulting me rightfully proves you have no morality nor respect for me, yet you believe you are justified because you believe in nothing. So from your understanding, it is "right to insult others". ...now I know why this world is really running in peace right now (from your perspective).

What? I didn't insult you, unless you're extremely sensitive to opposition. Wow.


If you don't respect me, who would respect you? if others do not show respect to you why should you show respect to me?

yet you so rightfully justify yourself.

You don't believe in God yet you hurt others through your wrong morality because you think you are right. What is right?

how can you know what is right if you don't know what truth is?

Go fish.


You insulting me by what you said, I believe it is not right because it is an insult therefore proving you are wrong! And if you believe you are right....how right i am again. Because you believe hurting people's feelings through insult is right and justified. Further proving why this world is trash because of your self human beliefs.

I have no friggin' clue what offended you. Was it that you didn't know everything about your religion? You're offended because I tell you that you're supposed to know everything about your religion before you can claim that you know everything about your religion? Well... sorry for being logical. Sorry for hurting your feelings for telling the truth.


it is fine for people not believing in any Gods or religion, but tell me....is it right for them to go around different Christians forums, spreading hate, trolling and spamming? for what benefit?

I understand people are Atheist but is there a point in going around spreading hate?

I have never gone to a Christian forum. But no, I don't think it's okay for them to do so. But since this is a non-Christian forum and you're Christian... THAT MEANS YOU'RE THE ONE TROLLING!!! So you think it's okay for Christians to go around to different non-Christian forums, spreading hate, trolling and spamming? So that's okay with you?


you may justify yourself and say "they were right to and they are p*ss off therefore they are just having their revenge".

Or I may not... simply because I don't do it and I don't think that way. You twit!


You're just an asshat. You don't belong here.


Once again...if that justify them therefore it justifies a married man who finds out his wife cheated on him, beats up the wife, rapes her and kicks her out of the house; then searches for cheater and kills him.



how would I know what Enuma Elish of Babylonia? is if I don't know what it is?

your logic practically makes no several sense to me:/

You need to know everything you can about your religion. Where it came from. What other religions are there. What other faiths are there. What other facts are there. Or you will have the illusion of thinking that you have the "truth" when you haven't even gone far enough to make sure you have the truth about "God" or religion. How can you think you have the final answer to God without checking out ALL AND EVERY CLAIM AND/OR FACT about God? It's like a guy just learned how to boil eggs and claim that he's a master chef and can outcook Gordon Ramsey.


If you come back with your stupid accusations like the ones above, I'll send you packing for good from this site.

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How come the only christbots we get around here anymore are nukin' futs?

Because the normal ones know they can't make their case.

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Ouroboros , I know he was talking to you, but I was bored and needed something to do. Feel free to delete this message if you like. :-)

Hell no will I delete it. :)


Go at it. Give him all that he deserves, and if you need my post to do it, just do it.

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I think Hans is my new hero! wub.png

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Weird. It's bad for non-Christians to go to Christian forums and bother people, so therefore it's okay for him to come to an ex-Christian site and bother people. You can hit them as long as they hit you first, right? I forgot what Bible verse that was--was that in the Sermon on the Mount? Because I remember the bits about giving someone way more than they ask for, and the bits about turning the other cheek, and there was something in there about forgiving your enemies seventy times seven times, but somehow I must have missed the bit about "go ahead and be a reckless, abusive idiot--as long as it's in retaliation for a perceived slight."


So much for the Christian god making his children better people....

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I'm beginning to think that christians come here just in reaction to the name 'ex-christian' without looking further, and assuming that we know nothing... we are an affront, just by existing.


(sssshhhh... don't let on that the the truth is we are a secret satanic sect trying to undermine god so that evil can flourish and we can rape, steal, lie and pillage as it's our very nature and our deepest desire is to corrupt the poor christians.. those we can't corrupt we will persecute! mwahahahahahahaha ...by having our own website!)


They are 'offended' by the very notion of people being ex-christians.. how dare we!!!!? It's all very telling about their sense of security in their belief system.


I am truly stunned by their ignorance.. really, I had no idea.

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How come the only christbots we get around here anymore are nukin' futs?

Because the normal ones know they can't make their case.


We seemed to have earned that reputation. We used to get innocent do-gooders all the time. They've thinned out over the years to the point where now we just have a couple of die hards like End and Jay and then your extreme nut cases like this guy ever now and again. This, and we're not nearly as mean as we used to be.

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Hm. I'll try to up my game. You want to play it soft, we'll play it soft. You want to play it hard, we'll play it hard...



A lot of Christian "mysteries" are just the fallout of several competing theologies contradicting each other. Trying to make them fit is what makes the mystery. Life's horribly complicated when you have so much riding on making these competing contradictory theories make any sense whatsoever. Life's really made much easier by realizing what these theologies are--just the prevailing man-made wisdom of their time and place--and once their supposed divinity disappears, so does any need to worry about why they just don't fit together very tightly.

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We seemed to have earned that reputation. We used to get innocent do-gooders all the time. They've thinned out over the years to the point where now we just have a couple of die hards like End and Jay and then your extreme nut cases like this guy ever now and again. This, and we're not nearly as mean as we used to be.



We used to be the meanest bullies you could find. Good times, good times. :)

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I blame Margee. ;)

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I blame Margee. wink.png


I know. She actually caused some niceness to break out here. It's a shame, really. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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I think Hans is my new hero! wub.png


Ravenstar, I think you are my hero! I just love the way you tear 'em up... with information and logic!

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Jesus doesnt exist, you fucktard. Educate yourself on your own damn religion.

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in fact I am glad I'm leaving because now I don't have to deal with "synagogue of satans"

all I see are hypocrites.

Buh-bye idiot.


Ooops. That ban button deleted his posts too. Sorry guys. Well. Whatever. No loss.

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I was deceived by Christians because of their tradition rules.

but I managed to find the answer myself.


I am done with this forum!




.... FINALLY a christian who knows the REAL way!!! That's number 10,097 since I have been on this forum ... or is it 10,098?


This one gives up real easy!! Only 12 posts! LOL!


Proves he cannot be a REAL servant of christ!! Wendyloser.gif

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Oh man, did I miss a grade-Z FLOUNCE?!?



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I blame Margee. wink.png


The departure of Grandpa Harley struck a blow too. That man could undress a christian like Voltaire grumpy from a hangover.

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