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Motion Sensored Public Restroom Sinks


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Motion Sensored Public Restroom Sinks


I hate them!


By the time I wiggle my hands enough to get them to work, I'm half-tempted to take my soapy hands and finish washing them in the nearest toilet!


Then when the water finally decides to turn on, it stops when you try washing your hands!


Its the work of the devil I tell ya!

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But they are better than those evil little push-down faucet contraptions. Push. Thimble of water spurts out before faucet quickly turns off. Soap hands. Push with back of hands. Thimble of water spurts out before faucet quickly turns off. Hold with back of one hand while sort of washing one hand by itself. Reverse hands. Repeat. Reverse hands to clean up first hand. Leave room pissed off.



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A place I frequent has motion sensor equipped hot air hand dryers. I always inadvertently set off the noisy damn thing as I'm washing my hands. Startles the shit out of me every time, and the cycle thus begins again...

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I generally prefer to not touch anything in a public restroom, so I can put up with the quirks of the motion sensor sinks and such. What I hate is when a public restroom only goes halfway with the concept, and has motion sensors on the sinks, but has a paper towel dispenser you have to crank manually, completely negating the point of having motion sensors on anything.

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It's the same at my work. The first sink you come to used to be the most popular one, so it's become the first one to stop working 90% of the time. Now you don't go to it unless all the others are full. I really hate them.

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The one at my work actually works well.

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Great theory. Really annoying reality.

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I'll tell you what I hate- public restroom doors that open INWARD. It's fucking stupid. You've just washed your hands, and now you've got to grab the same handle that everybody else has grabbed with their own dick-handler. Couldn't we put a little forethought into it when we build something?

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I'll tell you what I hate- public restroom doors that open INWARD. It's fucking stupid. You've just washed your hands, and now you've got to grab the same handle that everybody else has grabbed with their own dick-handler. Couldn't we put a little forethought into it when we build something?


This is exactly why I use a paper towel to open the door of the restroom at my job.

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My mom used to say that she could never EVER get anything like that to work. She had to ask other people in the restroom to hold their hands in front of the sensor so she could wash her hands. Then, when she got pregnant with me, she suddenly could use them.


I always tell her she could've been a successful thief if she hadn't gotten pregnant.


What I DO love are those hand dryers that are like freaking jet engines and you can watch flaps of skin move around in waves and even stick your face under it have your cheeks flap around like you're on some super fast roller coaster. We had a few of those in the bathrooms at the church I went to and I was caught more than a few times playing with it.

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A place I frequent has motion sensor equipped hot air hand dryers. I always inadvertently set off the noisy damn thing as I'm washing my hands. Startles the shit out of me every time, and the cycle thus begins again...

Those hot air hand dryers can transmit E Coli (shit bacteria) because the dryer collects room air (that already has shit germs flying through the air from every toilet flush) and blows it onto your hands. Thus, you are putting everybody elses' shit germs onto your hands every time you use a hot air dryer. eek.gif (I can find the original study if you like, but basically it showed higher rates of E Coli colonization on peoples' hands after using hot air hand dryers.)


Wipe your hands on your pants. Isn't that what pants are for? tongue.png

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I'll tell you what I hate- public restroom doors that open INWARD. It's fucking stupid. You've just washed your hands, and now you've got to grab the same handle that everybody else has grabbed with their own dick-handler. Couldn't we put a little forethought into it when we build something?


This is exactly why I use a paper towel to open the door of the restroom at my job.


And, further reinforcing in my mind why I open the restroom door with a paper towel: today, the person in the stall next to me left without washing his hands after doing a number two. That should be a punishable offense.

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A place I frequent has motion sensor equipped hot air hand dryers. I always inadvertently set off the noisy damn thing as I'm washing my hands. Startles the shit out of me every time, and the cycle thus begins again...

Those hot air hand dryers can transmit E Coli (shit bacteria) because the dryer collects room air (that already has shit germs flying through the air from every toilet flush) and blows it onto your hands. Thus, you are putting everybody elses' shit germs onto your hands every time you use a hot air dryer. eek.gif (I can find the original study if you like, but basically it showed higher rates of E Coli colonization on peoples' hands after using hot air hand dryers.)


Wipe your hands on your pants. Isn't that what pants are for? tongue.png


That makes sense. Doesn't matter, though, if all the cooks and servers are dousing their hands in E-Coli. I might as well do it too!

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I'll tell you what I hate- public restroom doors that open INWARD. It's fucking stupid. You've just washed your hands, and now you've got to grab the same handle that everybody else has grabbed with their own dick-handler. Couldn't we put a little forethought into it when we build something?


I also hate stall doors that open inward so you practically have to stand on the toilet to get out. Who the fuck designs public restrooms anyway?


Also worth mentioning are those those goddamn rubber urinal mats that make it impossible to take a piss without getting splashed. How is that more sanitary than no mat at all?

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But they are better than those evil little push-down faucet contraptions. Push. Thimble of water spurts out before faucet quickly turns off. Soap hands. Push with back of hands. Thimble of water spurts out before faucet quickly turns off. Hold with back of one hand while sort of washing one hand by itself. Reverse hands. Repeat. Reverse hands to clean up first hand. Leave room pissed off.


Fortunately those have become less common in recent years. Also, every single one of them tends to have the chrome plate flaking off with crusty brass showing through... because of that they frequently jam and you have to really mash it down to make it work. Yes, they "save water" by being nearly impossible to use.


Both the sensor and push-down faucets make the business owner look like some kind of miser who is more concerned with pinching pennies on their water bill than providing decent restrooms.

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A place I frequent has motion sensor equipped hot air hand dryers. I always inadvertently set off the noisy damn thing as I'm washing my hands. Startles the shit out of me every time, and the cycle thus begins again...


You know the little picture on it with the hands under the dryer and the three wavy red lines coming out symbolizing heat?


Saw one one time where someone wrote on it "push button, receive bacon".


I almost lost it laughing so hard.

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I have a policy with those motion-activated sensors.


If they're on a toilet, I block them with a piece of toilet paper- because I've had enough of getting my ass-cheeks sprayed by water and feces.


When the motion sensors are on a faucet, I do a functional test and make sure that at least ONE faucet works before I soap my hands. Because more than once I've lathered up only to find that not one single faucet functioned.

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I don't mind them. Unless you end up in a bathroom where none work.

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At a McDonald's today and noticed a combination of motion sensored toilets, MANUAL faucets and hand dryers with NO paper towels along with an inward opening door.


Can't get out of that one without bringing along some critters...

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Or high tech toilets that you expect to flush on their own but you still have to push a small button that is certainly within splash range.

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Motion Sensored Public Restroom Sinks


I hate them!


Its the work of the devil I tell ya!


I once sat my wide open purse in the sink (nowhere else to put it) and sat on the toilet quickly (It was 4 feet away from the sink) to let go of a bursting bladder.......by mid stream......the water from the 'magic' tap was overflowing everything out of my purse into the sink.......What a bitch to clean up!! The paper, cards and junk in a womans purse is unbelievable!!


Never again! woohoo.gif

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Oh, I can't resist...


The following is a scene from My 2006 NaNoWriMo novel. Aunt Tata is a 9-inch-tall Chinese Tea Dragon who, as you can see, runs afoul of the automated gizmos in a hotel bathroom...

Aunt Tata hopped up on the faux marble counter, holding her oily paws out in front of her. She shrugged off the parasol that balanced in the crook of her left arm and leaned it against the backsplash of grey ceramic tiles. Liang's "everything" spring rolls... Delicious, but greasy as ever.


Soap. Need soap.


The dispenser was mounted about six inches off the counter, which put it roughly at Tata's shoulder height. It had a broad plastic lever set on a slight forward angle, designed to squeeze some pink stuff out of the plastic bag within, and a peeling black and silver label advertising a local cleaning supplies firm.


She took a run at the lever and hit it with a solid shoulder-check. Thick cherry-scented goo gushed out, onto the counter and all over Aunt Tata's feet and footwear. At about the same moment she started to understand that rude human in the video game. {Tata and company were playing Duke Nukem 3D earlier in the story.}


Well, that's done. Time for the...


Tata walked around to the back of the sink, puzzling at the design. She couldn't find the controls. No faucet handles, no levers, no buttons to--


As she leaned off the top of the spout, looking for something to pull or push, she triggered the electronic sensor. A gush of tepid water caught her under the chin and pulled her down into the washbasin, subjecting her to a five second rinse cycle. Now she had a soaking wet chángshan, but her turquoise brocade slippers were clean.


Even the one stuck in the drain.


She spat out a mouthful of cherry soap and reached for her shoe, receiving another power-drenching for her trouble.


For a fleeting moment she gazed at the electric hand dryers that could be seen reflected in the mirrors over the sink. "Aah!" she said, waving away the inauspicious thought. Then her eyes lit upon a neat pile of brown paper towels at the far end of the counter. Tata put on her wet Mary Janes, retrieved her parasol, and squished down the counter towards a promise of dryness.


The lights flickered. Fearing the worst, and remembering that she hadn't saved her game, Aunt Tata raced over to the towels and hastily wrung, squeezed and cajoled water out of her mane and clothing.


The dryer closest to the door came on. Tata turned to see who was using it, and saw only the drier.


The second dryer roared to life, just as the first one grumbled to a halt.


She squeaked in fright and parachuted off the counter with the intention of hitting the ground running. This malevolent bathhouse was obviously out to get her.


Tata's theory received further corroboration when, a few inches from the ground, an eddy of warm air from the drier caught the silk of the parasol and yanked her off-course. She landed tail-side down on the hard floor.


And then she saw It.


Just as the third dryer came alive all by itself she made out the outlines of the culprit: A shimmering mass of varicoloured light and empty space, about as tall as the counter.




She whacked the apparition with her green parasol.


The silk caught fire.


Aunt Tata shrieked and bolted for the exit. As she rounded the awkward zig-zag path out of the bathroom, her right foot slipped on a discarded shard of toilet paper. She spun out of control and executed an involuntary aerial cartwheel before landing in the splits on the hallway carpet.


"Diamondz, man. Flying Dragon, Flaming Umbrella."


One penguin gave her the flippers-up sign. The other held up a scorecard: 9.8.


- From The Passion of Marty-Sue, a novel set in a science fiction/fantasy convention, 2006.

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So the floor I work on in generic office building one is a little guy heavy.


The motion senor toliet in the community bathroom.....suck.


They don't push out enough water to flush the shit, and then we add to it the germaphobes who coat the toilet seat with an inch a paper before they do the deed.


Some how it's only flooded once.

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Ya'll better just stay in your sanitized US and never, ever, ever, visit India.

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The motion sensored commodes are the worst. You have to sit very very still, or else WHOOOSH!!!! It's like a waterslide.

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