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Quick And Easy Poll: What Motivated You To Accept Salvation?


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It was drilled into me since birth. My father is a So. Baptist preacher and I just thought that it was something to do--baptism. So I was baptized at age 7. Fundyism was taught every day so you did not think to question what you are being taught.

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I was seven. I'm not exactly sure what motivated it as the main factor. I think it was that I was told god loved me very much and I wanted to reciprocate, the way I returned my family's love. The torment of the hell threat didn't really come until years later.

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Guest wester

Salvation - such that it was - was shoved down my throat like gargantuan poison unpeeled banana - under threat of massive permanent serious physical abuse if I refused (to accept the mental and spiritual abuse that it actually was).....

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Salvation was pushed on me hard in the fundie school, which I went to starting in jr high. It was more of a combination of fear of hell and fear of/ yearning for acceptance from my peers.


Funny thing is, I never felt saved, so I always doubted it. It drove me mad. Quite literally. I accepted it, but waited for that magical peaceful feeling everyone talked about. I never got that, and only had my behavior picked apart by vain rich cuntbags, along with my appearance and wardrobe, until I was positive I was unsavable. They were good christians, why couldn't I stop my brain from sinning and just be like them?


Jr high and high school is normally hell, but mix it with southern baptists, and you have a recipe for teen suicide.

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I was about 12. My father converted and I accepted everything he said, so when he said this was the truth I believed it. Later the fear of Hell came and that's what kept me in for so long, but I don't think initially it was the factor why I converted. It was more that I simply believed what my father told me.

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I accepted Christian Salvation because I was lonely and wanted to be accepted somewhere.

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I was practically born on the altar, so I had no choice but to attend church and serve Jesus. Being afraid of going to hell, was one of the reasons why I clung to Christianity for a long time. I never said the sinner's prayer because I was convinced that I was saved. After all, I was living a righteous life. How arrogant of me!

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I was 19, bored with my life. And then I experienced an extreme unction which was a major determining factor.

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I was straight up indoctrinated. Hell just made it harder to get out.

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Surprisingly, it wasn't the fear of hell that initially caught me. It was the notion that I was living an empty life without jesus, and NOTHING no-matter-what-I-would-try apparently could fill that EMPTINESS... you know that void we all have that we don't know is there until the preacher tells us. Wasn't really afraid at the time, just giving jesus a try. Surprise Surprise, it didn't work out.


The Hell fire and brimstone torture thoughts didn't come about until much later

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I was most certainly indoctrinated very effectively. However, as a teenager I made the decision f or myself, and the fear of hell most definitely was a part of that. Hence, I voted for hell.

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though I have already voted and responded. Thought I would share this.






Well they had the 'call' during the last part and I heard a voice say 'Get up'. Of course I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me until I heard it say 'Get up... NOW'. I literally felt a force pick me up by the arm and drag me to the Pastor and right then and there I fell to me knees and acceped Jesus and promised Him from that point on, to study His Word and only His Word



god made me do it.

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